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Better Off Unknown (D&D 3.5 edition)


The Chickens Come Home To Roost, part 5 of 5

Alric stood over Govard, chanting. It had been so long, he worried that Govard may have bled out during the course of the battle.

Slowly, some life returned to the limp body. Alric chanted again. And again.

"I do not understand why you did not come to our aid during the fight. It was not easy, and even now Alric is bleeding all over Govard as he tries to save him. This was very serious, Crom." As Draden spoke, he was still prying weapons and other items from the dead orcs.

Without a word, Crommel simply began to help.

Castor watched the two of them for a few seconds. He concluded that they would be quite fine after a minute of shared pillaging, so he left them to their plunder, and ventured inside the stables. He found the ogre tending to a horse, and spoke. "Are you kidding me? You're bigger than we are! You shut the door on us!"

The ogre stood back from the horse, and looked down at Castor. "You live. Xeldar must be dead. That is good. A good development. Good."

"Yes, well the town seems quite happy about it. But you could have at least told Crom what was happening. We almost died!"

"Better you than me," said the ogre with a big toothy grin on his face. "Did you tell the little warrior that I won't eat his horse?"

Castor sighed. "Come on, let's go see if he's still out there."

Outside, the crowd had lifted the corpses and carried them to the water's edge. With chants of "one, two, three" the crowd tossed a body into the water. Something thrashed under the surface, and more cheers ensued.

As Castor emerged from the stables, someone ran up and clasped his hand. It was such an unexpected thing that Castor almost reacted harshly. But the person simply said, "Dead bandits is good bandits!" and disappeared into the crowd.

"Oh, tossing!" said the ogre. He ran to the water's edge, where the crowd merrily passed him the last corpse. The ogre took the body by the feet, spun around a couple of times, and let go. At the sound of the distant splash, the crowd cheered again. Someone shouted, "At's yer best yet, Ogre!"

Govard and Alric walked up to Castor. Govard muttered, "Let's get a drink." Draden and Crommel wandered over, smiling. Crommel had a pile of weapons and armor tied to his back. He didn't seem to mind the weight.

When they arrived at the Barnacle, the main bar was full of people. The group headed upstairs while Alric talked to the bartender. "Who's here now?" he asked.

The bartender smiled. "What a fine splash of red you've added to your outfit since I saw you last. Perhaps you might go enjoy one of our baths before chatting up the locals. Jovina is there in the corner, but she'll be here a while. You've got time."

"Ah. Okay. Maybe send up some drinks?"

The woman nodded, and Alric headed up the stairs.

By the time he returned, the entire party was in tow, all looking and smelling a lot better. Again Alric approached the bartender. "Would you give me two of whatever Jovina likes to drink?" He put down some coins.

As Alric carried the drinks over to Jovina's table, the rest of the party queued up at the bar. Alric asked Jovina if he might join her, and she agreed. She was a seasoned-looking halfling. She almost had the look of a pirate -- a very successful, legitimate, and resilient little pirate. Alric suspected that Scarbelly probably respected her plenty. He wondered if they were friends or enemies.

"Jovina, I'm trying to get my bearings here." Alric offered her one of the drinks. "What do you suggest?"

Jovina replied, "Start by giving me proper introductions."

Alric was embarrassed. "Of course. I'm sorry. I am Alric. My friends are over at the bar. The one in the robes is Castor." Jovina raised her drink in acknowledgement. Castor reciprocated, but did not approach. Alric continued, "The short one in heavy armor is Crommel. And the one walking toward us is..."

"...Osric." Draden finished the sentence for Alric, and placed his hand on the tall back of Alric's chair.

"Yes, Osric," repeated Alric.

"Well that was quite a performance your group gave us all today," said Jovina.

"Do you mean the assault down on the wharf?" asked Alric. Jovina nodded. Alric continued, "Thank you, I guess. And may I say, that's quite a ship you have there."

"And now I thank you," replied Jovina.

"What's the story behind that?" asked Draden, "It seems to be quite an elite ship."

Jovina surveyed them both for a moment, then took a swig of her drink. "Perhaps you might sit down, Osric. This is not a quick tale, if I am to convey my side of the story fairly. You see, many years ago, a young man named Mathias hired a boat on which I was a crew member. It was to take him and some friends on a grand adventure around the southern jungles. But during the trip, Mathias betrayed and killed most of the officers and abandoned the remainder of the crew -- at least, those who did not sign on with him. I was one of those left behind, stranded on some rock in the middle of the Azure sea."

The rest of the group had by now gathered around the table. Jovina continued, "I had been hired by the original captain when I was young. I was working my way up through the ranks. The captain was fair, just, and much admired by the entire crew and well known for his fair dealings in business. When Mathias cut him down, I swore to get revenge for his betrayal. You see, I had come from rather unfortunate circumstances, and the captain had shown me kindness. He deserved action."

Castor inquired, "But how did you get off the island, after Mathias abandoned you?"

