• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Bronn Spellforger

First Post
I'm with Velm. Let's see who wants which item first and then deal with items that more than one person wants.

I say Roman should take those arrows. Besides Van, you don't want to be greedy do you? Oh! Perhaps this is your seventh test! Be strong, Ranger... don't give in to temptation!

*Bronn falls over laughing*

Only kidding, with you Whitey. I agree with you about tactics.... we've got some new members of our team, and we'll need to figure out the best battle strategies. Caramip -- you have great power that we need to take better advantage of. Roman -- that "springing attack" thing you do is fantastic, but it may not be appropriate for every battle situation. Sieta -- try and be less spooky, will ya?

Truth is, my friends, I'm concerned over the number of enemies that we've been making. And I'm worried that if they attack us at once, we're in a spot of trouble. So far we've got:

1) A Zentharim Wizard (leatherboots)
2) Xandrus Winter
3) Yyees Fara (Dragon-blooded leader of the trogs)
4) The Trogs (lots of them)
5) Ruathgrym the Corpsecoil (trapped in his house, hopefully)
6) .. oh, yeah... Nightscale the Dragon.

Thanks to Van, I don't have to put the Naga on that list. But how can we turn these enemies against each other? Ruathgrym is working for no one but himself (and spying on us with his Arcane Eye). Does Leatherboots seem to be working with any of these people? Xandrus Winter appears to be in charge of that Dragon... however, what's her relationship to Yyees Fara? I think if we killed her, a lot of our problems would go away.

What do you think, Van? Velm?


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Tom Cashel

First Post
Velm: "At some point, goblins were mentioned. Do the descendants of the original conquerors still dwell here with their worgs? That would explain the yelps and howls we've heard in the cavern from time to time...and if they are still here, how do they feel about the Sons of the Coil?

"Speaking of which...pardon me, Seneschal. Could you tell us the difference between the Coil and the Sons of the Same?"

The Seneschal: " 'The Coil' was the army of serpent-creatures and goblins, led by Corpsecoil and Shieldcoil, that toppled Aerunedar. Then, when the dissatisfied Cult of Meerschaulk turned against the now-imprisoned Ruathgrym, they called themselves the 'Sons of the Coil.' Yss-fara Dragon-blooded is their king.

"They have completed a foul monument to their god, Meerschaulk...and they have contracted the aid of someone or something called 'Ooltugula.' It is my belief that they mean to set free the Great Serpent, or one of its avatars, to wreak havoc in this world.

"And yes, the goblin descendants of the Splintered Shin Tribe still live here with their feral friends...quite close, in fact."

Bronn Spellforger

First Post
Cousin -- if you're proposing we ally ourselves with some stinking goblins... well, I fear you're coming around to the Ranger's way of thinking. Bugbears, goblins, *mumble, mumble*

Let's not forget that we also have the mushroom men as our allies... although I'm not sure what they would be willing or capable of doing. I can tell you, though, if they'd be willing to help us, I'll go back and kill that black ooze for them later.

Thank you, Seneschal, for the information. Can you possibly tell us where this monument lies? Is it perhaps in the former lair of Glamerdrung? Also, have you any idea where we might find Moradin's Hall? We have this map of it, you see, but we're not sure where to find it.

Van Dyksun

First Post
Greed? Nay, spellflinger, do not imagine that my motives are as base as yours. It is not greed that prompts me to question where these artifacts can best be used but, as Velm states, pure practicality.

I think Roman's got the right idea: let us identify our strengths and weaknesses now, so that we can present a unified front. Although we've been doing better, we still seem to be rushing into battle somewhat unprepared, and I will freely admit that I am best representative of this. (Van holds up his left hand, palm outstretched.) Roman's shown how quick he can be in battle, yet he can also be quite accurate with a bow. My primary weapon is my bow, which I think I've shown time and time again, but I also have the ability to use two weapons when I fight, which comes in quite useful at times.

This is, of course, regarding conflict. During negotiations, I think Caramip has shown that she is the one best equipped for handling delicate situations, as she did with the Mushroom King. Bronn's understanding of the political situation (especially given Cara's long imprisonment) is needed to compliment her silver-tongue.

So, let's try to go about this somewhat systematically.

The best offense is a good defense, so what is everyone's ability to defend themselves, and is there some strategy we can use to assign some people to limited engagement with our enemies (say, Cara, who can inspire us with her music, and Bronn, who can attack from out of range, and possibly myself, who can also do ranged attacks with little penalty) and buff up our meleers (Velm, Saieta, Bronn)? And where does our new friend fit in?

Bronn Spellforger

First Post
Umm, Ranger, if we give you those arrows, will you shut up for a little while and let us pick out which items we want? What the heck are you talking about?

I say less time spent systematically dividing the items and more time determining who our enemies are and what our next steps are going to be! Our enemies have gotten the best of us at every turn, let's use Selune's gift to make sure that doesn't happen again.

So who wants what?

Van Dyksun

First Post

Dwarf, are you deliberatly annoying or just thick-headed? No, wait, I know--you're both.

I'm trying, with no help from you or your brother horder, to maximize our abilities, which will help us best determine how to go about accomplishing our task.

