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Banewarrens d20 (Angelsboi's party)


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She summoned her golden colored corgi named Dioji. not 'Dawg'

*mumbles* damn barbarian.

And dont forget her cheshire cat look-alike, Amy (short for amethyst)

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When all else fails

The group soon realized they had lost any hope of catching the Chief. Only Chief Van Dekk's ambush would stop him now. If the goblin hadn't doublecrossed them. The party bolstered their spirits and moved back into the corridor. Many booted feet could be heard disappearing ahead. After a brief jaunt to catch them, the party saw light ahead.

"That's far enough," a voice cried out in Common. "Throw down your weapons and surrender. We have you surrounded."

Two groups of hobgoblins blocked 2 tunnels visible in the light. The voice came from yet another side passage. The side passage was the source of the light. Fresher air also came from that way. An exit obviously. And the voice, the party guessed belonged to the Hobgoblin chief.

"You and what army," Bartol bellowed. "Coward. I'll take you on in single combat."

"Yeah, our Champion will wipe the cave walls with your entrails," Timmay added. "With whom am I speaking?" Timmay took over negoitations.

"Your Champion versus Ours." the Hobgoblin Chief laughed. "I am Chief Grokk."

"We have slain your guards," Bernedette sidestepped. "And the goblin chief Van Dekk is with us."

"Ha, ha, haaaa," Grokk snickered. "Van Dekk is with me."

"Damn dirty goblin," Timmay muttered. "I knew he would turn on us. Van Dekk show yourself."

Van Dekk appeared from around the corner. "Surrender," he winked. "You are no match for Fist and Wolf clans combined might." He ducked back.

"Well, what now?" Marcus of Tyr asked to the group.

Thane lit a flask of oil. :eek:


Your guess is as good as mine

All Heck broke loose. The flaming oil landed amidst the group of hobgoblin guards directly across the way. Bartol buried an arrow in the skull of one of the hobgoblins from the righthand tunnel. Timmay put the rest of the visible combatants on the right to sleep. Bernedette, Valgrim, and Marcus of Tyr moved forward.

A very large wolf, worg probably, from each of the passageways attacked the party. The remaining guards fought thru the flames. Some perished. Chiefs Grokk and Van Dekk did not appear. However, the sounds of battle could be heard coming from their direction.

Thane lobbed another flask of oil at the hobgoblins. Bartol exchanged blows with one of the worgs. The worg pulled him from his feet. Marcus of Tyr, Valgrim, Bernedette, her familiar, and the wolverine battled the other. Marcus of Tyr and Valgrim were injured. Timmay summoned a strange shadowy magic to confuse one of the hobgoblins that did make it free of the flames.

Thane bolstered Marcus of Tyr's health. Bartol while still on his rump swung his sword and killed the worg. As he attempted to rise, a hobgoblin spearman struck him down. Valgrim moved away from the other worg and dragged Bartol free of the combat...

(A lot more happened but Bartol was unconscious for the remainder of the combat and negoiations afterward)

Bartol awoke with a start. "Did we win?"

"Aye," Timmay replied. " We also almost lost."

Timmay told Bartol of the appearance of an Ogress. Of the flight of the Hobgoblin Chief once again; Of the near death of Van Dekk by Grokk's hands; Of all the dead goblins and hobgoblins. And how only he and Thane remained healthy. Valgrim, Bernedette, Bartol, and Marcus of Tyr were in bad shape. And none of the spellcasters had any magic available. Even the potions and scrolls they had, they used. Timmay apologized for almost killing Bartol with an attempt to try one of the potions.

Van Dekk was helpful but not greatful. Many of his tribe were now dead. What few remained would not be enough to fend off an attack by any of the other tribes. He did, however, gain the loyalty of the hobgoblins taken prisoner by the party.

The party was in no shape to complete their mission to free the prisoners the hobgoblin tribe still had.


Home again home again...

During the night one of the goblins summoned Van Dekk and the party. The remaining free hobgoblins were attempting a break. With little sleep and not enough time to regain spells the party agreed to join. But any prospects of battle seemed deadly.

"We are taking our slaves and leaving," Chief Grokk called out from the cave. "Any attempt to stop us or follow will result in their deaths."

"We will kill you when you leave," Van Dekk answered.

"Wait," Bernedette interrupted. "Let me see the prisoners."

"Come inside little girl," Grokk offered. "If you try anything funny we will kill the slaves."

"No wait," Timmay said too late, as Bernedette entered the cave.

After a few minutes a scream and a thump were heard from inside.

"Foolish girl," Grokk said. "We are coming out. Move aside."

"Let the slaves go and we will not trouble you again." Timmay tried.

