Bearded Men of EnWorld Unite!


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frankthedm said:

"What do you mean, you drank the last Mountain Dew?"

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I have some fuzz on my face.


Sadly, I can't grow much more. It comes in very thin and patchy. My dad can grow a beard like no one's business, but I didn't inherit that, darn it.

Ny, WOW - cut the hair and gain a little more facial weight... (BTW thanks for the luv above, but DM wasn't my thing but speed metal for playing alongside bigger names, yes, in metal, not really (though a couple of rivals have gotten some opening act exposure) I went mainstream for experience and have played in front of thousands as a hired gun - hate the music, love the money...)

As for chin fuzzy - I ditched the goatee and mustache about a year ago and started rocking the extra long soul patch ala Scott Spezio from the St Louis Cardinals (sans red dye) - kind of a soultee :) (sri - no pics)


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Thunderfoot said:
Ny, WOW - cut the hair and gain a little more facial weight... (BTW thanks for the luv above, but DM wasn't my thing but speed metal for playing alongside bigger names, yes, in metal, not really (though a couple of rivals have gotten some opening act exposure) I went mainstream for experience and have played in front of thousands as a hired gun - hate the music, love the money...)
Haha, dude my hair is getting close to where I want it to be, but I'm going for about nipple-length, so still some growing to go! My lovely beard however is basically where I want it to be - though I'm simply going to grow it out as far as it'll go :D

What band(s) were you in again?


I played for a number - but the most famous (and dare I say it a disco band) was Heatwave - I played percussion for them. No album work, just a hired gun for a short time. Also I was in a country band (more shuddering) that was in contract negotiations to open up for Alabama on a regional tour of the Midwest. (I'm originally from Southern Illinois)

However, there were a slew of non-sucky music bands I was in, they just didn't get anywhere. A side note however, a rival that played piano/keys from back in the day had a younger brother that played for a band (Annihilate the Hero) that opened for Biohazard on tour . The sad part is I could (and still can) destroy him on drums. :D

Right now I'm in college pursuing a degree in audio engineering and production (you know, since I've done it for 13 years already) and am seriously considering pulling the drums back out and playing the local scene for money. Yeah, it'd be pop metal and such, but at least I wouldn't feel dirty afterwards.


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Ta da!

I'm the one on the left -- on the right is a buddy of mine. We were visiting England together so she could give a paper on women as landholders in the Crusader States.

But on the hairiness factor, I am bald on top and once grew my beard down to the base of my sternum, at which point I worked it with a triple braid... ;)

Nowadays, it is kept more or less to the length seen.


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