Beyond the Rerisen Tower(DM Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)

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OOC: My spirit companion was left off the map for this turn. He's in K4.
One of the RRD moved into that space, but I don't think it affects much; he could have gone to L4 and still avoided an OA.

Toeto sidesteps the beast next to her, and Sprout moves to assist his shaman. The basilisk charges at the undead beast and snaps at its legs, nearly bringing it to the ground. He growls loudly and menacingly at the deformed creature and bares his teeth as if in a dogfight.

While the spirit basilisk is distracting the undead, Toeto waves her totem in Fredrock's direction. The dwarf feels himself revitalized as unseen spirits swirl around him and draw out his pain. Back near Toeto, one of the mushroom spawn growing out of Sprout's spine explodes in a shower of spores that drifts to Scar. The kenku sneezes harshly, but he feels strangely refreshed after he clears his nose.

[sblock=Toeto stats/actions][sblock=actions]Move: Toeto shifts to I10 and Sprout moves to H8.

Standard: Certain Threat vs Beast (H9) w/CA hits 14 Reflex for 13 damage, and the beast is marked by Sprout until the end of Toeto's next turn, or until he disappears. The penalty for the mark is -4 instead of -2.
(I don't think it matters with the beast, but note that spirit companions can only be targeted by ranged or melee attacks; close/area attacks don't affect it.)

Minor: Healing Spirit on Fredrock. He spends a surge and gains 5 additional hp, and Scar gains 5 hp (no surge).[/sblock][sblock=Spirit's Shield OA]Toeto can take OAs through her spirit companion if an enemy adjacent to it moves without shifting. The power is At-Will, +6 vs Reflex, 4 damage, and Effect: one ally within 5 squares of the companion regains 5 hp (8 if adjacent to the SC).[/sblock]Toeto - Female Lizardfolk Shaman 3
Initiative +3, Senses: Insight +5, Perception +10; low-light vision
HP 30/38; Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 10/10
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 17
Speed 5
Action Points 0

Regeneration 2 while bloodied until end of encounter

Call Spirit Companion, Protecting Strike, Spirit's Shield, Voice of Battle
Certain Threat, Healing Spirit x2, Lizardfolk Recovery, Speak with Spirits, Spring Renewal Strike
Hungry Spirits Totem, Protective Roots, Spirit of the Healing Flood

Any ally adjacent to Toeto's spirit companion regains +3 additional hit points when he or she uses second wind or when Toeto uses a healing power on him or her.

[sblock=Spirit Companion rules]The spirit companion is treated as a conjuration with some exceptions.
  • It occupies 1 square like an ally does.
  • It is only affected by melee or ranged attacks (not close/area attacks or zones).
  • It is dispersed if it takes 11 or more damage from a single blow, and Toeto takes 6 damage. It is otherwise unaffected by attacks. It uses Toeto's defenses.
  • It cannot be flanked and it does not grant flanking.
  • It can move 5 squares whenever Toeto takes a move action. It is not affected by difficult terrain.
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Yishim has plenty of time to contemplate his next attack. The air around Salgyn suddenly chills, with the sea air freezing into ice. Somehow Salgyn remains warm, but one of the creatures near to him falls to the ground, frozen in re-death. The other survives, but his grasping attacks are less agile.
[sblock=Actions]Standard: Chilling Cloud burst 1 (Enemies only) centered on J8 vs Fort on RRD3, RRB1 (1d20+7=23, 1d20+7=8). RRD3 in J9 is "dead". Enemies in zone have -2 to hit.[/sblock][sblock=Yishim Stat Block]Yishim- Male Human Wizard 3
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 17
AC:18, Fort:13, Reflex:18, Will:17, Resist 10 Force -- Speed:6
HP:14/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/6
Initiative +5
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Scorching Burst, Chilling Cloud, Phantom Bolt, Shield, Grasping Shadows, Maze of Mirrors, Orb of Deception, Phantom Chasm, Orb of Unintended Consequences, Brooch of Shielding[/sblock]


First Post
Scarmiglione, rebalancing himself after another attack from the beast, begins breathing raggedly, as though about to sneeze again. Instead, he releases another "SQUAWK!" that disintegrates the creature. He then runs behind the largest corpse and severs its head with a swipe of his knife.

[sblock=actions]Regenerate 2 from healing flood. HP now at 20.

