Boston Game Day - May The Fourth Be With You (PLAYER SIGN-UPS)


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I'm glad the week is about done. Catching up on the posts here, I'm glad to chip in funds for myself and Teri ( [MENTION=35735]Dantilla[/MENTION] ) for the BBQ munchies.
[MENTION=29637]nasrat[/MENTION] - If you can manage to get to Harvard Square, we should be able to head through that area and would be able to pick the two of you up as we head to Fickle's place. Let me know if that works for you.

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Mr Wright and I may be able to make Jambalaya again as a chicken-only with vegetable option, if there is need.

We'll probably have room for at least one more rider , leaving from Dorchester/Ashmont Red Line stop that morning.

Let me know what works!

N+/Mr Wr.+MuBag


I'm glad the week is about done. Catching up on the posts here, I'm glad to chip in funds for myself and Teri ( @Dantilla ) for the BBQ munchies.
@nasrat - If you can manage to get to Harvard Square, we should be able to head through that area and would be able to pick the two of you up as we head to Fickle's place. Let me know if that works for you.

Harvard Square is perfect - we'll be staying close to Davis on Mass Ave. I'll PM you contact detail.


First Post
I'd like to join in the fun. Trying new games with new people. How invigorating!

Please sign me up as follows:
Morning Choice 1: Seonaid - Mystery Scenario - Hollowpoint
Morning Choice 2: Umbran - The Fungus Among Us - Atomic Robo

Afternoon Choice 1: LordBill of Bedrock Games - Sertorius - New Game
Afternoon Choice 2: PrincessKeyBlade - Bulger Returns, the Hunt Begins - Savage Worlds


CrazyCake, welcome! That's great. How'd you hear about this?

EDIT: Never mind, I looked up your email with my secret admin powers. Hiya!


First Post
There you go spoiling the surprise, piratecat. Thanks for letting me know about this!

EDIT: Oh yeah, put me down for BBQ, too.
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So, since FickleGM is a goober and didn't allow alternates for the games, I can't tell if Kevin's game has more interest than space. If it does, and JC's game isn't punked, I want to switch to JC's game. If JC's game is gonna get punked (I will agree heartily that his game is best with a full table), I want to stay in PC's. If that's too confusing, just ignore this post...


Gooberosity aside, I completely follow. :)

I can guarantee one more, if JC's okay with a 19 year-old mommy joining the fun (two more if you want a 4 month-old in the game, but we're going to try to keep him otherwise occupied ;) ). She even stole my Xbox live account and uses FickleGM in an MMO (League of Legends)...

If that keeps JC's game afloat, I can move you into it. Doing so would pretty much keep all the afternoon games in the mix, but the morning edition of Sertorius may be in jeopardy.

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