Babylon 5... reboot?

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Did they? There's absolutely no indication that the Vorlons offered anyone any choice about telepathy, or whatever manipulation was used to make people see them as angelic beings. And while Kosh was a big softie, Kosh2 (I can't recall if the name Ulkesh is ever on screen or if it's apocryphal) seemed pretty clear about expecting obedience, not cooperation.
From straczynski himself, "I picked Babylon for the station, because a lot of what happens in the Babylon5 story comes out of the BBylonian Creation myth, wich says that the universe was born out of the conflict between order and Chaos. " Vorlons were the Ancient race for order and the Shadows were chaos. He's also admitted that the Shadows are similar to the Nazgul and strike a deep primal fear in anyone who sees them


From straczynski himself, "I picked Babylon for the station, because a lot of what happens in the Babylon5 story comes out of the BBylonian Creation myth, wich says that the universe was born out of the conflict between order and Chaos. " Vorlons were the Ancient race for order and the Shadows were chaos. He's also admitted that the Shadows are similar to the Nazgul and strike a deep primal fear in anyone who sees them
Yes, but the whole point of the show is that neither Order nor Chaos is good. The Vorlons and Shadows don't care about the younger species, they just want the other one to acknowledge that their way is better. And that's why the other First Ones think they're both bad – they were supposed to guide the younger species and present them with options, but instead they became embroiled in a cold war with one another, and using the ones they were supposed to guide to wage proxy wars.

The Vorlons embedded genes for telepathy in many species, to make them able to fight the Shadows. They also indoctrinated them so that they'd see Vorlons as holy creatures, in order to make them easier to manipulate. One example is how Kosh uses telepathy and religious iconography to manipulate G'Kar into abandoning his vendetta against the Centauri and instead turn his still considerable resources toward aiding Sheridan's and Delenn's alliance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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