• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Apparently, previous editions of D&D...


Staff member
It may not be something you do often, but it is common. Most any animal will hang around a source of decent food. Dogs, cats, grad students, you name it. Once you feed 'em, you can't get rid of them.

There is an old, old saying along those lines, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Ducks, especially. Ducks are among the most harmless animals on the planet. As opposed to geese, how can be real jerks.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Ducks, especially. Ducks are among the most harmless animals on the planet. As opposed to geese, how can be real jerks.

That's Ornithologically Discriminatory!

I was going to say that was being ornithologist (like sexist), but apparently that word already means something else...:p

My Wife had an issue with the above mentioned Jinxy and a Duck.

One morning (while I was still in Afghanistan) my Wife got up and went to let Jinxy in from his nightime wandering, only to find him sitting on the patio with a gift: a full-grown Mallard. The apartment complex we lived in had a pond with a family of Ducks on it, and apparently Jinxy had taken one down during the night. My wife just kind of stood there in shock - partly because she didn't know what to do with the duck and didn't want to touch it, but also because she was certain we would get in trouble for our cat killing one of them. Just as she decided that she at least needed to dispose of it, and had bent down to pick it up, the Duck suddenly came back to life and took off in a flurry of wings and quacks (of course with Jinxy hot on it's trail trying to catch it again). Apparently it had only been stunned or just playing dead (but I don't know if Ducks will feign dead or not). Scared the living hell out of her.


Staff member
Yeah, Romans used to use Geese as guard animals, and I remember a goose at a friend's house that used to take a nip at anyone who got close.

Swans can be like that too. There is a golf course in the Dallas/FW Metroplex that has a "Swan Hazard"- a very large male has been known to attack folders who get too close to his pond. A VERY large bird he is, too.

Ducks, OTOH, are largely harmless...though I hear some are starting to carry shivs.


First Post
Yeah, Romans used to use Geese as guard animals, and I remember a goose at a friend's house that used to take a nip at anyone who got close.

Swans can be like that too. There is a golf course in the Dallas/FW Metroplex that has a "Swan Hazard"- a very large male has been known to attack folders who get too close to his pond. A VERY large bird he is, too.

My very first job was at a very nice restaurant here in town. They had this huge yard, with lots of geese and swans. And those bastards were M-E-A-N. They had absolutely no problem chasing people that got to close and nipping them.

Ducks, OTOH, are largely harmless...though I hear some are starting to carry shivs.

Largely harmless. Though it is fun to watch naive parents take their kids down to the pond/river near my house, and give their child a bag of bread, and tell him to go feed the ducks. The ducks will swarm the kid, knock him down and rip all the bread away from him. The child is never hurt, but I sure get a kick out of watching it.

Duck muggings are funny in a laugh out loud kind of way...

Lamb muggings are funny in a s*** your pants because you're laughing so hard kind of way.

Petting zoos are notorious for having little baby animals for little baby children to pet, and of course there is the requisite gumball machine full of "cattle chow" so the kiddies can feed them. Once the lambs figure out that the little kids can't stand up to their head butting, the fun commences.

Picture if you will a small 4 year old child surrounded by three lambs of about 3 months. One head butts the kid in the stomach so he drops the food, another jump/tackles him from the side and another head butts him in the butt (guess that a literal head-butt) so he falls on his face. Now, the food is already on the ground, so the lambs could just eat it and go, but instead they spend a couple minutes butting the hell out of the poor kid who is stunned and confused as to why he is suddenly on his stomach.
I probably should have helped my son, but I was too busy laughing so hard my stomach hurt... I had to excuse myself to the potty soon thereafter.

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