D&D General Blind Monk


@DnDboi923 if you are referencing a person you can put an @ symbol and start typing their name. A dropdown of matches will come up and you can pick the person who are mentioning. This will send a notification to that person so they can see it. Cheers.

If you are the DM and the blind person is a NPC, you can do whatever you want. A cool idea for the echolocation is to have him use a staff with a metal cap on the ends. He taps it on the ground to make a sound that bounces off walls and other people so he can turn to them to when speaking. I would take something away if the PCs put him in a silence spell.

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There should be some sort of trade-off. Being blind already, you have immunity to certain spells and effects which should be offset with a range limit or attack penalty.

Spells and effects target a creature the attacker 'can see', not one the (blind) target can see. Blindness doesnt make you immune to pretty much anything (barring gaze attacks and a few other abilities).

The Blind fighting F/S is crazy good in that it grants actual Blindsight, meaning a PC with that F/S can target creatures and effects within his Blindsight radius that require him to be able to 'see' them, without actually needing to see them.

He can make AoO against Invisible adjacent creatures, counter spells from invisible casters in the radius, target invisible creatures with spells like magic missile and hold person etc, Dodge their attacks with the Dodge action etc.

In addition, creatures cant attempt to Hide from him in that radius (seeing as they're effectively always able to be 'seen clearly' by the creature with Blindsight), and (barring DM adjudication otherwise) hidden creatures are automatically revealed within the radius, because the PC with Blindsight 'sees' them automatically (they lose the benefit of heavy obscurement or total cover, required to hide or remain hidden).

It's a considerable buff within the radius.

I'd let a Blind PC have the same ability, however he's blinded (a considerable nerf) beyond that radius.


Spells and effects target a creature the attacker 'can see', not one the (blind) target can see. Blindness doesnt make you immune to pretty much anything (barring gaze attacks and a few other abilities).
@Flamestrike that's not entirely true because if you look in the DM's guide it says that characters with blindsight are immune to attacks like gaze attacks because those attacks are basically and eye to eye contact type of thing. For example: If you look into Medusa's eyes you essentially turn to stone, that is a gaze attack "Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates. The save DC is Charisma based", page 180 of the 3.5e Monster Manual. However it doesn't specifically say it is any eye to eye contact type of thing that is what is implementing, and this Monk can not see, therefor it cannot look into medusas eyes, therefore it is unaffected. "Blindsight does not subject a creature to gaze attacks" page 290 of the 3.5e DM's guide.

@Flamestrike that's not entirely true because if you look in the DM's guide it says that characters with blindsight are immune to attacks like gaze attacks because those attacks are basically and eye to eye contact type of thing. For example: If you look into Medusa's eyes you essentially turn to stone, that is a gaze attack "Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates. The save DC is Charisma based", page 180 of the 3.5e Monster Manual. However it doesn't specifically say it is any eye to eye contact type of thing that is what is implementing, and this Monk can not see, therefor it cannot look into medusas eyes, therefore it is unaffected. "Blindsight does not subject a creature to gaze attacks" page 290 of the 3.5e DM's guide.

Dude, I specifically said above that gaze attacks are the one thing you're immune to (most of the time).

You even quoted the bit where I said it!


Well they would odiously be immune to visual illusions considering they wouldn't see them

There is always upsides and downsides to being blind and if someone is a DM (which I am in the sense) I can basically and literally put almost anything I want on it as long as it makes since.

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