D&D 5E Better Beasts?

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To clarify for everyone. I am fine with game versions of RL animals doing things they can't or wouldn't do. I simple do not find that as interesting. I think RL animals are amazing and interesting enough for what they really do and are. I find it fun and interesting to try to build that within the limits of the system.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
No idea, not really my concern when I made it. Nor am I concerned about that now
Well, fair enough. I just prefer not to have game elements restricted by things that aren’t actual physical limitations, if that makes sense. Whether a cheetah would normally try to trip a horse or a human or whatever is something for the writeup, not the stat block, IMO.

But I think we can just move forward without going round anymore on this.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I'm posting from the bottom of Page One, so maybe somebody already thought of it:
More beasts that are not tied to the forests of Primaeval Europe.
Kangaroos and Dire Roos
There is plenty of Ancient Egyptian art showing noblemen hunting wild animals such as crocodiles, hippopotamus, and lions.
Seals, Otters, and other lives-near-shore types.
Tundra dwellers (Reindeer might be an Aurochs with antlers)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'm posting from the bottom of Page One, so maybe somebody already thought of it:
More beasts that are not tied to the forests of Primaeval Europe.
Kangaroos and Dire Roos
There is plenty of Ancient Egyptian art showing noblemen hunting wild animals such as crocodiles, hippopotamus, and lions.
Seals, Otters, and other lives-near-shore types.
Tundra dwellers (Reindeer might be an Aurochs with antlers)
Giant deer and reindeer would be cool.

Also gonna look at goats, and maybe expand on them, and make them more interesting.

Definitely need more dogs, and mastiffs are really boring where they shouldn’t be. War dogs should be at least as fearsome as a single wolf.

I also would love to take inspiration from Dragon Age, and include some dogs that are much smarter than normal dogs, and specifically can be bonded as pups or even as late as adolescence.

Lastly, for now, I wonder what can be done with some of the smaller critters to make them more interesting, especially as pets/familiars/companions.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Definitely need more dogs, and mastiffs are really boring where they shouldn’t be. War dogs should be at least as fearsome as a single wolf.

There would be something quite scary to be chased by a pack of fox-hunting dogs that had instead been trained to hunt adventurers... Maybe do something with "Swarm of Insects" and make them "Pack of Dogs" that take up Gargantuan space or something.

Voidrunner's Codex

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