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Banewarrens d20 (Angelsboi's party)


Which way did he go?

After a quick search the party was able to recover 6 of the Zhents horses. In the morning, the 5 prisoners were draped over their mounts. The party then set off for Glen with their new cargo.

As they approached Glen, Bartol spurred his horse into a gallop. Glen was surrounded by a wooden palisade. A small watchtower guarded the main entrance. The gate was closed.

"Hello, in the town," He called. "We are friends of Timmay. And we have Zhent prisoners to turn over to the authorities."

A gruff dwarf and a muscular human opened the gate and stepped forward. The rest of the party with the prisoners in tow reached Bartol. Thane and Bernedette both looked angrily his way.

"Timmay, you say?" the Dwarf questioned. "Aye, you may enter. We will take your prisoners only if'n you tell us why they are trussed up so."

Timmay quickly took over for Bartol. The party retired to the inn. A warm, hearty homecoming it was. He spun the tale of their journey and why they were here. He also asked about the Fat Man and if anyone knew Erland. No's all the way around.

The Dwarf at the Gate was a relative of Duergeddin, the Master smith. The sword the party carried was of interest to him. And after a few ales and the exchange of a "finder's fee" he was reunited with his family heirloom. The party also sold him the Warhammer. Overall, the trip to Glen was not a complete bust. Although, they had lost a few days on the Fat Man.

The next morning, Timmay said farewell to his family and the party set off back to Ashabenford, A very uneventful trip.

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War, huh, what is it good for?

The party stopped by the Sharin Freehold just to be sure. But the fat man had not been there. All was quiet.

Not so in Ashabenford, the Place was turned upside down. The militia was setting off for Peldan's Helm, 500 strong. Orcs or some such creatures had besieged that town.

The party turned the Zhent horses over to the Riders as a tax break for the old farmers. Maybe when the war was over they would get them back. They also begged off going to war. The army set off without them.

They had other fat fish to fry. The question remained where did he go.

North to the Abbey of the Golden Sheaf and then to the Oakengrove Abbey seemed to be the next logical choices.

At the Golden Sheaf, the rot was ahead of the party. The harvestmasters had contained it to 1 field, but it meant that the Fat Man was 4 days ahead of the party. Thane worried that the Oakengrove may have suffered the same fate.

Bernedette acquired some potions from the Chauntean clerics. Bartol swore he wasn't touching them. No one knew Erland.

At the Druids' Abbey the Fat Man had attempted to enter. But the animal spirits had chased him off. The Oakfather warned Thane about a vision he had concerning him. The vision said that there was a the hint of the Elemental Flame Lord about Thane's person, Karesh or something similar. The Oakfather also did not recognize the name Erland.

The party was invited to stay. The Oakfather had some special private instructions for Thane. Which Bartol and the others were not privvy to. It was the first time the party had ever seen Thane humbled.


the Dreaded Gazebo. Jester makes a guest appearance.

As they bedded down the party adopted a new travelling companion. The Oakfather had more than a few visitors. Another adventuring party was staying the night. However, they were reluctant to leave the safety of the Grove.

Pepto, a pimply faced, young halfling girl, had taken a liking to the party. And since the party was setting off for some real adventure. She was more than happy to accompany them.

"My mother always said to be helpful," Pepto told the party. "And it looks like you need my help more than my old companions."

Later that evening Bernedette swore she saw something block out the moon. When she woke the party, everyone else said her imagination was getting the better of her.

Thane led the group out of the Grove and onto the trail of the Fat Man. To Peldan's Helm it seemed. A few hours later, Bartol started to get worried. It appeared to him they were headed the wrong way. So the party adjusted their course. Thane and Bartol each aided the other stay on the trail.

A thick fog rolled in on the second day out. Progress and the trail were abandoned. The party agreed the Fat Man was the one responsible for the siege at Peldan's Helm. He was after all 4 days ahead of them. The fog continued to hamper the party.