I think your earlier suggestion that Roman and I share these new arrows well-made. In fact, I have some additional magic arrows that I will also share with Roman (OOC: add three +1 arrows to your inventory, Roman). I'll admit to not using these at every opportunity in the past, and I'm beginning to think (perhaps given my recent experience) that there is no better time than the present.

Now, returning to defense, who's best placed to act as "shock troops"? (OOC: What are people's AC? Mine's 18, but then, I'm planning to try to stay in the back and not engage in melee unless I am forced to.)
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Van it was my offer to split the arrows and I stand by this gesture. There are five arrows and since you gave me three of your magic arrows you can have three of the newly acquired arrows to replace them. I now have 5 new arrows with magical characteristics. And you have new arrows yourself although you have fewer fingers with which to fire them.

Let our cooperation be a model for the other decisions that need to be made. Now let's quickly finish with the other items so we can figure out how to defeat our enemies and lift the curse.

(Roman Gemmalee)

Tom Cashel

First Post
The cleric of Clangeddin stands, crossed axes shining on his broad, mithril-clad chest

" 'Brother Hoarder?' I trust you're not referring to me, Snowcap. I was only joking...did you not notice my broad grin?

"Still, from the pragmatic view, when I lead the shock-troops into melee--and I do dearly like that turn of phrase, ranger--I would surely take comfort in the added protection of Selune's blessed mantle. If Roman were going to be standing beside me, I might suggest that he have it--but we all know that while gold elves can stand to deal out a sword's blow, they certainly are too fragile to receive one in kind.

"The bracers, I believe, would be of the greatest benefit to Saeita. Being a 'shock-troop,' she would benefit from the protection (which would only interfere with your favored mage armor, Cousin...)--not only that, she would be able to instantly appear in a flanking position if the situation warranted it.

"Of course, if she refuses to speak even a word for herself, then I say give her a potion and be done with it. Perhaps one of those historical volumes would satisfy our 'spooky' friend.

"Cousin, you'd be able to make good use of the moon scroll, and those containers of moonfire salve--given their host of possible uses--might be best taken by someone with a mind for magical strategy. Which means you, Cousin. The rest of us would be hard-pressed to decide: healing...? flight...? dispel...? I'm not trying to short you, Cousin...but such an arsenal of choices is a benefit to you, while it is a hindrance to me.

"The moonstone mask, of course, should be given to someone with low-light vision or no darksight at all. This is just logical.

"One scroll is clerical, and another arcane, so it follows that Bronn and I should take them. The Wand can be used by me, Snowcap, or Caramip. Whoever takes it should be someone who will use it...healing is no good when it lies unused in a pouch.

"I'd be more than happy to help you carry those seven volumes of Selunite history, Snowcap, but they should be yours when we reach Even'star. Perhaps you could donate them to the House of Morning in Daziel's name--she was ofttimes a patron of their library.

"Was there anything else? What is this bronze disk? Cara, did you say it was a Disk of Meerschaulk?

"Eh...anyhow. You, Cousin...have you finally turned to evil? Is that your problem? I see your logic: why attempt to turn our enemies against each other when we can engage them all in a frontal assault? Clangeddin asks for bravery, but not stupidity. I appreciate your leading us into the debacle at Arglarllur Bridge, but we've had quite enough of your 'strategy,' thank you.

"Here's an idea: why don't you soften up the Sons of the Coil with this 'Web & Fire Combo' you keep prattling on about, and once you've finished we'll mop up what's left? :D
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Bronn Spellforger

First Post
Cousin -- First of all, thank you for recognizing me as the leader of this motled crew. I appreciate your trust. Now why don't you go kiss your goblin ladyfriend in your pretty new cloak? If you want, you can double with Van and his bugbearess sometime!

I'll take the moonscroll and the jars.

Sieta! Are you even here? Sheesh. Anyway, if you speak up, you can have those bracers.

Who can use that Mask? Van, you've got those darkvision goggles, right? Roman?

How about the dust of dryness? I'll hold it if no one wants to use it.. I have some ideas how it might come in handy.

Can we get back to strategizing about destroying our enemies now? Sheesh. During one of Van's diatribes, I've been thinking about something interesting. All of our enemies have motives, plans and aspirations. They aren't sitting around in rooms, doing nothing, waiting for us to come and kill them. (OOC: Look familiar, Matt? If you can mention my posts on this board, I'll quote you right back at ya!)

That said, by now, Zandrus Winter must have figured out Van's unintentioned ruse. She and her cohorts must know we have the skul and they probably knew we would be heading to the speculum. So what would I do if I were them? Well, I'd ambush us as soon as we came through that moonlight. I'd hit us with everything they have.. fireballs, lightning bolts, troglodites, dragons, etc. I think someone should go through the moonlight invisibly and scout ahead before we all go. Either that or we go through ready to attack.


Wait! I am hearing a low repeating sound. It keeps scraping at my skull trying to get in, I have heard it for quite some time now. Like a miner in a tunnel it is slowly getting louder and closer. I can barely make out the sounds. Shhh-wait a second. I can make out syllables now...let me put them together into words. Something about 'fighting'...umm...stay and fight...don't spring back. It is a little clearer now 'Don't spring back, stay and fight'.

Ok, ok already-I get the idea.

Voidrunner's Codex

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