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Bother Around Beregost

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Hammer raised and ready to strike, Korik breaks into a full run after the foul little creature. The moment he is able to bring his weapon down upon the all-but-dead goblin, he does so.


Korik puts his best foot foward and does his best to run the goblin down, while it looks like a faster runner than him, it has had to pick itself up from the ground so he can easily pass it for the moment. It will probably pass him again, but if he's ready he can get a swipe at when it does so.

Korik, Grim and the goblin all leave Neraw for dust as he toils along in his heavy armour. Though both notice that ahead and to the right the woods seem to begin to thin out, the smoke is coming from that area.

[sblock]Long and hard experience of fighting goblins has taught you that goblins run for two reasons: One, they are scared; Two, they want you to follow them.[/sblock]

Initial distance:
Goblin - Korik, 70ft
Goblin moved 40ft, was 110 feet away
Korik can move 150ft in a full round run so can get up to 40ft in front of it so it will provoke an attack of opportunity if it moves past him.
Neraw can only move 80ft at a run so it will still be in front of him no matter what
Again I'll assume that Grim is with Korik.

Neraw <-30 ft -> Golbin <- 40ft or less -> Korik/Grim
Travelling left to right

I would think that the best way to do this is to state that Korik can get up to 40ft ahead of the goblin and stand ready to make an attack if it tries to get by, Grim can do the same.
Let me know how far ahead you want to get.[/sblock]

Land Outcast

A goblin who shoots and comes to the open just to run away?

"Watch your step Korik!" *heavy breathing* "There might be a trap!" And he keeps running...


Wilphe said:
Korik puts his best foot foward and does his best to run the goblin down, while it looks like a faster runner than him, it has had to pick itself up from the ground so he can easily pass it for the moment. It will probably pass him again, but if he's ready he can get a swipe at when it does so.

Korik, Grim and the goblin all leave Neraw for dust as he toils along in his heavy armour. Though both notice that ahead and to the right the woods seem to begin to thin out, the smoke is coming from that area.

[sblock]Long and hard experience of fighting goblins has taught you that goblins run for two reasons: One, they are scared; Two, they want you to follow them.[/sblock]

Initial distance:
Goblin - Korik, 70ft
Goblin moved 40ft, was 110 feet away
Korik can move 150ft in a full round run so can get up to 40ft in front of it so it will provoke an attack of opportunity if it moves past him.
Neraw can only move 80ft at a run so it will still be in front of him no matter what
Again I'll assume that Grim is with Korik.

Neraw <-30 ft -> Golbin <- 40ft or less -> Korik/Grim
Travelling left to right

I would think that the best way to do this is to state that Korik can get up to 40ft ahead of the goblin and stand ready to make an attack if it tries to get by, Grim can do the same.
Let me know how far ahead you want to get.[/sblock]

Rather than pass the goblin and risk being flanked y his disgusting little buddies, Korik will stay behind him and strike with his hammer as soon as he is able.

OOC: Since running is a full round action, I'll assume that I won't be able to attack this round. Once Korik is this close to the goblin, however, he should be able to stay on him until the next round, when he can charge and attack. (At least that's the way I'm seeing it - maybe you have something else in mind.)


Round 2:

The goblin continues to run away, but Korik is right behind it and able to get in a good few swings at it. The first goes well wide, but the second mighty swing of the hammer should have put it down but somehow the goblin does just enough to make it a glancing blow. The follow up blow with the sickle just nicks it's wiry little arm, at the same time as Grim's jaws clamp down on a wayward part of the hides that clad it. Neither blow slows it down however and the goblin soon puts a distance between itself and Korik.

As you're right behind it you will get an AOO for it leaving your threatened area, and you can ready an action to charge it as it does so.

AOO: = 10 (Failure)
Readied Charge: 23, 11 points of damage with the hammer. 22 ,3 with the sickle
Grim's charge also takes a bite out of it.

Goblin: 6+17 = 23
Korik: 2 +1 = 3
Neraw: -1 +8 = 7

Hit Points:
Goblin 24/38
Korik 30/35
Neraw 30/30

Korik moves 60' (I'll assume he gets all the double move from the charge
Goblin moves 150'
Neraw plods along at 60'

Neraw ->30' -> Korik and Grim -> 90' Goblin


Confused and even more enraged, Korikmakes another attempt at felling the sneaky goblin. He hears Neraw's pleas, and will take the wreched creature alive if he can, but will hardly be sorry if the thing happens to die on the way to the ground.


Round 3:

It's a very rare goblin that can outrun Korik, but this is one of them. Whenever Korik feels like he might be gaining the goblin finds a little bit extra, and then some more. The trees are definatly beginning to thin out off to the right and Korik can see a clearing opening off to the right. The source of the smoke appears to be on the other side of this clearing.
Goblin moves 200'
Korik moves 150'
Neraw moves 60'

Neraw 120'-> Korik-> 140' Goblin[/sblock]

Round 4:
As it reaches the edge of the clearing the goblin turns and readies a javelin and shouts something taunting in broken common at Korik, it sounds roughly like "pigface". In the other hand it pulls out a small gourd and drinks from it, flinging the empty container back down the path at you.

[sblock]The smoke appears to be coming from wood pilled around the foot of one of the trees, and though it's hard to tell with you running so fast and some trees in the way- there is something odd about the grass in the clearing. It doesn't sit right.[/sblock]

Goblin has taken a '40 move and readied a javelin; then drunk a potion.
It's now 180' from Korik and 300' from Neraw.

Goblin 27/38
Korik 30/35
Neraw 30/30


Over to you to move[/sblock]


As the goblin stops to ready his javelin, Korik slows to a hustle. There is obviously something to this one, and he'll make his approach with caution, hopefully giving his partner time to catch up. Korik continues his approach, but slows to a hustle, staring the thing dead in the eyes. Both weapons are at the ready. His massive chest is heaving as sweat and spittle roll down his face, and those nearby may wonder if it is Grim or he who is growling loudest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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