D&D 5E As a DM cleric spells to watch out for in 5e?

The spell which alters our setting the most is Sending. It's not a "bad" spell but it fundamentally changes how your PCs will achieve quests they're on. It's a rare adventuring day where we don't conclude the day with one or more Sending spells to allies, or information brokers, or even enemies.
In all my years of gaming, the one thing I've always wanted to do with Sending is to go somewhere private around 2am and just scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" at the BBEG. 25 times. Every scream just a full breath of air, as long and as loud as you can without blowing out your vocal cords.

With enough slots, or a Warlock taking short rests over the night, you might even make the BBEG exhausted and down some spell slots of his own for the final confrontation. :coffee:

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
In all my years of gaming, the one thing I've always wanted to do with Sending is to go somewhere private around 2am and just scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" at the BBEG. 25 times. Every scream just a full breath of air, as long and as loud as you can without blowing out your vocal cords.

With enough slots, or a Warlock taking short rests over the night, you might even make the BBEG exhausted and down some spell slots of his own for the final confrontation. :coffee:
Oh my. Hiring a crew of mid level Warlocks to cast sending as many times as possible all night to the BBEG :)


I don't remember people using Sending so often before OotS highlighted it.

And the lack of focus leads to a lot of weirdness with it because no one thought to create any defenses against it.

You can drunk dial the king and random dragons and their fat mamas forever and a day, and you can draw it way out because it's word count, not time that limits it.

You can just have the entire parts grab a scroll and call up Godslayer the Kurst and acapella sing 'Butts' to him and there is nothing he can do about it. He can't even trace the call and beat you down.

It is the perfect spell.

It is the perfect spell.
Just imagine Senator Palpatine trying to give his infamous speech to the Senate, while a Sending spell blasts in his head at the same time. It could easily be grounds for disadvantage due to distractions. Especially if it happens multiple times. Like internet pop-up ads you CANNOT refuse or turn off.

Alternatively, the BBEG might have a henchman do it to YOU during your big political speech. Or heck, one particularly verbose BBEG might regularly cast Sending to heckle and mock you with whatever slots they have left over at the end of the day. Handsome Jack, I'm looking at you!


I don't remember people using Sending so often before OotS highlighted it.
Well in 1e Unearthed Arcana it was a 5th level magic-user spell so minimum of 9th level.

In 3e it was a cleric 4 Sor/Wiz 5 spell so all 7th level clerics could cast it on any day they choose.

In 5e it is a 3rd level spell so the sending can begin at 5th level. Also the casting time went from 1e/3e 10 minutes to 5e's 1 action.

On trajectory to become a cantrip in a couple editions.
You can drunk dial the king and random dragons and their fat mamas forever and a day, and you can draw it way out because it's word count, not time that limits it.
Just how many are you familiar with?

Voidrunner's Codex

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