D&D General Baldur's Gate 3 will now be releasing August 3rd on PC and September 6th on PS5, increased level cap, race & class details and more

That's a good amount of fixes, most of which I cannot read, because I've been too busy to play.

Apparently Patch 2 is also quite close, and Swen had said that this one would have more feature improvements, so I'm still debating keeping my playthrough on hold until that one comes out.
Last I saw, #2 is mainly the performance patch, and the feature improvements for it are a maybe.

I am curious to see the inevitable Digital Foundry comparison on what they've had to change for the PS5 version... let alone the XboxS version that they said they can get out this year, now that Microsoft gave them permission that it doesn't have to have all the same features as XboxX (that is, split-screen co-op).

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Finally descended from the hill at the start of Act 3 towards Rivington and my framerate immediately dropped like a potato. Are there any specific settings that I should lower? I enjoyed how pretty the game looked on my mid-range PC, so I don't want to lower everything. But I also don't know which settings particularly cause issues, so there's that.
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Finally descended from the hill at the start of Act 3 towards Rivington and my framerate immediately dropped like a potate. Are there any specific settings that I should lower? I enjoyed how pretty the game looked on my mid-range PC, so I don't want to lower everything. But I also don't know which settings particularly cause issues, so there's that.
I dunno about lowering settings, but if you have a Nvidia card, make sure you turn DLSS on in BG3's video settings - it defaults to off, and I kid you not but even on quality it nearly tripled my FPS in the areas of Act 3 where my FPS was terrible. I've never seen DLSS do anything like that before.

On the down side with the patch, my loading times and alt-tab times are really significantly noticeably worse.
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I dunno about lowering settings, but if you have a Nvidia card, make sure you turn DLSS on in BG3's video settings - it defaults to off, and I naughty word you not but even on quality it nearly tripled my FPS in the areas of Act 3 where my FPS was terrible. I've never seen DLSS do anything like that before.

On the down side with the patch, my loading times and alt-tab times are really significantly noticeably worse.
I've noticed textures taking significantly longer to load in post-patch. Before, it might be half a second before a character's outfit resolved to full resolution at the start of a conversation, now it's a couple of seconds. There's even some noticeable pop-in when walking around, things like the waypoint glyphs take a moment to res up.


I dunno about lowering settings, but if you have a Nvidia card, make sure you turn DLSS on in BG3's video settings - it defaults to off, and I naughty word you not but even on quality it nearly tripled my FPS in the areas of Act 3 where my FPS was terrible. I've never seen DLSS do anything like that before.

On the down side with the patch, my loading times and alt-tab times are really significantly noticeably worse.
It seems that my graphics card doesn't support DLSS (GTX 1650), I'll mess around with the settings I guess.

Funny thing is, I had bought this laptop in 2020 because my old one couldn't run BG3 EA properly. Then on EA, this machine was a beast. Sadly it looks like time caught up with it...


BG3's downloading a large update this morning despite having already done so last night after the patch went live. Unannounced hotfix?


BG3's downloading a large update this morning despite having already done so last night after the patch went live. Unannounced hotfix?

I got it as well, not sure. I also found that I'm critically short on space and need to clean my PC up.


I got it as well, not sure. I also found that I'm critically short on space and need to clean my PC up.
I did find that the game seemed smoother today than yesterday. Textures resolved more quickly, and a couple of spell effects that had stopped showing properly were back.


I did find that the game seemed smoother today than yesterday. Textures resolved more quickly, and a couple of spell effects that had stopped showing properly were back.
I'm now in Lower City, my laptop weeps and nothing loads smoothly anymore :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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