D&D General Blind Monk


Tonguez: well Uncanny dodge does seem like the 3.5e version of danger sense with the way you described it however, if I was to do that, as I see it, I would have to multiclass into levels of barbarian in order to do so because of the fat that Uncanny doge is not a feat, it's a class feature for the Barbarian and Rouge. Unless I make my own version of this as a feat and give it a different name, I technically can do that because I am adding this to a realm that I have created, so yeah I could probably do that

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)

No-one wants to be truly blind
Eh, depends on the type of game. I had a blind character in Vampire: Dark Ages that was essentially useless in a fight, and I had a blast with him. I think it would also be interesting to play a blind wizard and go through the spellbook, eliminating every spell that requires sight to be effective, and see what kind of character you can build from what's left, moving around with a familiar to help you find your way.


A suffusion of yellow
Tonguez: well Uncanny dodge does seem like the 3.5e version of danger sense with the way you described it however, if I was to do that, as I see it, I would have to multiclass into levels of barbarian in order to do so because of the fat that Uncanny doge is not a feat, it's a class feature for the Barbarian and Rouge. Unless I make my own version of this as a feat and give it a different name, I technically can do that because I am adding this to a realm that I have created, so yeah I could probably do that
yeah my approach is generally to treat all class abilities as Feats, and then use level or stat gating to tweak them. in the case of this Blind Monk you could put a character Level 2 prereq or decide that Blindness is a sufficient disadvantage to balance it.


I would go with just assinging the monk blindsight to get the blind samurai/Daredevil archetype of blind fighting.

Whether this is because of the monk's training, whether they have achieved a level of enlightenment where they can sense another's chi, or whatever simply having them narratively blind but still able to 3.5 fight without a constant 50% miss chance from blindsense would make the most sense to me.

The RAW drawbacks are no reading and no discerning colors.


There's a blind hexblade in my Ravenloft game. He has blindsight 30 feet, but only when his blade is out, and it only sees living things with souls and people whose blood he's tasted (and as of last week due to a thing, Mist creatures). So he can't see undead, trees, walls, holes in the ground, etc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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