Beyond the Rerisen Tower(DM Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)


OOC: Does the Hulk lose my mark since he died?? I don't think so, it stays until the end of the encounter or I mark again...but I"m not sure.
Do you have to be bloodied to end the Healing flood effect?

Hmm, that stung a bit, but we aren't done with you yet
Fredrock states as his mighty swing fells the at the adjacent beast. You there, make sure those ravens don't get back up!

Regen 2 to 9 HP
Standard: :melee:Iron Fist on beast in L5. Hits for 18 damage, 'killing' it, Effect: DR4 TEONT
Minor: Militia1 in K6 Coup-de grace on the raven swarm, hits? -5 defenses (helpless), +2 combat advantage (that is why the +9)...16-5 = 11, and I got an 11.
Minor: Second wind (healing 14 hp, as I'm adjacent to the spirit), bringing me to 23, and not bloodied, barely. +2 Defenses

Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead
Location: K4
DR 4
Defenses +2
Healing Flood (regen 2 when bloodied)
Marked: RRH1
Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead
Fredrock Hammersmith - Male Dwarf Battlemind, level 3
Passive Perception: +15, Passive Insight: +20 Senses: Low-Light
Init +0, Speed:5
AC:21, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:18
HP 23/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:12/13
Action Points: 1/1, Power points 2/4
:close:Battlemind Demand link
:melee:Mind Spike link
Blurred Step link
:melee:Bull's Strength link
:melee:Iron Fist link
:melee:Mist Weapon link
Second Wind link
Battle Resilience link
:close:Telepathic Challenge link
:melee:Aspect of Elevated Harmony link

Item powers
deathscarred boon link
Dwarven Scale armor link

:melee:MBA +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 (brutal 2)
:ranged:RBA -0 vs AC, 1d4-1 (improvised..would have to pick up a rock or something)
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OOC: No, you can end it while not bloodied as well.

On second thought, I wonder if my AP'd attack would have actually hit the ravens? I rolled it for them to begin with. They would have gone prone/unconscious by the daily attack, so that -5 to defenses would be enough. And if you can CDG with any power, I would have used the encounter for it (I cared more about the healing than the damage).
If so, Fred can spend a healing surge + 7 hp.
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OOC: is that in addition to my second wind..nice..would put me up another 18 hp, 41/, -2 as I wouldn't have been bloodied, so 39/45

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Round 4

Salgyn slices into the hulk and slips away, with a brief word of encouragement for Kaz's actions.

On the beach around him, the few remaining dead struggle on to little effect, aside from a solid blow from the hulk that sends Kaz reeling.

Up on the switchback, the few survivors of Toeto's massive deluge hammer into the militia around Fredrock, the dwarf gritting his teeth and taking blows that could fell a lesser being.

The last beast manages to claw Scarm, but Toeto dodges out of the way of its claws.

[sblock=Salgyn's Actions]Free: Virtue of Valor: Kaz gets 4 THP.
Standard: War Song Strike: 1d20+8=24 AC vs Hulk 1, hit, 1d8+6=11 damage and the next ally to hit the Hulk gains 3 THP.
Move: Shift to J8.[/sblock]

GM: Notes: Mewness, the motes were minions, so I just canceled your AP Sly Flourish since there were no good CA targets. Hope that's ok.

Fredrock: All effects end on the Rerisen when they die. Also, the militia hit the Swarm exactly since helpless/dead creatures take -5 to defenses.

[sblock=Enemy Actions, Switchback]Rerisen Dead 5: Slam: 22 AC vs Militia 2, hit, 5 damage, taken by Fredrock, reduced to 1, push to L5. Move to K4.

Rerisen Hulk 1: Stand. Charge to J5, Slam(+1 Charge): 22 AC vs Militia 1, hit, 12 damage and push 2, damage taken by Fredrock, reduced to 8.

Rerisen Beast 1: Rerise: fail, dead.
Rerisen Beast 2: Shift, Pounce: jump to H9, Claw: 19 AC vs Scarm, hit, 6 damage, Claw: 11 AC vs Toeto, miss.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants, Switchback]Rerisen Dead 5: K4
Rerisen Dead: Minion, 14 AC, 14 Fort, 12 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead Destroyed: 7

Rerisen Hulk 1: J5, 35 damage taken, bloodied
Rerisen Hulk: 36 Max HP, 15 AC, 14 Fort, 11 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 2d6+3 damage and push 2.

