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BIG DAMN HEROES - a d20 Firefly Campaign [OOC]

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Kai Nielsen
Charismatic 2/Tough 2/Field Officer 2

Str 16 +3
Dex 18 +4
Con 16 +3
Int 16 +3
Wis 18 +4
Cha 18 +4 [+1 @ level 4)

Init +4 (+4 Dex)
HD 6 + 1d6 + 2d10 + 2d8 + 18 =
Def 19 (+4 Dex, +1 Charismatic, +2 Tough, +1 Field, +1 Armor); Flat-footed 19; Touch 18
Spd 30

BAB +4 (+1 Charismatic, +1 Tough, +2 Field Officer)
Melee +7
Ranged +8

Heavy Service Revolver +9 ranged (2d8, 30 ft., 6 cyl.)
Imp. Brawl +9 melee (1d8+1d4+3 nonlethal)

Fort +7 (+3 Con, +2 Char, +2 Tough, +0 Field)
Refl +6 (+4 Dex, +2 Char, +0 Field)
Will +7 (+4 Wis, +0 Char, +3 Field)

Occupation – Military (Drive, Knowledge (tactics), Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Home World – Shadow (Survival, Ride, Brawl)
Reputation +3 (+2 Char, +1 Field Officer)
Action Points 9

Skills 63 (50 Charismatic + 12 Tough + 16 Field Officer)
Diplomacy +11 (7 ranks, +4 Cha)
Knowledge (tactics) +12 (9 ranks, +3 Int)
Survival +10 (6 ranks, +4 Wis)
Ride +8 (4 ranks, +4 Dex)
Drive +6 (2 ranks, +4 Dex)
Knowledge (art) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int)
Knowledge (civics) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int)
Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int)
Perform (song, dance) +5 (1 rank each, +4 Cha)
Profession (smuggler/scavenger) +13 (9 ranks, +4 Wis)
Spot +8 (4 ranks, +4 Wis)
Concentration +10 (4cc+3 ranks, +3 Con)
Knowledge (streetwise) +10 (7 ranks, +3 Int)
Intimidate +10 (6 ranks, +4 Cha)
Sense Motive +12 (3cc+5 ranks, +4 Wis)

Simple Weapons Proficiency
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Improved Damage Threshold
Heroic Surge
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Improved Brawl

Charismatic Bonus Feat
Remain Conscious
Tough Bonus Feat
Uncanny Survival

Wealth - 9

Heavy Service Revolver (.44)
Long Leather Coat
.44 cal revolver rounds (100)
Casual Clothes
Zip-tie Handcuffs
Speed Loader
Hip Holster

Kai is tall and broud-shouldered although has soft features making him appear less weathered of a man than his history shows. While he is brown haired and brown eyed, something about him carries a distinctiveness that few would forget or miss. He wears a long leather coat common to the browncoats during the war over a set of clothes that would just as likely put him on a ranch in a backwater sector over the deck of a ship. He carries a heavy service revolver on his left hip (as he is left handed), the only memory he carries of the War.

Kai grew up on Shadow for the first few years of his life, when a companion visited his town, he followed her around and she took a keen liking to the boy. Smart, observant, charismatic and graceful, already a good lucking boy at the age of eight, she paid his parents a handsome sum of money to take him with her. They didn't mind, sure he was a bit of a gift but the pile of credits she laid down for him would take care of any of their problems for years to come.

He lived on Sihnon till he was twelve when he was admitted into the Companions Guild for training. An apt student but with little interest in the arts the guild favored in its Companions he lasted on till the age of eighteen when the Unification War broke out. He split from Sihnon, taking with him only the training he had gained and went to the Border Planets.

He volunteered with the Independents. His natural charisma and exceptional tactical skills quickly took him higher and higher in rank, when the Battle of Serenity he was there. His troop transport was taken down by enemy fire and he managed to survive the crash along with a handful of others. Behind enemy lines and knowing that command had already given up on Serenity, he fought on for another week and a half before being captured. Of his original transport he was the only one that survived, his last mate eating his own rifle before being captured.

Growing up on Shadow before the war he had been part of a Christian family, then when he moved to Sihnon and the companions guild he learned a great deal of the Buddhist religion eventually taking it on as his own. When the war happened however, he had to make a decision, either follow the principle of non-violence he had come to believe on Sihnon and let his people suffer at the hands of the Alliance or take up the mantle of violence to do what good he could. He made his decision and what he saw in the war has left him with a great deal of self-doubt, scorn for the Alliance and a sense of pity for the Border and Rim worlds.

Come the end of the War and his eventual release along with a number of others captured at the Battle of Serenity, he took to the outer worlds. He quickly found work as a smuggler, his natural talent with people letting him work over officials to get past customs and so on. He has had the ambition to someday own and captain a ship of his own, but life on the rim and jobs are hard to come by, much less the coin to get himself a ship that runs.
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First Post
It's definately an outlier, but it's possible.

I hope that Ferrix won't be insulted to learn that I raised an eyebrow at that roll myself, and took the time to check Invisible Castle. There are no other rolls under that character name, no other grids whatsoever in the previous few hours under any name, and no grids that day that seem likely to pertain to this campaign.

Ultimately, if you take the risk, you deserve the reward, and I'm prepared to accept that as a legitimate roll.


First Post
For the record, I wasn't doubting Ferrix's roll. He is a respected member of these forums. I simply hadn't realized that the grid system could produce results like that. I'll have to check it out in more detail! :D

Plus, I think the high abilities matter slightly less in a Modern game. One lucky shot can still kill you, regardless of how great ability scores are.


First Post
Sadly, my own personal experience with Invisible Castle has been somewhat less fortuitous. Like my dice, it hates me.

And, for the record, I didn't particularly doubt Ferrix's roll either. However, I have a responsibility to treat everyone equally, and this has been an issue already for others in this thread. Given how far off the bell curve the roll is, it seemed best to forstall any possible objections.
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Thanks for the trust. I had rolled up the character's stats last minute after having been at my gf's on and off this week a lot.

I was surprised when I rolled that set, usually invisiblecastle is pretty random, I got lucky :cool:

Now to add history to my character.


First Post
I had initially promised to make my final decisions regarding the crew by 5pm today, but I've decided to postpone for 24 hours to give Ferrix a chance to complete his concept.

Ferrix: will that give you enough time?


Watus said:
I had initially promised to make my final decisions regarding the crew by 5pm today, but I've decided to postpone for 24 hours to give Ferrix a chance to complete his concept.

Ferrix: will that give you enough time?

Should do.

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