This one feels that we should press on quickly. Now that the enemy is alerted to our presence it may bring new forces to attack the tower. Kaz says.
[sblock=ooc/stat block]
Two surges spent bring Kaz up to full HP. No dailys used.
Kaz Male Elf Avenger 3, bloodied
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Low Light
AC:20, Fort:14, Reflex:15+2, Will:16
HP: 4?+40/40, Bloodied:20, Surge Value:10, Surges left:6/9
Action Points: 1
Basic Attack Battlecrazed Executioner's Axe+1, +5 vs AC, 1d12+2 damage (+1d12 on crit, 19-20 threat against undead, +1d6 when bloodied, reroll 1&2 damage)
Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike
Angelic Alacrity
Oath of Enmity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Sequestering Strike
Avenger's Resolve
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy
Aspect of Might
Battlecrazed Executioner's Axe +1
Deathscarred boon
Non-elf allys within 5 square get +1 to perception.
If oath target moves away willingly, +6 damage to next attack. (Censure of Pursuit)
Can shift through difficult terrain (wild step)
[sblock=ooc/stat block]
Two surges spent bring Kaz up to full HP. No dailys used.
Kaz Male Elf Avenger 3, bloodied
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Low Light
AC:20, Fort:14, Reflex:15+2, Will:16
HP: 4?+40/40, Bloodied:20, Surge Value:10, Surges left:6/9
Action Points: 1

Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike
Angelic Alacrity
Oath of Enmity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Sequestering Strike
Avenger's Resolve
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy
Aspect of Might
Battlecrazed Executioner's Axe +1
Deathscarred boon
Non-elf allys within 5 square get +1 to perception.
If oath target moves away willingly, +6 damage to next attack. (Censure of Pursuit)
Can shift through difficult terrain (wild step)