D&D General [ART THREAD]Your Personal Favorite D&D Art For a Monster

While I'm definitely a big fan of a lot of the art in the new 2024 MM that has been showcased, one of the monsters I prefer the older 5e design for is the Sphinxes, the Androsphinx especially. Maybe its the massive Lion King fan in me but I love how regal and majestic this fellow looks.

Also I'm not a very big fan of the humanoid faces typical Sphinxes have most depictions, particularly on the male ones.


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I feel that the rakshasa perhaps wouldn't be as iconic of a monster now if not for the quality of this piece. It really conveys "scheming yet sophisticated man-eating monster" well.
An ogre and a rakshasa will both eat people, but the rakshasa will use a knife and fork and knows exactly what wine to pair with any given method of preparing a species.

It's the same appeal as Hannibal Lecter: sophisticated and stylish but at the same time utterly monstrous.

An ogre and a rakshasa will both eat people, but the rakshasa will use a knife and fork and knows exactly what wine to pair with any given method of preparing a species.

It's the same appeal as Hannibal Lecter: sophisticated and stylish but at the same time utterly monstrous.
You perfectly encapsulated why these guys are one of my favourite monsters!!

The iconic belgoi from Dark Sun's AD&D Boxed Set by Brom, on the player/DM adventure guides, fits the setting as it lures you into your certain doom with its bell, all superposed by the desolate world and its twin moons.

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I remember seeing that art for the first time on the cover of Dragon Magazine. Everything about it sells you on Dark Sun being so different, so alien from other D&D settings at the time.

Another Trampier art piece that was reused I think in future monster manuals. It's not a perfect Rakshasa (their palms are backwards), but it caught my eye each time I flipped pages. I finally realized it's because all the other monsters are drawn like they're going to attack you, and this guy is having a casual smoke. He's so badass he is going to enjoy his smoke before he decides what to do with you.

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And don't forget the Bolotomus in the lower right corner!

Not sure if this would be my favorite, but it is one I think about being the start of it all.

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I see people make fun of this and of Sutherland's art in general - but this painting in particular just warms my heart and brings me joy every time I see it. I'm a big fan of his Orcus drawing too:

It's actually looks like it was drawn by a medieval monk. The fact he included the miniature stand also makes me laugh.

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