D&D 5E Best Crit-Fisher Builds

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Nope you really only need more attacks during boss,
you could just take Sentinel instead of PAM for roughly equal all day damage.

That may be true at your table, in which case go for it. It's not true at every table that there's only one big fight per day where you need it.

Easy example: was playing Against the Giants, and when we were going after the various strongholds it is encounter after encounter of giants whom all have gobs of HPs and fairly serious attacks. You need to bring your A game to each and every scene.


Thoughts on adding Orcish Fury to half-orc barbarian build for a little extra spike damage? +2d12 on a crit once per rest could be nice, especially if you're sitting on an odd ability score to begin with.


First Post
What's your best crit-fishing build?

Elven Accuracy only works with attacks that use DEX, INT, WIS, and CHA. Reckless Attack only works with attacks that use STR. And the whole build starts to fall apart without BOTH of those.

I say just go Half-Orc Fighter 4 or 5/ Barbarian 3 or 4/ then Fighter the rest of the way.

Gavin O.

First Post
You could run a Half-elf Hexblade up to level 9, so you can cast Elemental weapon out of a level 5 spell slot for an extra 2d4 damage on all of your weapon attacks (+5 on average, doubled to +10 on crits) Darkness+Devil's Sight+Elven accuracy allows you to roll 3 d20s to hit, Hexblade's curse lets you crit on a 19. From there I'd probably MC Paladin for Divine Smite. You could also run a Tiefling, swap out Elven Accuracy for Flames of Phlegethos (use fire elemental weapon). Rerolling the first 1 on a d4 is +0.5 damage.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Elven Accuracy only works with attacks that use DEX, INT, WIS, and CHA. Reckless Attack only works with attacks that use STR. And the whole build starts to fall apart without BOTH of those.

I say just go Half-Orc Fighter 4 or 5/ Barbarian 3 or 4/ then Fighter the rest of the way.

Check the date - Yunru wrote that back with the original, UA version of Elven accuracy that doesn't have that limitation. The UA was even linked a few posts in.

So yes, today there is a limitation but back when this was written it worked just fine.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
You could run a Half-elf Hexblade up to level 9, so you can cast Elemental weapon out of a level 5 spell slot for an extra 2d4 damage on all of your weapon attacks (+5 on average, doubled to +10 on crits) Darkness+Devil's Sight+Elven accuracy allows you to roll 3 d20s to hit, Hexblade's curse lets you crit on a 19. From there I'd probably MC Paladin for Divine Smite. You could also run a Tiefling, swap out Elven Accuracy for Flames of Phlegethos (use fire elemental weapon). Rerolling the first 1 on a d4 is +0.5 damage.

I like that a lot.

Paladin Divine Smite + their additional spell slots works better than the Elidritch Smite invocation which only allows warlock slots to power it. But with curse only working on one foe per short rest, I wonder if Champion 3 for all crits on 19-20 isn't a better way to go first, and then swing back to paladin.

Note that if you also pick up Blade Pact you can extend two handed weapons for a larger crit die. And then GWM can give you a bonus action attack with it on crit for extra fun.

I've tried going a DEX paladin route, with Oath of Vengeance plus eventually the Mounted Combat feat for regular advantage. Divine Smite on crits is the biggest reliable non-weapon dice I can find to add. (Rogue SA you have the question if you hit but not crit, if you want to apply SA to deliver it, or roll again and hope you don't miss.) But finesse limits my weapon damage die to max d8.

I think your Hexblade version works better.

Voidrunner's Codex

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