Prince of Dorkness
That’s how it was in 3.5. The Eldritch Blast was a class feature that scaled similar to the Rogue’s sneak attack (starting at 1d6 and increasing another d6 at each odd level). There was an invocation called Hideous Blow that allowed you to channel your Eldritch Blast through your weapon strike. Back in the day, my group experimented with the gestault rules and I played a Rogue/Warlock. I was dropping d6s left and right.Yeah, I got that impression too. Presumably, Eldritch Blast is no longer a spell, but is instead a Warlock class feature.
Generally, I would rather a class avoid gatekeeping certain spells. Let the spell remain as a general spell. But I think it is ok if the Warlock has features to augment the Eldritch Blast. Similarly, a Fire Wizard might augment the Fireball spell.