barroom brawl


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*walks into the tavern. Sees the half orc looking at him. The half orc walks over to him and attacks him. He draws his katana.They start to fight. Pretty soon the whole bar is in the fight.*

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joining the fray

a flash comes from across the room and suddenly a pale faced
and black cloaked figure stands in the middle of the fight.

he turns to the two combatants and ask the meaning of this inturuption to his peaceful meal.

he stands unflinching and unworrird by the fighting around him, expertly dodging every blow as he stares back and forth between
the half-orc and the slayer.

he will not let the fight continue inside the tavern and moves to stop the fighting between the two main combatants.

the brawl

i am Janos Audron, master of undead and lord of the house Audron.

what business have you hunting ang fighting orcs in so public a place, hunter?

what has the creature done to you that you track him into the middle of this crowded tavern?

take this petty fight elsewhere or i shall end it here and now for the both of you.

Now hold on!!!!

" Hey now wait a minute, he attacked me!" *sheaths his sword* "I dont hunt orcs. I dont even know him. Actually I have no vendetta against any race. Now what gives you the right accuse me of something like that?"

*Looks up from the bar where the drow has been sitting through the whole fight.* Let them fight, they're not bothering me, and anyone who doesn't want to fight isn't. Why don't you take your god complex somewhere else necro. *rolls his eyes.*


"unless you wish to challenge me, drow, i suggest you continue to sit there and keep your mouth shut. i simply suggested that they take the fight elsewhere so that i can work in peace, i have no problem with them fighting.


"why has the orc attacked you friend, if you don't mind my asking?
i'm sure you could settle this little dispute somewhere else, could you not? i just wish to be left in peace."

*laughs to himself.* Seems to me, you're trying to play mediator. Best to let orcs just take care of thier business.

are you not also trying to mediate? i haven't a problem with the fighting, simply the inturuption it causes. in fact i would love for a few people to die, it would give me more playthings, but that is beside the point.

*turns away from the drow as he bends over and picks up a dying body from the floor. he bites the body on the shoulder just below the base of the neck, holding for a few seconds and then throws the limp and pale carcass to the floor. cleaning the blood from around his mouth with his tounge he turns to face the drow*

well well well looks like i might let this fight continue for a little while longer.

*steps back and takes a seat at the bar, keeping his eyes focused around the room for other dying bodies.*

I cant believe you janos audorn necromancy is sickening. When some dies no one has the right to control there dead bodies or thier souls!

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