Books written by Mordenkainen?


Hello everybody!

So... I was browsing through the Wikipedia lately and found this:

Where I find this:

Mordenkainen is known to have authored or co-authored the following works:

* Architecture (with Leomund)
* The Codex of Mordenkainen
* Cosmogony of Magnetic Fluids
* Dark Sides of the Memory
* Epic Saga of the Great Conjurers
* On The Rise of Magecraft and Modernity
* Weapons of the Ether (with Melf)

Does anybody know where this info comes from?
Where can I learn more about it?

Thanks in advance!

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Erik Mona

The Codex of Mordenkainen is from the Outer Planes Monstrous Compendium Appendix, and has been mentioned several times since. Many of the other books are indeed from a Dragon article, I believe by Frank Mentzer. It's somewhere in the double digits.



Erik, I need to have you eaten by a giant mutated planarian worm, so that your vast knowledge is carried forward into the future.

We'll... err... 'look' for you at Gen Con.

Piratecat said:
Erik, I need to have you eaten by a giant mutated planarian worm, so that your vast knowledge is carried forward into the future.

I second that. Now to start my Chernobyl planarian worm transplant scheme.

joe b.

Erik Mona

I know, I know. And to think, in just a few short months, most of my "official" D&D knowledge will be completely wasted.

Woe is me. :)

We'll always have EN World.


Erik Mona

Here's the article in question, btw. It was not written by Mentzer, but by Bruce Heard.

Dragon #82, p.55
Spells between the covers, by Bruce Heard
Rules for spell research, the list of random books includes many penned by Greyhawk personalities


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