D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

Having been laid off -- and that's what happened here, not firing -- it's really semantics to worry about which person gave the order when you're carrying a box of your stuff to your car after turning in your security badge.
Having also been laid off previously, it very much made a difference to me personally that the orders came down from the overall company and not the subsidiary I was employed with that was forced to do so.

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Reeks of Jedi
May have ruined my Honor Mode save. Tried to install a "more clothing" mod but after that i couldnt talk to NPCs or use the map teleport function.

Even uninstalling the mod didnt help. Ive deleted the game now and will reinstall.... someday.

Flind plus gnolls is another one and the phase spider queen.
Yes, the Flind Gnolls fight I had to try a few times.

My mistake was spotting them first and trying to get to higher ground to attack them. The solution for me was to bop into them non-sneakily, parlay with the Flind, and trick them into fighting each other, while I was on higher ground.

The dialogue with the humans afterward went oddly for me. It seemed to be a positive conversation, no fight, and I let them keep their box, but the narrator said I had pissed off their organization by my interference … which was rescuing them and letting them go on about their business. Later on, their base was abandoned and I looted the crap out of it, so it will be legit for them to be mad later on, I suppose, if they figured out offscreen who’s been selling wagon loads of their merch.

Heh I prefer not to kill her. If you get her below 20hp she surrenders and you get her hair. It's a +1 buff.

20 main stat level 4.
Heh. I defeated her fair and square - a single run (no retries) from entering her final traps area to rescuing the prisoner to taking her down. The whole Auntie Ethel set up annoyed me so much, I killed the victim guy outside with the mirror who wouldn’t be quiet when I was trying to figure out the door (confused me for a long time). I felt bad about killing that guy, so I refused mercy for Ethel - only the final prisoner and some of the outside victims got out alive.

I’m not to Act 3 yet, but I fully expect her sister to seek revenge, and something weird to happen with the zombie husband.


Jedi Master
Had a near wipe on Honor Mode last night in the Creche. In the office with the two wolves, accidentally triggered combat and got wrecked round 1. Escaped with my OH Monk Tav with 1 HP after taking an invisibility potion and fleeing. Had to have Withers rez Astarian and Shadowheart, but decided to leave Lae'zel dead. Felt it was a fun way to end her story, having been betrayed by her own people. And we would avenge her death.

Came back, got a surprise round and took them out, and decided enough was enough. I figured my character, being a monk, knew about the trap protecting the Blood of Lathander, and since the gith had killed so many monks and taken over the monastery, it was perfectly reasonable to trigger the trap to take them all out.

Had Astarian sneak down alone to get the mace and trigger the trap. One misty step and 2 rounds later, the Gith paid for their foolishness of trying to take down the Worm Skulls.

I love honor mode so much.


Had a near wipe on Honor Mode last night in the Creche. In the office with the two wolves, accidentally triggered combat and got wrecked round 1. Escaped with my OH Monk Tav with 1 HP after taking an invisibility potion and fleeing. Had to have Withers rez Astarian and Shadowheart, but decided to leave Lae'zel dead. Felt it was a fun way to end her story, having been betrayed by her own people. And we would avenge her death.

Came back, got a surprise round and took them out, and decided enough was enough. I figured my character, being a monk, knew about the trap protecting the Blood of Lathander, and since the gith had killed so many monks and taken over the monastery, it was perfectly reasonable to trigger the trap to take them all out.

Had Astarian sneak down alone to get the mace and trigger the trap. One misty step and 2 rounds later, the Gith paid for their foolishness of trying to take down the Worm Skulls.

I love honor mode so much.

Heh we went back to tactician for a fun run on tactician. Basically avoiding most of the meta builds. Split screen ps5 Co op.

Zard Tav. Fighter 6 battlemaster, war cleric two. Blood of lathander in one hand, cacophony in off hand.

Tav 2. Level 8 moon Druid.

Wyll Sorcerer 6/Warlock 2

Shadowheart necromancer 8 or Karlach tempest cleric 8 with healing gear.

Wifes having to much fun as a spore druid respecced into moon Druid at 6.

Testing out necromancer just because. 4 skelitons with a level 4 spellslot is nice.

Dual wield fighter is holding up a lot better than anticipated. Thought it would fall off hard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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