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Bother Around Beregost


The intrepid trio advance on the lone goblin. The woods thin out to the right, and Korik's gaze is dwarn thence, whilst Neraw concentrates on finding out what, if anything, menaces the party's flank.

[sblock]Although you aren't actively listening for it, your keen senses cannot help put pick out the sounds of goblins moving through the woods off to the left. Not close enough to charge, and the bushes block missle fire. For the moment they seem to be on a parallel course, just a little behind you. Maybe half-a-dozen or so.

Ahead and to the right, you can see the source of the flames. A whole bunch of burning brush and branches is piled up around the base of an oak on the other side of the clearing. To what end is unclear

http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=556142 Listen: 16+9-5 = 20[/sblock]

[sblock]Neraw's listen check turns up nothing except the crackle of flames and the rustle of leaves
http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=556140 5+3=8

Both move 30' foward. Now 90' from the Goblin [/sblock]

Round 8:

The goblin has either not acted, or is delaying
Over to you

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Land Outcast

Uncertain of what the goblin is waiting for, Neraw approaches just some more steps and launches the javelin at the goblin, immediately holding his sword in two hands before the weapon pierces goblin... or earth.


As Neraw moves foward for his throw it becomes apparent what the goblin was waiting for. It screams defiance and rushes at the three of you with spittle dripping from it's maw, and the sort of fury you'd expect from an orcish berserker twice it's height. Ordinarily the goblin would easily sidestep Neraw's throw, but it crazed with bloodlust and reckless in it's onrush and it barelt even seems to notice the wound, deep though it might be.

It swings it's massive mace in a mighty two handed blow that cracks Neraw just above the knee and gives a cry of triumph. It's now in a position for Korik to attack it, it ducks under his hammer blow, but the sickle slices into it's arm. Above the commotion you can both hear the rustle of bushes as more goblins rush through the undergrowth on your flank.

Neraw - Move 30' and attack
Korik - Move 30' (I'll assume he attacks it)
Goblin - Ready action to charge when you get within 80'

Neraw's attack: = 13, damage = 10 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?u=Neraw&limit=on

Goblins attack = 25, damage = 11 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?u=Wilphe&limit=on

Korik, attacks = 12 (Miss), 16 (HIT) Damage = 7 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?u=Korik&limit=on

Goblin 10/46 (+2CON)
Korik 30/35
Neraw 23/34 (+2CON)
Grim 2/6

Goblin: was 23, n7
Korik: 3
Neraw: 7


Round 9:

The goblin, having struck once, backs off as fast it arrived and flees into the bushes to your left to join it's fellows. You can see that you have hurt it quite badly, as it leaves a trail of blood behind it.

[sblock]It withdraws, and disppears into the undergrowth[/sblock]
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Land Outcast

Dammit! a trap, since the beggining

Neraw retrieves his shield, knowing from the chase that he won't be able to outrun the goblin, he instead stands his ground waiting for the next goblins to show up.

"We were set up"

And he calls Korik to stand beside him, so as not to allow themselves to be sorrounded.


The reply, such as it is, comes out from the woods:

"Nasty green-blood half-human. Weak as hooman, stoopid as orcling. We eat dog before you, then we wind you guts round tree and you see that too."

"Then we feed you friend to Maglubiyet. He hungry, you too weak and too stoopid to be good meal. Us give you to weasals as toy"

There's the sound of whooping and laughter from the woods around you, but none of them seem willing to press an attack at this time.

Land Outcast

Neraw slowly moves beside Korik, hoping his companion doesn't launch himself head on to the undergrowth concealing the yellowskins, he remains silent... waiting...


Korik smiles at the goblins' taunts. "Maglubiyet is the king of cowards," he says. Knowing that the woods will prevent missile fire and that the cowardly little things will actually have to show themselves to attack, Korik turns away from the wooded area and moves toward the fire. He is especially on the look-out for anything else out of the ordinary.

Voidrunner's Codex

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