Standard: blazing starfall in exactly the same place, vs reflex. 1d20+8=25 didn't roll damage as any hit should destroy it.

Move: to I5.

Minor: low slash vs reflex (+3 for flanking with flock effect) on hulk. 1d20+10+3=33 crit, destroyed.[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniKenku]Scarmiglione Male Kenku Rogue|Sorcerer 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light vision
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:18, Will:18; Resist 5 radiant
HP:20/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:7/7
Action Points: 1
Blazing Starfall
Sly Flourish

Wave of Light
Low Slash
Sneak In the Attack
Second Wind

Shocking Magnetism
Shadowdance Armor (item)
Lucky Charm (item)

Phase of the Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes 2 fire and radiant damage; resist 5 cold
Phase of the Moon: Bonus to AC equal to number of conscious adjacent enemies; resist 5 psychic
Phase of the Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport 2 as a free action; resist 5 radiant

First Time Bloodied: Change immediately to next phase.

Conditions: healing flood

Full sheet: Scarmiglione[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Round 5

Salgyn thrums his instrument, the music stirring an arcane wind that blasts the beast to the sand at Eithal's feet.

The smattering of dead remaining flail at the nearest heroes, one slaming at Yishim only to strike a magical barrier inches from the wizard's body, another clawing at Kaz's feet.

On the switchback, the last of the dead gnaws on Fredrock's shield and just ends breaking off some teeth.

All that's left is a bit of mopping up.

[sblock=Salgyn's Actions]Free: Virtue of Valor: Kaz gets 4 THP.
Move: Shift to K8.
: Staggering Note: 1d20+8=19 Will vs Beast 1, hit, dead, slide to I6.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions, Switchback]Rerisen Dead 5: Slam: 19 AC vs Fredrock, miss.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants, Switchback]Rerisen Dead 5: K4
Rerisen Dead: Minion, 14 AC, 14 Fort, 12 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead Destroyed: 7

Rerisen Hulks destroyed
: 1

Rerisen Beasts destroyed
: 2

Rerisen Raven Swarms destroyed: 1

Rerise: If any Rerisen creature is reduced to 0 hp by anything but radiant or critical damage, it makes a saving throw at the start of its next turn. On success, it gains 1 hp and is dazed until the start of its next turn.

Death Motes destroyed: 3

Fredrock: K5, 15 damage taken, DR4, regen 2 bloodied
Scarm: I5, 26 damage taken, bloodied, regen 2 bloodied
Toeto: I10, 8 damage taken, regen 2 bloodied

Militia 1: K6, dazed
Militia 2: L4, dazed
Militia 6: C13, dazed
Militia 7: D15, dazed
Militia 8: A15, dazed
Militia 9: C16, dazed
Militia: Minion, 16 AC, 13 Fort, 13 Ref, 11 Will. MBA - Spear: +7 vs AC, 4 damage.
Militia lost: 4
Militia fled: 2

Status Key:
Name: Location, damage, EONT/SONT effect, Encounter effect[/sblock]

[sblock=Militia]As a minor action, you may give the militia a command, either a minor, move, or standard action. If they leave the right side of the map, they are out of the fight.

As a free action, you make take the damage for an adjacent Militia or, alternatively, when you take damage, you make make the Militia take it for you.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions, Beach]Rerisen Dead 2: Rerise: Fail, dead.
Rerisen Dead 3: Rerise: Success. Stand.
Rerisen Dead 1S: Charge to L6, Slam(+1 charge): 18 AC vs Yishim <Presumably Yishim triggers Shield to make it miss>

Rerisen Beast 1: Rerise: Success. Claw(-2 prone): 6 AC vs Kaz, miss.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants, Beach]Rerisen Dead 3: J9, dazed
Rerisen Dead 1S: L6
Rerisen Dead: Minion, 14 AC, 14 Fort, 12 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead destroyed: 2

Rerisen Archers destroyed: 1

Rerisen Hulks destroyed: 2

Rerisen Beast 1: I6, 27 damage taken, bloodied, dazed, prone
Rerisen Beast: 28 Max HP, 14 AC, 13 Fort, 14 Ref, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Claw: +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.
Rerisen Beasts destroyed: 1

Rerisen Raven Swarms destroyed: 1
Rerise: If any Rerisen creature is reduced to 0 hp by anything but radiant or critical damage, it makes a saving throw at the start of its next turn. On success, it gains 1 hp and is dazed until the start of its next turn.