Jovina smiled. "That's something I'll not say. I hope it keeps Mathias up at night. But I will tell you of my revenge, as it is no secret. I spent years moving from merchant to pirate, always looking for ways to disrupt the trade of Mathias's family. Before I made a name for myself, Mathias had done quite well, despite losing an inordinate amount of crews and cargoes to piracy." Jovina smiled again, and took a merry pull at her drink. She set it down empty, and looked over her growing audience.

Alric couldn't help but wonder if her smile was merely happiness at her enemy's misfortune, or if it was gloating over whatever part she might have played. He said nothing.

Jovina continued, "Word came to me that Mathias had commissioned a state of the art boat to be the flagship of his growing fleet of merchant ships. Ill-gotten, need I remind you. So I set out to steal his crown jewel, taking the boat out from under him on the day it was to be christened and launched. And," she added with a wry grin, "I did it in front of Mathias and his friends, family, and business associates. Did I mention that Mathias is the youngest son of the local lord? No? Well, let me just say that his father was not pleased."

Draden gestured at the bartender, and she soon arrived with more drinks.

Jovina put her hands around the cup, and finished her story. "If his father was unhappy with my theft, I hope he is even more displeased now. I renamed the boat to Midnight's Edge, and for the past couple of years I've been on a bit of a raiding spree. I've hit a good portion of Mathias's shipping routes. I am proud to say that I may have become a bit of an obsession for that scurvy dog. He wants revenge, but I heard that his father is starting to tighten the reigns on the family business." Jovina leaned in conspiratorially, "I hope that causes some family conflict."

Satisfied with the conclusion of her story, Jovina finally lifted her new drink to her lips, and swallowed a taste. The rest of the group was quiet for a moment, each lost in their thoughts about the tale. Then Alric spoke. "I take it you've got a lot more history with this hidden town, too. You're not a new arrival, as we are."

She nodded.

Alric spoke again. "So how does one leave this place? You have a boat, but most do not. And you mention that Mathias's father is a local lord. That suggests that there is a lordship around here somewhere."

"You mean other than Ivellilian's lordship?" As she made this comment, Jovina turned her head toward another table. Alric shifted in his seat to get a glimpse, and saw an elven woman who did not at all look like the "witch" that Scarbelly had mentioned.

Alric asked, "That is Ivellilian? And she is a lord?"

Jovina chuckled. "No, not really. But you might say that this place is her own little fiefdom. That is all. To answer your question, if you wish to leave, you talk to Verdash. But nobody should talk to Verdash."

"We've heard that."

"Good," said Jovina, "then you already know to avoid him. I can help with that. Some goods have been delivered to Axe's Head. Do you know of it?" Jovina waited, and saw blank expressions all around. "You don't. I shall tell you that story too. But the basic gist is this," Jovina flicked a chit at Alric and continued, "use that to get up to Axe's Head. It's the surface, your way out. The chit serves as a voucher that Marx should consider you able-bodied and... useful. If you are willing to help him, you will easily leave here without a boat."

Draden was skeptical. "Help him with what?"

Jovina struck an innocent look. "Well, transport the goods to their new destination, of course. The only difficulty is that you may come into contact with the Dreadwood."

Alric's attention snapped to Jovina. "We'll do it," he said. As the others looked at him quizzically, he shrugged and added, "You know I like the journey, and this keeps us moving." Alric pushed his chair back from the table and continued, "Say, Crom, let's see if Ivellilian can tell us about any of the spoils you were carrying on your back. Perhaps the weapons have magical properties...."

Govard, Castor, and Draden watched them stand for a moment before turning back to Jovina. "So, you were going to tell us the story behind Axe's Head?"
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So, I haven't been keeping up on this even though we still play, but I wanted to add a (final?) post that summarizes tonight's session. This is the text that I sent to a friend:

We had a pretty visceral moment, which you might enjoy. The entire night was spent in town, shopping and doing the in-between stuff. However, near the end of the night there was supposed to be this set-piece -- a chimera flies into town, lifts a villager into the air, and bites off the head. Mass hysteria, townsfolk fleeing, then epic battle. And we hadn't seen combat all night, so everyone was amped up and moved into position.

Except... our sorcerer cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on the chimera. With penalties for cross-racial casting ("humor doesn't translate") and high will saves, the chimera only needed to do better than a 2 or 3, I think. But the DM rolled a ONE. Chimera falls prone laughing. For 8 rounds. At a penalty of 4 to AC. And then we proceeded to get in a sneak attack & a huge critical. It was dead before round 2 ended. Our barbarian began hacking off teeth for a necklace, and Alric climbed onto the monster, cut out a tooth, held it in his bloody fists, and raised them up at the sky while howling, "Raaaaahhhhh!"

The leader of the town guard eventually appeared and was like, "Holy... crap." At which point our barbarian punched her in the face and said, "Where were you?!? That's some protection you provided to this dead villager!"

So you know, the usual. Save the town, and then get escorted right out.​
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