D&D 5E Bigby Doesn't Call His Homeworld Oerth :)

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Baaaaaaaaaah! The US calls things 1/10th the size of Manchester a city! I have proof!

https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/data/developers/understandingplace.pdf - 50,000 is the line for the US census, and I know some states call things much smaller than that "cities".

Distance-wise though absolutely yes it is "just north of London" by US standards!

Yup my Texas friend drives from Houston to New England to visit family.

Here you probably wouldn't bother either fly or not go. Ferry makes it an even bigger pita. 27 hour drive top to bottom.


Aspiring Trickster Mentor
https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/data/developers/understandingplace.pdf - 50,000 is the line for the US census, and I know some states call things much smaller than that "cities".
Yeah, but that also has a lot to do with how the state incorporates municipalities. Here in Illinois, population has very little to do with it, and we only really have "Villages" or "Cities" (there's 15ish "Towns"), and the only real difference is a villiage's governing board is exactly six elected members and a president (who may be called a "mayor" as custom dictates) while a city can have more than six elected members (typically called an "alderman" regardless of gender identification) and a person specifically called a "mayor." "Town" is just a holdover from municipalities incorporated before the 1872 Cities and Villiages Act (I mean, there's a little more to it, but that's it in a nutshell. You can read the law here if you're into that sort of thing.)

But, I'm drifting off topic, so I hope Greyhawk city has an appropriate number of alderhumanoids.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
That's fair in the US - my wife is from South Bend, and unless people know Notre Dame etc. (which a surprisingly large number of British people do) we usually just have go with "near Chicago" unless we want to go into some sort of elaborate explanation of where it is.

Whereas in the UK, if you called somewhere 75+ miles (or even 40 miles) from London "near London" or "London", people would look at you like you were completely insane.

There was a great example of this cultural divide when UK Queer as Folk (set in Manchester) first went on US TV, and Manchester was described as "town just north of London" by a US TV guide. Manchester is a city of half a million and is "halfway up the country" - i.e. about 200 miles away by road.
I mean... I live in a town (Santa Barbara) 100 miles (160km) north of Los Angeles city center - but if there hadn't been a soap opera in the 80's with my town's name, I'd just say "Los Angeles" to folks not aware of California geography...

Because heck, I drove from my hometown to a town 3 hours north of Vancouver BC for a summer vacation and traveled over 4000km - all in the space of 2 weeks. Car/Road trip culture is a thing in the US. So a drive of 300km feels like "just up the road" in comparison

All of which to say, clearly the writers of that TV guide were USicans, not UKers...

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Baaaaaaaaaah! The US calls things 1/10th the size of Manchester a city! I have proof!

https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/data/developers/understandingplace.pdf - 50,000 is the line for the US census, and I know some states call things much smaller than that "cities".

Distance-wise though absolutely yes it is "just north of London" by US standards!
In California, town/city status is just about whether it's been legally incorporated. As far as I know, there's no bottom population limit to being a city.


Book-Friend, he/him
Not arguable at all. The elemental temple in G3 came out years before the Temple of Elemental Evil did (and seemed to suggest that the temple was devoted to the Elder Elemental Eye and not the four dorks of elemental evil).
At this point, it's a pretty firmly established bit of canon that those four are just lieutenants for Tharizdun, aka the Evil Elemental Eye. Affirmed as recently as Bigby Presents here, butnpretty firmly established in Princes of the Apocalypse, too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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