Ralif Redhammer
It's from Tom Wham's Snit Smashing and Snit's Revenge:The what? I had never noticed that little guy before.
It's from Tom Wham's Snit Smashing and Snit's Revenge:The what? I had never noticed that little guy before.
Is it this?Despite a Google search I can't find mine. It was from the original basic D&D Creature Catalog book and was a simple B&W drawing of an aquatic beholder (an Eye of the Deep to use now). When I got that book as one of my first D&D purchases as a young teen, that particular picture sparked my imagination so much and I've never forgotten it.
That's it! You star!Is it this?
Damn, I only just now noticed the shadow. I have never that of the bizarre trait in a dynamic pose like this.View attachment 393244
I've loved perytons since the 1e MM. This, from the 24 MM is just has all the right vibes for me.
This one is mine. As a general rule, I am more prone to like illustrations where the monster is captured in action rather than a pose. So there's a lot I can look forward to in this MM