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D&D 5E B1: In Search of the Unknown (IC)

Nemaer nods his head, impressed with the thoughtful questions that the rest of the group posed...they may not be as inadequate as he initially assumed.

He is, however, slightly disappointed at the lack of support they will be receiving from the Mayor.

Little can be done about it, however...best press forward.

"The name's Nemaer. I'd be best described as a scout, though I have been known to wear many hats."

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Norbrit grumbles a bit, obviously uncomfortable in such a social setting. "Name's Norbrit Nogginsplitter, o' Clan Nogginsplitter, and I have an ax." He points to the handle of his battleaxe for a visual aid, then turns slightly to the left, showing his back. "And a shield. I'm bettin' you can figger the rest out on yer own."

He nods at the lord and winks again at his daughter. "So, best be gettin' to it afore someone beats us to the punch!" Norbrit moves to the door and steps out, and quickly back in again. "Uh, which way is it from here?"

Steve Gorak

Norbrit grumbles a bit, obviously uncomfortable in such a social setting. "Name's Norbrit Nogginsplitter, o' Clan Nogginsplitter, and I have an ax." He points to the handle of his battleaxe for a visual aid, then turns slightly to the left, showing his back. "And a shield. I'm bettin' you can figger the rest out on yer own."

He nods at the lord and winks again at his daughter. "So, best be gettin' to it afore someone beats us to the punch!" Norbrit moves to the door and steps out, and quickly back in again. "Uh, which way is it from here?"

Laron smiles when the dwarf comes back in "I too share your eagerness Norbit! I am Laron, and dabble in magicks, but my motivation for going is to bring back the tales and songs of our adventure, and perhaps a coin or two" he says, laughing.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ragnar Rockheart

Seeing the other dwarf get up and ready to leave, Ragnar carefully puts down his teacup and stands up from his seat as well. Nodding to the mayor and his daughter, the huge dwarf hoists up his maul on his shoulder, narrowly missing a simple yet fragile chandelier hanging from the ceiling, before turning and walks towards the door where Norbrit stands.

"Alright, let's get moving! I'm sure one of us knows the way."

On a side note, I'll draw you a map and build a waystation myself if I can get you guys to stop using that blue font color! It's doing horribly untoward things to my old and decrepit eyes. ;)
Personally I use the blue font to make the dialogue stand out. If you object to it, I'll try to remember not to use colors in this campaign.


Thedren stood quietly in the back of the room, politely refusing the tea the Mayor's daughter offered, though with a warm smile. He watched the assorted individuals with a keen eye, taking in the details of their armament and gear. They all seemed to be capable sorts, able to handle themselves. The question was, how would they work as a team?

Also, there was the issue of the Mayor's plans. He wanted the complex for himself, it seemed. We are to clear it of any unpleasant sorts, and we get the portable wealth that remains. Interesting that the Mayor was not concerned about any gold coming to him. Perhaps he expects to find other things there? And what of the knowledge it contains? It was a troubling concern to him, but not one to address now. Better to keep watch and note who was interested in anything beyond gold. There are no secrets that time does not reveal.

Aloud, he spoke with a soft voice. "I am Thedren, of the Healing Light. Not a priest, but a simple student of life. Laron and I travel together in search of knowledge, enlightenment, and," he smiles at Laron, "tales of adventure."


The Lord Mayor nods, "Quasqueton lies about two days trek to the west, its entrance hidden in the foothills by carefully planted trees and shrubs. May the Light guide you."

OOC: Skipping ahead slightly to get the adventure moving.

The trip to the foothills is uneventful, with the group finding shelter the first night with a friendly farmer's family. It is late afternoon of the second day by the time the group finds the copse the mayor indicated and the deceptively natural looking cave entrance behind it. The dwarves in the group can tell that the entrance is constructed to appear like a natural cave like those occupied by local bears and other wildlife but subtle signs indicate that the entrance is actually crafted by human hands.

Nemaer cautiously approaches the cave, carefully observing the ground, the foliage, everything around the cave to determine if he can see any signs of habitation. As he gets closer, he begins to slow, doing his best to remain quiet and stay out of sight of anyone who could be watching.

OOC: Do you have a particular die roller that you prefer for checks?


"Shall we take a look?" Herger asks as he nocks an arrow.

Herger shadows Nemaer his keen eyes scanning the cave entrance and the area around it for signs of habitation.


Nemaer glides forward, trying to be as quiet as possible while he scouts ahead.

Stealth Check - (1d20+7) [roll0]

Perception Check - (1d20+1) [roll1]

Voidrunner's Codex

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