The party came to an old fence line. Bernedette dismounted and moved forward for a look. Ahead she saw 10 figures mulling about in the fog. Suddenly, the figures scattered. A large shape dove from the sky. The party's horses panicked as did Eric, Pepto, Amy, the wolverine, and Thane. Timmay, Bernedette, and Bartol kept their wits. Maybe. Timmay was thrown from his mount. Bernedette climbed the fence and advanced on the area the figures were last seen standing. The fog was very thick. She heard a loud wet slurpy sound. And then saw a very large shape.

"Foolish girl," Bartol mumbled as he dismounted and tied his horse to the fence. He drew his sword and called out to Bernedette in the fog. "Bernedette, Where are you?"

A shrieking blur of movement went by Bartol.

"Run," Bernedette screamed. "It's a dragon."

Without a second thought, Bartol sprinted after the girl.

Timmay picked himself up and dusted off. He could hear the shouts of his companions.

"NOw what?" the gnome grumbled. The edginess he felt early was gone. Eric, Thane, and Pepto returned to the fence as Bernedette and Bartol arrived.

"It was 40 feet tall and bigger than a barn." Bernedette stammered.

"But we scared it away," Pepto piped in.


Halt. Who goes there?

Bernedette bolstered by the presence of the whole party calmed down enough to relate her sighting.

The party cautiously crept forward. Everyone tried to stay within sight of another member. The first thing they came upon was a cow, steadily eating some grass. Followed soon after by a large wooden structure, A badly damaged barn. Bartol started to comment on Bernedette's vision when Timmay spoke up.

"From what I've read of Dragons," he began. "We are very lucky. The fear that gripped some of us was not natural."

Bartol soon found the remains of one of the cows.

"Maybe we should bring a few of the remaining cows along with us," Bartol joked. "In case the dragon comes back."

It was getting late, so by concensus the party decided the barn was a safe place to sleep. However, the party doubled the watch.

The fog lifted by morning and the trek resumed. Towards evening a patrol of riders approached.

They wore the colors of the Riders of the Dale. And the party was very happy to run into friendlies.

Pepto made friends with one of the grisly veterans. The old man offered her some of his "medicinal tonic." It was more like hooch. But Pepto didn't seem to mind. Bernedette on the other hand set her belongings a little further away from the Dirty Ol' man.

Timmay, Thane, Eric, and Bartol retold their story to the patrol leader. He offered to escort the party to the main camp. And to give them an introduction to Captain Neylessa Shendean, the leader of the campaign to break the siege at Peldan's Helm.


First Post
Olgar Shiverstone said:
Yes, all fear the dread Gazebo.

Soon we will have the story of how the Fat Bastard stole Bernadette's mojo. Stay tuned!

Yeah, Baby yeah! Maybe her and Elliard have a shag coming.


One upmanship

What greeted the party as they came up over a familiar rise was not good. Besides another burned out caravan, a large host of troops surrounded the Keep. Every few minutes a ball of fire launched from the besiegers at the walls of the Keep. Another friendlier army was camped nearby. The Dalesmen had assembled a couple miles clear of the field. The party continued towards the command tent of the Dalesmen.

The camp was very orderly. Bartol saw Corporal Olaf's hand in the efficiency. But they didn't have time to go search him out.

A familiar woman in metal armor stepped out of the tent to greet the patrol leader. A brief exchange took place.

"Come inside," the woman said as she turned and reentered the tent.

The party dismounted and thanked the patrol, which was resuppling before heading back out. Bartol led the way into the tent.

Inside the woman was examining a rough map of the area. Various marks and figures were placed about the map.

"I'm Captain Shendean," she said. "I know you, don't I?"

"Yes and we you," Bartol answered. Bartol quickly retold of the previous meeting in front of High Councilor Malorn's home. He continued by updating the Captain of what the party knew of the besiegers and their leader.

"We don't know that for sure," both Timmay and Bernedette interrupted.

Bartol ignored them and told of his slaying Goblins, Hobgoblins, Gnolls, Orcs, a Giant and an Owlbear. He also mentioned the Humans behind the scenes in the Caves.

"And we scared off a Dragon," Pepto added with a broad smile.

"Well then you are just the group I need," Captain Shendean commented. "I have a mission set up to disable the enemies artillery."

"Our mission." a before unnoticed haughty elf claimed.

