Blade Runner: The Next Million Dollar Kickstarter?

Free League's Blade Runner Kickstarter has just launched, and is tearing through stretch goals after funding in just 3 minutes. It looks very likely that this will be the company's second million dollar Kickstarter (following last year's The One Ring campaign, which raised over $2M). It will also be the third million dollar Kickstarter in the last month, following Matt Colville's Flee...

Free League's Blade Runner Kickstarter has just launched, and is tearing through stretch goals after funding in just 3 minutes. It looks very likely that this will be the company's second million dollar Kickstarter (following last year's The One Ring campaign, which raised over $2M). It will also be the third million dollar Kickstarter in the last month, following Matt Colville's Flee Mortals!, and Monte Cook Games' Old Gods of Appalachia.

Blade Runner was voted the Most Anticipated TTRPG of 2022 by readers of EN World right here.

Free League's other million dollar Kickstarter, The One Ring, did $521K on the first day and finished with $2M. Compared to the other million dollar campaigns in the last few weeks --
  • Flee Mortals! did $788K on the first day.
  • Old Gods of Appalachia did $679K on the first day.
  • Only one campaign has done $1M+ on day 1, and that was Avatar Legends with $1.15M on the first day.



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Also, not a deal breaker, but I'm not really crazy about the custom dice in the Stretch Goals. Numbers are too small next to the image on each face.
I'm not overly fond of them either, but for the most part I support a KS based on the core product. A lot of times the stretch goals really don't add a lot in my opinion even when some of them are kind of neat.

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It's currently the 4th best ever first day funding, with plenty of the day left to go. Currently at $720K. Ahead of it are:

1) Avatar Legends ($1.15M)
2) Tanares RPG ($993K)
3) Flee Mortals ($789K)
Made it to Top 3 in roughly 12 hours. Another half day to go to try to beat Tanares. To be continued...

BLADE RUNNER: BLACK LOTUS (2021, on Crunchyroll now) introduced a lot of anime/animation fans to the world of Blade Runner in the past year, so I guess now is a pretty good time to go for it while interest is still relatively fresh.

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