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Ashamed of being a Gamer?

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First Post
So you're not one of THOSE gamers, then. :lol:

Nope I guess not. I find I should at least ease it into conversations instead of jumping straight into the pitfalls of linear fighters and quadratic wizards. Being a gamer does seem to show up in some odd situations though. I was at guys house for a party one time and he was playing Skyrim and I saw that one of his custom made swords was named "Icing Death" and I made a comment about a Drizz't and then we were off to the races.


First Post
Well it's easier to talk to your family about rolling dice and pretending to be an elf than it is to come clean that you spend Saturday mornings with your wife in front of the television watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. ;)

I am cheerfully out and proud as a gamer. I have a MUCH harder time admitting to watching My Little Pony.

Picture my face when a fully grown man says to me, "I've been watching My Little Pony and I - mumble mumble blush - really like it. Watch an episode with me?" After I got done with various facial contortions of disbelief, I agreed to watch with him. And oh my, it actually is, er, um, kind of good. I mean, it's sort of okay. I mean, I watch it only because Shemeska does. I would never actually enjoy something like that. Really.

Damn you, Lauren Faust.


First Post
As described, the marriage is not "built on lies". The marriage includes some lies. There's a difference. While it isn't a great thing that he feels he has to hide a harmless leisure activity from his wife, it can be okay for partners to have some privacy.

Privacy and hiding/lying/dishonesty are very different things. For me, the latter would utterly destroy my trust in the person who was supposed to be my best friend and life partner. I personally could not live that way. It is not my business to tell other people how to live, though.

Remember that radical honesty doesn't work either. Humans typically require some management of information in order to get along well.

Actually, it works incredibly well for us. Good communication skills are a pretty excellent relationship foundation, and bad communication skills (or refusing to communicate) is fairly likely to run you into trouble sooner rather than later. Feeling like you can't communicate or that you can't be honest with your partner is something I would personally see as a pretty serious red flag for the relationship. Again, I couldn't live with it. If my life partner is not my best friend whom I can be totally myself around and totally honest with, there's something majorly wrong.

Mainstream society puts a lot of social barriers between the genders and encourages what I think are seriously dysfunctional relationship memes. In my experience, doing a hard dump of all that nonsense from your brain and starting as best friends, gender roles irrelevant, has been an excellent foundation for a very low stress, drama-free, comfortable and happy long term relationship.

Possibly the fact that I have non neurotypical wiring is a factor. I function on a pretty transparent WYSIWIG interface, and I don't actually understand the point of social lies, hidden agendas and "harmless" deception, especially in the context of a personal relationship. I'm not sure I could effectively manage to do these things even if I wanted to learn how. And I really, really don't - all the mainstream social baggage looks horribly dysfunctional to me, especially when it comes to how male-female relationships are "supposed" to be. Yikes, do not want.

I'm very happy to have a best friend and life partner who is as weird and geeky as me, and neither of us ever has to lie or pretend or be anything except who we are. It makes for a very comfortable, low stress home life with lots of happy geekery. I don't think I could personally live any other way, but of course your mileage may vary. Not everybody is wired to want the same things in life, and that's pretty much what makes the world go round.


First Post
I'd be more open if the word "role playing" didn't have a sexual meaning. I've had people think I'm into dressing like a furry or a french maid when I said I like "role playing games".

You mean like Peter and Lois' Roleplaying Night? [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnFxGtm1pEQ"]Peter and Lois' Roleplaying Night[/ame] ;)


First Post
But that is something to be ashamed of :cool:

I hate that stuff with a passion, have been since I was a small kid lol

Oh, I get that. The original My Little Pony was a stupid, insipid little kid's show that only appealed to people with roughly the IQ of a carrot. If you were not an 8 year old girl, there was nothing in this show that could possibly be for you.

But what Lauren Faust did with the revamp bears absolutely no resemblance to any previous iteration, and is more like a well written anime than like a kid's cartoon. I didn't believe it either, and then I watched.

I am about the last frickin' person in the world you could imagine would find anything to enjoy in a little girl's show. At the Raleigh Bronies' Meetup, I was commiserating with some large and burly Marines who felt the same way.

"Yeah, if you'd have told me last year that I would be enjoying a show where a magic unicorn was singing about making dresses, I'd have punched you in the face." Stories were exchanged about the other Marines in his unit initially threatening violence and throwing things at him, then shamefacedly coming back to watch more episodes. I think he had his whole platoon converted by the end of his tour.

There actually is a lot more to this show than you would think upon hearing about it, which is why adult men are now the single largest MLP viewing demographic.


Cute but dangerous
LOL Interesting, but I still couldn't watch it, I hate the appearance of those things to begin with ;) Not a fan of anime either but it is good that the old version died out, definitely.

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