Eithal: K6, 19 damage taken, 4 THP
Yishim: L7, 15 damage taken, bloodied, +4 AC/Ref
Salgyn: K7, 24 damage taken, bloodied
Kaz: J5, 28 damage taken, 4 THP, bloodied

Status Key:
Name: Location, damage, EONT/SONT effect, Encounter effect[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]The cliffs are rocky, sheer, and damp - DC 20 Athletics(climb).

The rocky outcroppings on the beach in the lower left of the map are 1 square up and take a DC 15 Athletics check to climb.

On the beach, the water in lines F and E is difficult terrain and if you end your turn in one of those squares, the water slides you to line G. Beyond line E you must swim.

To get from one map to the other, requires leaving the right side of the map, then moving 40 mores squares to arrive at the right side of the other map. Alternatively, the cliff face is 8 squares high from the beach to the switchback where the party is.[/sblock]


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Let's see if we can get this last one! 1..2...3..swing! Fredrock swings at the dead almost in unison with the milita, destroying it with their combined attack
Regen 2 to 16 HP
Standard: :melee:Iron Fist on RRD in K4. Effect: DR4 TEONT
Minor: Militia2 in L4 swings on RRD in K4 (coup de grace if fredrock felled it)
Minor: Militia1 in K6 Full defense

Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead
Location: K5
DR 4
Fount of Healing (regen 2 while bloodied)
Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead

Fredrock Hammersmith - Male Dwarf Battlemind, level 3
Passive Perception: +15, Passive Insight: +20 Senses: Low-Light
Init +0, Speed:5
AC:21, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:18
HP 30/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:11/13
Action Points: 1/1, Power points 2/4
:close:Battlemind Demand link
:melee:Mind Spike link
Blurred Step link
:melee:Bull's Strength link
:melee:Iron Fist link
:melee:Mist Weapon link
Second Wind link
Battle Resilience link
:close:Telepathic Challenge link
:melee:Aspect of Elevated Harmony link

Item powers
deathscarred boon link
Dwarven Scale armor link

:melee:MBA +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 (brutal 2)
:ranged:RBA -0 vs AC, 1d4-1 (improvised..would have to pick up a rock or something)
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Eithal quickly dispatches the beast next to her and saunters over to the shivering zombie, "Yew gonna stay heyah an' dye 'gain, oah yew gonna go bayack an' tayell thayat Rayven Laydee tah git outah heyah!" She hefts her axe threateningly.[sblock=Actions]Standard: Strength of Stone
Target: RRB1
Attack: 1d20+10=30 Crit!

He's "dead"

Move: J8
Free: Mark RRD3[/sblock][sblock=Ministats]
Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 4
Initiative: +2
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 17; Passive Insight: 12; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 20; Fort: 18; Reflex: 12; Will: 14
HP:38/57 + 4thp
Surge Value: 14; Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers
:melee: Strength of Stone link
:melee: Thorn Strike link
:melee:Warden's Fury link
Warden's Grasp link

Encounter Powers:
:melee: Grasping Winds link
:melee: Relentless Panther Attack
:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link
Stone's Endurance link
Warden's Tempest link

Daily Powers:
Form of the Relentless Panther link


Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn. [/sblock]


First Post
Scarmiglione moves back along the cliff edge to look out over the beach once more. His throat is starting to feel a little sore, but he nevertheless manages one last ear-splitting "SQUAWK!"

[sblock=actions]Move: to E9

Standard: blazing starfall, vs Reflex, centered on J9 minion on the beach. 1d20+8=13 hit, destroyed by radiant damage.

Zone as usual (not likely to be relevant)[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniKenku]Scarmiglione Male Kenku Rogue|Sorcerer 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light vision
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:18, Will:18; Resist 5 radiant
HP:20/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:7/7
Action Points: 1
Blazing Starfall
Sly Flourish

Wave of Light
Low Slash
Sneak In the Attack
Second Wind

Shocking Magnetism
Shadowdance Armor (item)
Lucky Charm (item)

Phase of the Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes 2 fire and radiant damage; resist 5 cold
Phase of the Moon: Bonus to AC equal to number of conscious adjacent enemies; resist 5 psychic
Phase of the Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport 2 as a free action; resist 5 radiant

First Time Bloodied: Change immediately to next phase.

Conditions: healing flood

Full sheet: Scarmiglione[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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