D&D (2024) Power Source Spell Lists

Yeah, I got that impression too. Presumably, Eldritch Blast is no longer a spell, but is instead a Warlock class feature.

Generally, I would rather a class avoid gatekeeping certain spells. Let the spell remain as a general spell. But I think it is ok if the Warlock has features to augment the Eldritch Blast. Similarly, a Fire Wizard might augment the Fireball spell.
That’s how it was in 3.5. The Eldritch Blast was a class feature that scaled similar to the Rogue’s sneak attack (starting at 1d6 and increasing another d6 at each odd level). There was an invocation called Hideous Blow that allowed you to channel your Eldritch Blast through your weapon strike. Back in the day, my group experimented with the gestault rules and I played a Rogue/Warlock. I was dropping d6s left and right.

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I'd rather not split spells into power source categories like this, but instead give each power source access to different combinations of spells.

Sort of like what they're doing right now, but also create a Psionics spell list. And maybe a Fey or Shadow spell list, if that would be helpful. Maybe even a spell list for each of the 4 classical Elementals.

There's no reason to say one spell is only Arcane or only Psionic. Different power sources can access the same spell in different ways.

I'd rather not split spells into power source categories like this, but instead give each power source access to different combinations of spells.

Sort of like what they're doing right now, but also create a Psionics spell list. And maybe a Fey or Shadow spell list, if that would be helpful. Maybe even a spell list for each of the 4 classical Elementals.

There's no reason to say one spell is only Arcane or only Psionic. Different power sources can access the same spell in different ways.

The spell lists of each source are organizational, not prohibitive.

A "primal class" can use primal mechanics to cast from the elemental spell list.

An "arcane class" can use arcane mechanics to cast from the psionic spell list.

A "psionic class" can use psionic mechanics to cast from the arcane force spell list.

And so on.

Regarding mechanics, there sense that:

Arcane is a protoscience utilizing the magical properties of material components, including engineering an arcane spell focus, such as a wand.

Psionic utilizes the mind to will reality into existence.

Divine is linguistic, utilizing symbols and the cosmic archetypes of a sacred community.

Primal is wielding the energy of life.

Elemental is the consciousness inherent in matter.

These flavors imply mechanics.

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