Blight Makes Right (DM: TwoHeadsBarking. Judge: Lord Sessadore)

[sblock=non-lethal]Yes. You just need to state that you're doing non-lethal damage, and then if your attack reduces the target to 0 hp, it is knocked out rather than killed.

Don't forget to add +1 to hit and damage from the rod.[/sblock]

The goblin drops. For a moment the only sound is the buzzing of insects, but this is soon interrupted by a low whistle from behind you.

"Whoa. You actually did it."
Yelder enters the clearing. "Looks like I chose well. Glad you fared better than those poor wretches over there."

[sblock=You win!]Current HP:
Feyr: (1/26, bloodied)
Growl: (17/30)
Adran: (2/28, bloodied)
Lephisto: (19/27)
Alek: (10/30, bloodied)

I think we can assume Growl would eventually make his save.[/sblock]

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Adran leans over, resting his hands on his knees. When Yelder speaks, he raises his head and looks bleakly at the man. Then, without saying a word, he slumps forward again and concentrates on controlling his breathing. He'd be OK - once the shaking stopped. Was it always like this?

Growl's eyes eventually clear, and the bear returns to his warforged form. He examines Garron's corpse closely, trying to learn more.

[sblock=Mechanics]Yeah, eventually. ;)

Use Healing Surge with Song of Rest. Currently at 28/30 HP and 2/11 Surge remain.

Nature (1d20+11=30)[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 17, Fort: 14, Reflex: 11, Will: 16 - Speed: 6
HP: 28/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 2/11
Action Points: 1

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire

Full character sheet[/sblock]

[SBLOCK=OOC]I'm not sure how many HS I have left, but I would use two to reach 21/26 hp.[/SBLOCK]

Feyr takes a moment to take back his breath. "It was madness, but behind that, there was a few truth your people would need to see. It's not because of the abundant life that you have that you do not have to care about it." tells Feyr

ooc: I have Feyr at having two surges left.

[sblock=Growl]Garron's body is in a sorry state of decay. If not for your recent experience with the contrary, you would guess that he died at least a week ago. There are a multitude of maggots and other similar invertibrates feasting on his body, which (unsurprisingly) bears significant signs of the Blight.[/sblock]

OOC: Adran spends 3 surges to return to full health. (3 surges left.) +4 bonus per surge for everybody, thanks to Song of Rest.

Then search for loot!

[sblock=Mini-stats]Adran Cassis, Bard 1
Initiative: +1 | Passive perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 14
AC: 15 | For: 13 | Ref: 14 | Will: 15
HP: 2/28 | Bloodied: 14 | Surge value: 7 | Surges: 3/10
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Draconic, Eladrin
AP: 0 | Second Wind: used
Basic Attack/Opportunity attack: +3 vs AC, 1d8
Powers: Guiding Strike (PHB2), War Song Strike (PHB2)
Acid Orb (PHB2), Majestic Word (2 of 2 used) (PHB2), Shout of Triumph (PHB2), Words of Friendship (PHB2)
Slayer’s Song (PHB2)

"If he wasn't just trying to kill us, I'd have said Garron had died a week ago," Growl rumbles. "But then again, perhaps he did."

Garron doesn't seem to be carrying anything of value, not that you'd particularly want to touch anything he did have. The bodies in the pile are also fairly disgusting, but you manage to salvage some coin, a couple suits of armor, and a loop of iron chain that one of them was wearing around his neck.

[sblock=Translation]39 gp, a suit of +1 chainmail, a suit of +1 Enduring Beast hide armor (PHB2), and a +1 Lucky Charm (AV2).[/sblock]

As you approach the goblin's body, it starts convulsing, and steam begins to rise from it. In seconds, the flesh melts away, leaving only a twisted and blackened skeleton.

[SBLOCK=OOC]The hide armor is going to Growl, obviously. The Chainmail and the Charm can both be use by Feyr and Adran... Sure, I woudl be in favor to take the Charm but what would you prefer, Boddyknock?[/SBLOCK]

"Now, let's go, no need to stay here any more time. Better to find a secure shelter as soon as possible to get some rest, we are all tired." tells Feyr.

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