Per the video, sounds like each class will have some spells in addition to those on their "primary" list. Now, I thought that might mean just spells unique to each class, like only Warlocks would have Eldritch Blast, but it could also mean adding a few spells from a different primary list.What are your thoughts on the Bard and Artificer being limited to the Arcane List in One D&D, and losing access to healing and restorative spells?
Can you clarify the difference between a class having access to a list and "spellcasting" from a list? It seems consequential, but I don't understand the mechanical difference you're driving at.Typically, a class has about three lists from various sources, but only uses one source to spellcast. For example, a Cleric can access four thematic lists − Divine, Elemental Fire, Primal Healing, and Necromantic − but only uses the Divine source to cast any spell.
This distinction assumes that the power source matters mechanically.Can you clarify the difference between a class having access to a list and "spellcasting" from a list? It seems consequential, but I don't understand the mechanical difference you're driving at.
Yeah, I got that impression too. Presumably, Eldritch Blast is no longer a spell, but is instead a Warlock class feature.Per the video, sounds like each class will have some spells in addition to those on their "primary" list. Now, I thought that might mean just spells unique to each class, like only Warlocks would have Eldritch Blast, but it could also mean adding a few spells from a different primary list.
So ,they may still give a couple healing spells to those classes in addition to the core Arcane List.
The Bard spell list is perfect the way it is. But choosing themes within these themes is fine.What are your thoughts on the Bard and Artificer being limited to the Arcane List in One D&D, and losing access to healing and restorative spells?
The thirteen themes are solid. These are the themes that D&D itself is made out of.Probably once we get to this level of division (13 overall families in 6 superfamilies), I think I'd rather go towards something like the bespoke spell traditions that Shadow of the Demon Lord uses.
I could probably quibble a little at the edges, but yea, overall, it's a pretty solid reorg.Organizing the themes is a matter of taste.
The thirteen themes themselves are robust.
By the way, please "quibble".I could probably quibble a little at the edges, but yea, overall, it's a pretty solid reorg.