"Redundancy," Captain Shendean continued. "Two groups are better than one. Where 1 of you might fail the other will succeed. Think of it as a competition. I'll pay 200gp for each catapult you destroy. We have only counted two."

"Competition?" the Elf laughed. "From these. Well, after they get themselves killed, we will do their job also and collect the 400gp."

"Dismissed," Captain Shendean finished. "We will come get you when it is time."


Did anyone get the license plate number of that...

The party left to get ready for the mission. Some slept, some studied, some sharpened their weapons.

"Bernedette, why don't you get a use out of that cat," Bartol whispered under his breath. "Send her to find out about our elven friend and his associates."

"Fine," Bernedette huffed. "I was trying to study."

Amy ran off to do her master's bidding. Although according to Bernedette, she was a bit upset about it.

The elf had gone into a small tent. Amy snuck under one of the sides. Inside there was the haughty elf, another elf in leather, a human in robes, and a dwarf in armor. There was also another cat, a Tom cat. :eek:

"Meoooooowww," Bernedette cried out. "Get back here."

"You look a bit flushed," Timmay said to Bernedette with a smile.

"I'll be alright in a minute or two," Bernedette blushed and started fanning herself.

Bartol burst out laughing waking the rest of the party. Bernedette got up and went over to the other party's tent. She came back soon enough very angry.

"We are going to wipe the floor with them," she growled. "They have a human arcane caster and a female dwarf. I don't know why dwarves are so hairy."

It was soon time. A group of the Dalesmen led the parties to a spot as near to the enemy as possible.

Orcs, hundreds and hundreds of orcs. Bartol could smell them.

"Send a signal when you have completed your mission," the patrol leader said. "We will launch our attack then."

And with that the elf and his group were off and running. Pepto took the cautious lead for the party, followed by Bartol and Eric. Timmay, Thane, and Bernedette brought up the rear with the wolverine and Amy. Pepto's riding dog, the only mount capable of moving quietly with the group tagged along, too.

At the first signs of a sentry, Pepto signalled everyone to hold position. She moved ahead and pointed out the 2 orc guards. Bartol and Eric drew a line on them with their bows. Pepto tossed a dagger at the nearest one. It sailed off into the night. Before the orcs could react, though, they had arrows sticking out of them. Both fell over quietly.


The game is a foot

Luckily they were the only guards. Two horses near the dead guards wandered off.

The first Catapult was a hundred yards ahead thru open terrain. Pepto led the group along a treeline to the next one. Amy broke off from the group to get a closer look at the first catapult.

Three orcs were loading the catapult. Another 3 were nearby. And two 8 or 10 man tents were visible. A few hundred yards to the right and left of the catapults were very large bonfires. Many orcs were probably near them. It was going to be tricky.

Pepto started to the far tent for cover. An orc headed to the treeline to relieve himself. He must of spotted Pepto, because he drew his weapon and moved her way. He grunted something. And another turned his way.

Pepto made it to the tent and began to circle around. A guard stood in front of the flap. She swung and missed him. BUt when the orc moved to draw his own weapon he exposed an opening. Pepto didn't miss this time, a gruesome liver shot. Bernedette summoned magic to place a barrier in front of her.

All heck broke loose. So Timmay stepped forward and commanded one of the alert guards to cry like a little girl. As the tears started to fall Eric advanced and ended the sobbing. Bartol angrily rushed the catapult crew. All he saw was red. Bernedette ran and opened the flap to the nearest tent. She quickly cast another spell to great effect. The 2 orcs inside could not gain their balance as they slipped and fell in a puddle of grease. Thane unleashed a stone from his sling and struck a guard near Pepto. Another guard came out of Pepto's tent.

Pepto killed the new guard with a kidney shot. And Timmay put 2 of the catapult crew to sleep. Eric moved to aid Pepto and killed the other guard. His follow thru swing took 2 of the tent supports down. Bartol and the last guard exchanged blows. Bernedette tried to bring her staff to bear on the 2 clumsy orcs but to no avail. Thane moved in behind Bartol's opponent and finished him off. A great rip was heard as 2 more orcs left Pepto's tent. These were obviously the leaders. One began casting a spell as the other took a swing at Eric. Bartol fell over sound asleep.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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