Rerisen Beast 2: H9, 13 damage taken
Rerisen Beast: 28 Max HP, 14 AC, 13 Fort, 14 Ref, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Claw: +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Rerisen Beasts destroyed: 1

Rerisen Raven Swarms destroyed: 1

Rerise: If any Rerisen creature is reduced to 0 hp by anything but radiant or critical damage, it makes a saving throw at the start of its next turn. On success, it gains 1 hp and is dazed until the start of its next turn.

Death Motes destroyed: 3

Fredrock: K5, 31 damage taken, bloodied, DR4, regen 2 bloodied
Scarm: G8, 26 damage taken, bloodied, regen 2 bloodied
Toeto: I9, 8 damage taken, regen 2 bloodied

Militia 1: K6, dazed
Militia 2: L4, dazed
Militia 6: C13, dazed
Militia 7: D15, dazed
Militia 8: A15, dazed
Militia 9: C16, dazed
Militia: Minion, 16 AC, 13 Fort, 13 Ref, 11 Will. MBA - Spear: +7 vs AC, 4 damage.
Militia lost: 4
Militia fled: 2

Status Key:
Name: Location, damage, EONT/SONT effect, Encounter effect[/sblock]

[sblock=Militia]As a minor action, you may give the militia a command, either a minor, move, or standard action. If they leave the right side of the map, they are out of the fight.

As a free action, you make take the damage for an adjacent Militia or, alternatively, when you take damage, you make make the Militia take it for you.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions, Beach]Rerisen Dead 2: Shift to J4, Slam: 9 AC vs Eithal, miss.
Rerisen Dead 3: Charge to J9, Slam(+1 charge): 18 AC vs Salgyn, miss.
Rerisen Dead 1S: Rerise: success. Stand.

Rerisen Hulk 1: Slam(-2 mark): 22 AC vs Kaz, hit, 12 damage and push 2. Move to I6.

Rerisen Beast 1: Rerise: success. Claw(-2 prone): 13 AC vs Salgyn, miss.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants, Beach]Rerisen Dead 2: J4
Rerisen Dead 3: J9
Rerisen Dead 1S: M3, dazed
Rerisen Dead: Minion, 14 AC, 14 Fort, 12 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead destroyed: 1

Rerisen Archers destroyed: 1

Rerisen Hulk 1: O6, 25 damage taken, bloodied, marked(Eithal), next ally to hit gains 3 THP
Rerisen Hulk: 36 Max HP, 15 AC, 14 Fort, 11 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 2d6+3 damage and push 2.
Rerisen Hulks destroyed: 1

Rerisen Beast 1: I8, 27 damage taken, bloodied, dazed, prone
Rerisen Beast: 28 Max HP, 14 AC, 13 Fort, 14 Ref, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Claw: +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.
Rerisen Beasts destroyed: 1

Rerisen Raven Swarms destroyed: 1
Rerise: If any Rerisen creature is reduced to 0 hp by anything but radiant or critical damage, it makes a saving throw at the start of its next turn. On success, it gains 1 hp and is dazed until the start of its next turn.

Eithal: K5, 19 damage taken
Yishim: L7, 15 damage taken, bloodied
Salgyn: J8, 24 damage taken, bloodied
Kaz: J5, 28 damage taken, bloodied

Status Key:
Name: Location, damage, EONT/SONT effect, Encounter effect[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]The cliffs are rocky, sheer, and damp - DC 20 Athletics(climb).

The rocky outcroppings on the beach in the lower left of the map are 1 square up and take a DC 15 Athletics check to climb.

On the beach, the water in lines F and E is difficult terrain and if you end your turn in one of those squares, the water slides you to line G. Beyond line E you must swim.

