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Armageddon: Rise of the Nephilim [Closed - Interested Alternates Possible]


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“When the Adversary and his forces open the Gate, the Æternitas will wake and return from their hiding place. They will collect the Nephilim, to combat the darkness and send the Prince of Darkness and his minions back to the Abyss to await Judgment.”
– Anonymous

This has always been the way – each millennium the Gate is breached, and we arise and collect this generation’s number to combat the Adversary. Each time, they have beat back the tide of darkness. Every time… until now.

Somehow, in the beginning of the third millennia after our Lord bought the freedom of the masses with His precious blood, the Adversary discovered a way to breach the Gate without immediately awakening the Æternitas. However, the breaching of the Gate did awaken this generation’s number, who the Adversary sought out… to convert to his cause.

By the time we awoke, many of the first Nephilim had been converted to darkness, but the Adversary had also changed his method of operation. No longer did he march directly on the gates of Heaven, no – instead, he had chosen to fight a more protracted war, using the world of mortals as his battlefield and their souls as his tally-board. In this way, he hopes to turn the masses from Him, bringing about a horrific age of darkness upon this world.

Now, as the Adversary’s chosen, the first, the Nephaxis, move his influence throughout the world of mortals, secretly corrupting our world, preparing it for their master, we find ourselves fighting a secret war, in the darkened alleys and byways of the world of mortals, as we collect the second Nephilim – this generation’s number, who must not only fight the forces of the Adversary, but also their wayward brethren.


Armageddon: Rise of the Nephilim
I've decided to run a game. The setting will be present day Earth, but with substantial Judeo-Christian/Qabbalistic underpinnings; the characters are distance descendents of the original Nephilim (see Genesis 6 or other sources for vague details, and allow for substantial literary license :D). The enemy -- the minions of the Adversary, as well as the wayward Nephilim (called Nephraxis) that have joined Lucifer's cause. However, just because the source material has many religious undertones, I do not intend nor wish for this to become a "religious dialogue" or an "experience;" the material is simply for explanation of the powers, and to squarely START the characters on the side of Good, and to define the bad guys as Evil -- where the two end up as the game progresses is up to you... :D

This will be a dark, gritty setting -- the Fallen and the Nephraxis are subtle, manipulative, and deeply integrated into our world, and will not give up their mission or their foothold without a fight. Luckily, you will have the Æternitas to guide you.

I'm looking for four players -- I already have two other players presently interested.

We will run using Mutants and Masterminds. Characters will start at PL 8. I've attached a file for specifics on what powers are allowed or modified -- please take a look at it. I've also included the variants I intend to use at the end of the file.


  • Rise of the Nephilim.doc
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Andrew D. Gable

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Is all well with that Word file? My computer's giving me error messages when I try to open it. Anyhow, I might be interested. I was immediately hooked by "nephilim" and "kabbala" -- I loves me some esoteric religious stuff. So color me a "definitely maybe".


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Andrew D. Gable said:
Is all well with that Word file? My computer's giving me error messages when I try to open it. Anyhow, I might be interested. I was immediately hooked by "nephilim" and "kabbala" -- I loves me some esoteric religious stuff. So color me a "definitely maybe".

I haven't had any troubles opening or creating it, but I am running Office XP; if anyone else is having difficulties opening it, I can always simply post the changes here instead of using a Word file.

Thomas Hobbes

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I would definitely be interested, although I admit some, but not total, inexpierience with M&M.

(incidentally, word file works fine for me.)
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I'm also interested. I've only had the M&M books for a couple months now but I've played a few games in Freedom city Pbp and understand most of it.

I've got a character in mind I really want to try out. He's got the sorcery power but doesn't have any offensive abilities and has the quirk: won't harm others. Seems like he would work well in this setting.


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Some things I thought about while looking this over --

In character generation -- Skills are 1:3 ratio. Also, weaknesses are allowed, but obviously must be approved by me.

In character history, consider the following:
  • Powers of the descendents of the Nephilim manifest at or after puberty, but this can be "waived" on a case by case basis, depending on story.
  • Normal people generally are unaware of the beings that lurk among them.
  • Most normal people react fearfully when confronted with the Nephilim or other supernaturals -- some degree of secrecy may be a good idea.

About me --
This game will move at whatever pace is good for all of us. I have a full-time job and I'm married, so I may not be able to post everyday, but I generally can.

The first "Issue" will mostly deal with gathering the group together and "indoctrination" into the ways of the Nephilim by the Æternitas.


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I can post twice a day but slower is fine by me (As long as it isn't too slow :) )

Just a couple of questions. They are probably obvious but I am pretty new to M&M.

Is Immunity:Aging available? (Just a roleplaying idea, I might make my character a veteran from the previous war who's been sticking to the shadows and performing the occasional miracle. Or not if it seems to hard to roleplay)

If I have sorcery with the rote flaw can I still add extras to spells I already know (IE: Adding resurrection to healing)?

If the above is yes how long do extras last?

Fianally is the game going to be combat heavy, RP heavy, or 50/50. If it's combat heavy I'll need to rethink my entire character.

Is the quirk I mentioned above okay? To clarify it a little more. My character can still act against opponents with things like possesion and mind control to stop them from fighting or teleport to send them somewhere else but he couldn't actively attack another person or use his powers in a way that will actively cause harm to others. In other words no possesing a character and then commiting suicide or teleporting a person 2 miles up and letting them fall. He can use his bluff and intimidate skill to make people think he will though.


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Put me down as interested. I'm not that familiar with the source/inspirational material, but it sounds like a great start.

I'm acquainted with the game...as I'm busy trying to get another M&M game started up on the boards. I haven't had a chance to play, however, so I'm eager for the opportunity.

I'll try to come up with some concepts.

Thomas Hobbes

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Mmm. It appears that the core rulebook is not as accessable as I thought it would be. I think I'll bow out of this for the convience of all concerned, and to open another slot.

I'll keep an eye on it, though; it seems quite interesting. :)


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Drakknyte32's question about the mix of combat/role play may have a significant impact on my choice of character.

Couple other questions:

Where does the story begin? Or does it not matter where our characters start?

Does character age matter much?

Is it at all likely that our characters would have encountered someone else with super powers in their past? Is it more prevalent with family? Or are they likely to feel very alone with their powers?

Couple character concepts I'm contemplating:

Professional stage magician - Illusion, Dazzle, Charisma. Probably a good frontman, but combat-lite.

Former boxer - Good melee fighter, moderate Str/Dex, very resilient. Not too bright, but good heart. Gave up fighting when he realized he had a supernatural advantage over his opponents.

Hmmm...couple other ideas percolating away. Will keep thinking on it.

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