Avatar 2: Way of Water ... the PRE-POLL (Are you interested?)

Will you be seeing the new Avatar movie (Way of Water) in the Theaters?

  • 1. YES!

    Votes: 13 21.3%
  • 2. NO!

    Votes: 45 73.8%
  • 3. I would be a yes, but I don't go to theaters since the Pandemic.

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • 4. I am boycotting this movie because I love Papyrus.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Poll closed .

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
So for those of you who don't know, the KING OF THE WORLD (aka, James Cameron) is about to unleash upon us a multitude of Avatar movies, starting with ....

Avatar: The Way of Water (Avatar 2), in Theaters everywhere on December 16, 2022.

It already had its premiere, and reviews are GOOD. VERY VERY GOOD.

That said ... premiere reviews are almost universally very good. Here's what we do know-

1. It's the sequel to Avatar, the highest grossing film of all time (non-inflation adjusted, world-wide gross).

2. It's three hours and twelve minutes.

3. It's the sequel to Avatar, the second-highest grossing film of all time, inflation adjusted. As for the highest? Frankly, my dear EnWorld reader, I don't give a darn.

4. It's three hours and twelve minutes.

5. Trailer? TRAILER!

6. It's three hours and twelve minutes.

7. There are blue people.

8. It's three hours and twelve minutes.

9. You can (and probably should) see it in IMAX 3D.

10. Apparently, James Cameron has spent, like, a BILLION DOLLARS on these films. Give or take a few hundred million.


12. They changed the best thing about Avatar .... THE FONT.

So, are you going to be seeing Avatar? Are you excited? Is this your favorite Blue Person entertainment (non Smurf, non percussion division)? A poll is placed for your entertainment!

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Morkus from Orkus
There's no option for maybe! I have some interest, but I'm not sure if it will be enough for us to go to the theater and spend $100 on. If the reviews remain really good after release, we'll probably go.


For a minute there the headline had me thinking Airbender and my son would love that. I should probably see the OG Avatar at some point, but have never mustered the interest. Is that bad for me?

Anyway, how long until the CGI is good enough to do season 3 of Dark Angel with none of the actual original (and now much older) actors?


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I voted "NO" but I wanted to add some nuance: I am not interested in the Avatar franchise, and I don't go to theaters because of the pandemic.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I've preordered tickets for IMAX 3D. I'm relatively alone in my friend group in that I found Avatar to be an absolutely transcendent experience (when seen in IMAX 3D, which is quite frankly required to really get what the movie is doing), and I'm crazy excited for the sequels.


I voted "NO" but I wanted to add some nuance: I am not interested in the Avatar franchise, and I don't go to theaters because of the pandemic.
Yeah, same for me, with a side order of "wouldn't have willingly sat through a 3-hour movie in a cinema even before the pandemic".


He / Him
Though the first one was colorful and a fun spectacle, the motivations of the characters and the straightforward, predictable plot just didn't grab me. I think I would have enjoyed it more as an open world video game than a movie. I'll be skipping the second one unless reviews convince me otherwise.


I think the world has moved past special effects being the primary draw for a film. If it's not building on a previous IP that the audience really cares about, I can't see it being as big of a hit as the original was.
Couple this with an uptick in flu, COVID's return, etc, and I think this might be a historic box office bomb.
That said, I hope I'm proven wrong. I hope people enjoy it. I don't want to see a financial fallout in the film industry and the ripples a bomb of this magnitude could produce.

Voidrunner's Codex

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