The hostage negotiations continued. It was agreed that the party would collect the slaves from the roadside in 2 hours time.

Meanwhile, Van Dekk went to prepare an ambush. The party would follow the Hobgoblins out of missle range and let them go.

Six slaves carried by 8 hobgoblins left the cave at the agreed upon time. They used a forced march. The party trailed them. Marcus of Tyr and Valgrim lagged behind.

At the roadside, the hobgoblins let down their packages. One of the hobgoblins lingered a few moments longer. A flash of steel could be seen. He then fled.

Bartol pulled his bow and sprinted to the rescue. One of the hostages pulled an axe off the ground and buried it in the neck of another of the hostages.

Although an incredibly hard shot on the run at the limit of his range with his many injuries and only moonlight to see by Bartol brought the attacker down with one shot. As he drew near he saw the attacker was a crazed gnoll. His arrow lodged in its heart.

The dead hostage was an orc. Of the four remaining hostages, all humans, only one was awake. Bernedette and the other two were starting to come round when Bartol bent to free them.

"Praise Chauntea," the awake one said.

"Screw Chauntea," Bartol huffed. "Thank Torm."
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hey, with 1hp what can you do

The party roused the prisoners. Two were guards. And the last was the missing merchant Wimbly. Everyone decided it was best to head back to Peldan's Helm. Of Van Dekk and his ambush there was no sign.

As dawn broke Valgrim gave praise to Lathander. The Keep was in sight. Charl and Sabine met the party at the gate. One of the other guards went to find Father Demby of Tyr. The party headed for the Inn.

At the inn, Timmay told the tale of the party's brush with the Caves. Bernedette chimed in and added a woman's perspective. But Bartol, always his truthful self, felt the tale was missing something so he retold it leaving out none of the details. The merchant's wife was one of the prisoners slain and left as an example by the hobgoblin Chief Grokk. Wilf's daughter was the other. Wilf was grief struck. But at least now he knew.

Oscar Wimple, the merchant's true name, and his guards thanked the party by paying for the drinks and food. He offered a more suitable reward when he had time to make it back to Ashabenford.

Wilf told the party that Snap had left with the caravan a day earlier. The grain in town had all gone bad.

The Captain of the Guard, Father Demby of Tyr, and Ellier the Castellan's advisor arrived and invited the party to a banquet that evening. The Castellan Denier wanted to hear more firsthand from the party.

So after cleaning up a bit and dressing their wounds the party went to a feast. Bartol made it about two steps in to the banquet hall before he made his first social blunder. Bernedette and Thane quickly took him in hand and led him aside. A cup of ale and he was easily distracted. When he attempted to interrupt the Castellan, Thane struck a blow for all civilization. And Bartol slept the rest of the evening.

(A lot more happened at the banquet but Bartol was asleep)


An old friend returns

The next morning Bartol found himself in his usual bed, the stable. After dunking his head in the trough, he dressed and headed into the Inn. Sometime during his rest Valgrim or Father Demby must have tended to his wounds. Inside he encountered Eric.

"Long time no see," Bartol exclaimed. "We could've used your sword arm these last 4 days."

"Really?" Eric asked. "I've been busy myself helping with the caravan and then the Keep. Marcus of Tyr has returned to guard duty. Who's the chicky?"

"Oh, that's Bernedette," Bartol replied. "She, Timmay, and Thane are thick as thieves. Must have something to do with the magic they throw around. She will be upset to see Marcus of Tyr leave our group."

Timmay, Valgrim, and Thane soon arrived with the items from the bank. Valgrim elected to remain behind at Peldan's Helm as well. The rest of the group decided to pursue the Fat Cleric of Chauntea. Everyone guessed he was responsible for the grain spoiling. And with some samples of the rot and news from the Caves, Ashabenford seemed like the first stop. Tomorrow they would leave.

Before they set off, however, the group had some money to spend. Bartol bought a buckler from the smith. Not a good one, but at least it would help. Bernedette spent the day with Ellier the Advisor. Thane, Eric, and Timmay also bought supplies.

As most of the group returned to the inn, they discovered Brother Martin the Baker pleading with Wilf for help. Some monster was in his kitchen.

So Thane assumed it was the wolverine. Everyone tagged along just to be sure and to have a laugh at Thane's expense.

The Bakery was a small building and the wolverine was inside. But that wasn't the problem as Thane soon discovered. A small crust covered creature with fiery breath burnt the Druid's side badly. The wolverine fled with Thane right behind. Eric and Bartol drew their swords and advanced on the Monster Calzone. Timmay grabbed a chair and dragged it to a nearby window to get a shot at the construct with his crossbow.

