WotC Birthright may be opened up for DM's Guild

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I think you might have linked the wrong thing, or I'm really missing something, because that's a DriveThruRPG link (not DM's Guild) to an RPG called Porphyra which doesn't appear to have anything to do with Birthright, nor am I seeing a Birthright tag anywhere or anything.

It was a setting designed for mass combat rules.

I could see Hasbro being interested in WotC producing a new mass combat boardgame D&D spin-off.


It was a setting designed for mass combat rules.

I could see Hasbro being interested in WotC producing a new mass combat boardgame D&D spin-off.
Yeah. A Birthright campaign setting book would be a great way for WotC to introduce both mass combat rules (which they haven't revisited since that early UA, right?) and rules for building and running a kingdom.

I know almost nothing about Birthright, but reading the preview, Cerilian elves remind me of the ones from Skyrim.

Immortal (wont die from ageing). Only Chaotic alignments. More fey than standard elves, and more in line with Tolkien elves.

Also (along with blooded scions) the only race capable of using true magic (i.e. levels in Magic User)

No Clerics or divine casters. They dont have Gods and lack a connection to the divine.


Saw this. Don't see much purpose if it's not for opening up Birthright for DM's Guild
There is very little I would like more than for this to be true, but isn’t this just a release of earlier editions pdfs like a lot of DriveThruRpg.

Cerillia has a lot going for it. It’s probably my favourite setting structurally because instead of trying to be all things to all people it knew what it wanted to be, with a clear identity and purpose. Despite that there was a a lot of flexibility in how things were implemented. If someone could do it well it has huge potential!

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