To get from one map to the other, requires leaving the right side of the map, then moving 40 mores squares to arrive at the right side of the other map. Alternatively, the cliff face is 8 squares high from the beach to the switchback where the party is.[/sblock]


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  • BeachRound4.jpg
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OOC: did I get the healing last turn or not? (probably Iron sky was doing the turns while we discussed it. I'm assuming not at this point, but let me know..:)

Would you just stay down already?!? You, remind me of your name later, but can you take care of this minion? And you, get back here! Fred commands the milita near him as hie takes another swing at the Hulking dead.
Regen 2 to 16 HP
Standard: :melee:Iron Fist on Hulk in J5. Miss.Effect: DR4 TEONT
Minor: Militia2 in L5(4?) swings on RRD in K4, missing
Minor: Militia1 in K6 moves to K6

Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead
Location: K4
DR 4
Fount of Healing (regen 2 while bloodied)
Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead
Fredrock Hammersmith - Male Dwarf Battlemind, level 3
Passive Perception: +15, Passive Insight: +20 Senses: Low-Light
Init +0, Speed:5
AC:21, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:18
HP 16/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:12/13
Action Points: 1/1, Power points 1/4
:close:Battlemind Demand link
:melee:Mind Spike link
Blurred Step link
:melee:Bull's Strength link
:melee:Iron Fist link
:melee:Mist Weapon link
Second Wind link
Battle Resilience link
:close:Telepathic Challenge link
:melee:Aspect of Elevated Harmony link

Item powers
deathscarred boon link
Dwarven Scale armor link

:melee:MBA +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 (brutal 2)
:ranged:RBA -0 vs AC, 1d4-1 (improvised..would have to pick up a rock or something)
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"Not heyim hunny, Ah'm ovah heyah!" Eithal bates the zombie on the other side of Kaz, then slides around to pick another target. The hulk never sees what hits him as the goliath's axe slices its head clean off, sending it rolling across the sand, "Toldjya tah git offah mah beach, din'ah."[sblock=Actions]Free: Mark RRD2

Move: Shift to J6

Standard: Strength of Stone
Target: RRH1
Attack: 1d20+10=29 vs. AC for 1d12+6=13 damage

RRH1 is "Dead"
Do the THP stack? 4 for SoS and 3 for the effect mentioned above? I'll assume no.
Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 4
Initiative: +2
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 17; Passive Insight: 12; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 20; Fort: 18; Reflex: 12; Will: 14
HP:38/57 + 4thp
Surge Value: 14; Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers
:melee: Strength of Stone link
:melee: Thorn Strike link
:melee:Warden's Fury link
Warden's Grasp link

Encounter Powers:
:melee: Grasping Winds link
:melee: Relentless Panther Attack
:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link
Stone's Endurance link
Warden's Tempest link

Daily Powers:
Form of the Relentless Panther link


Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn. [/sblock]
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: Xeterog: I factored in your healing, but then you took 1 from an attack on one milita and 8 from another, so it whittled you back down. There could have been something I missed too.

That was another crit H.M.


OOC: Yea, some OOC retconing could have given me HS+7 as welll (16 more HP, as I wouldn't have gotten regen last turn if that happened


First Post
Good job Eithal-chan! Kaz says, slicing another dead with his axe and bracing for the comeback of the hulk. This one hopes the other are doing good!

Minor Oath Rerisen J4
Standard: Overwhelming Strike Rerisen J4 25 vs AC. hit, it is "dead".

[sblock=stat block]
Kaz Male Elf Avenger 3, bloodied
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Low Light
AC:20+2, Fort:14+2, Reflex:15+2, Will:16+2
HP: 12/40, Bloodied:20, Surge Value:10, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1
Basic Attack Battlecrazed Executioner's Axe+1, +5 vs AC, 1d12+2 damage (+1d12 on crit, 19-20 threat against undead, +1d6 when bloodied, reroll 1&2 damage)

Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike

Angelic Alacrity
Oath of Enmity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Sequestering Strike
Avenger's Resolve
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy

Aspect of Might
Battlecrazed Executioner's Axe +1
Deathscarred boon

Non-elf allys within 5 square get +1 to perception.
If oath target moves away willingly, +6 damage to next attack. (Censure of Pursuit)
Can shift through difficult terrain (wild step)

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