The Monster belched a hot,thick, red paste on Eric. Timmay was still positioning himself for a shot. Eric cut into the crust. Bartol took a chunk out of the doorway. Thane and the wolverine stayed with Brother Martin.

The creature tried striking Eric but didn't penetrate his armor.Timmay just missed Eric's head. Eric sliced a layer off the crust. Bartol took another chunk out of the door.

The creature tried again but to no avail. Timmay hit. And Eric finished it off.

"Hhhmmmm," Bartol mentioned. "I'm hungry. I'm going to wait for this thing to cool down and then eat it."
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On the road again

Shortly after the meal, another interesting event occurred. Two riders from Tilverton, both badly injured and on road weary steeds, entered Peldan's Helm. Their caravan had been ambushed. They were the only known survivors. Very large, hairy humanoids had attacked from cover with missle fire. Bartol and Eric offered to escort the men back to Ashabenford.

Much later in the evening, Bernedette returned from her "studies" with Ellier. At first the comments the other party members made went completely over the naive girl's head. Much to her chagrin, though, she finally caught the jist of what they were saying about her and the Elderly Advisor.

Unfortunately, Wilf cut the drinks off early. The grain trouble proved to be harsh on Bartol's mood. It seemed that it was time to travel.

The next morning Bernedette rode with Timmay. And everyone made a few more comments at Bernedette's expense.

Supplies were low for the party. So Thane and Bartol had to provide from the wilderness along the way. Both were able hunters. The trip was uneventful the first 2 days. On the middle of the 3rd day as the party passed a familiar bridge, an elderly woman called to them. Her farm had been attacked by bandits. Her husband was injured and their livestock was stolen. Since the party was already occupied with other matters, they offered to relay the message to the authorities and to help the farmers upon their return.

On the morning of the 4th day of their trip from Peldan's Helm, the party reached Ashabenford. They quickly split up to relay messages, buy goods, gather information, and see family. They also asked about the Fat Cleric. Bernedette had the most luck. The Fat man had been to Chauntea's shrine. The food stores were spoiled as a result.

Bartol bought some better armor. He and Eric informed the Riders of the troubles on the road and of the continuing troubles in Peldan's Helm including the latest caravan raid. Afterwards everyone met back at the White Hart.

Glen or the Abbey of the Goldensheaf seemed the next logical step for the Fat Cleric. The party decided on Glen.


First Post
Ellier the Advisor is an elf. hes not THAT old and just because she is a Caller and learned the spell Mount doesnt mean anything

Ye gonna update yer story b'for t' game thi' weekend, 'r are ye gonna tempt th' will of the HP dice gods?

(Not that chasing the evil fat friar is particularly stimulating reading, but one does have to keep his public happy.)



Even on horseback Glen was a three day journey. Luckily Thane's family had ran an inn about halfway there. And Timmay was originally from Glen. So the party had a good understanding and some political contacts once they reached the town. Bartol and Thane once again provided most of the diet from the wilderness.

But the trip was not without peril.

Late one evening Amy, Bernedette's cat familiar, was prowling around hunting for some field mice. She was supposed to be on guard duty. Or at least that is what Bernedette had instructed her to do. When she saw some rather large figures crawling thru the brush. Upon closer inspection she discovered several humans. She quickly woke Bernedette. And Bernedette stirred the camp.

Eric fired an arrow into the brush striking one of the sneak thieves. The jig was up and battle soon commenced. Timmay moved forward and tossed some sand into the air. Three of the men stopped crawling and fell asleep. Bernedette slicked down the last one with a nasty oily spell. Bartol charged forward to menace the last awake man. They wore the crest of the Zhents.

"Throw down your weapons and yield to me," Bartol commanded.

The lone man attempted to move and escape. Bartol severed the man in twain. Four horsemen approached. One dismounted and began to help the sleeping men. Thane and the wolverine moved closer and cast a spell to make the weeds come to life. Entangling most of the combatants. Bartol remained just at the edge of the area.

Eric fired and struck one of the riders with an arrow. Timmay cast another spell of sleep. A horse, the dismounted rider, and another rider slumped. Of the 2 remaining riders, one had freed his mount and the other leaped from his mount towards Eric. Bernedette moved forward and struck at the man as did Amy and the wolverine. The Zhent ran past them. The only free mounted rider turned his horse about and fled back the way he came.

Thane summoned the magic to control the grass ahead of the rider forcing the horse to veer aside. Right into the path of Bartol. Bartol's sword took the rider from his saddle. Eric fired another arrow at the last fleeing man. The Zhent would soon be clear using the cover of darkness. But he hadn't counted on the cat. Bernedette's familiar, Amy, leapt onto his back and brought him down.
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