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Bother Around Beregost

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Round 2 Continued:

Korik swings like a dervish at the nearest goblin, it ducks under his hammer, but the pojt of the sickle digs into it's torso and nearly rips out a rib. It's four companions drop their bows and rush at Korik, drawing crude, but visciously spiked morninstars as they do so. One of thier blows goes wide, but three connect, one hits his knee, another slams into his torso and a third clips his ear.
They haven't yet moved to flank and surrond him but it is only a matter of time. Girm however succeeds in taking another one out of the fight with a vicious bite to the leg, Neraw charges in and cleaves a second clean in two with a mighty blow of his sword.


S. Goblins drop bows (free action), move on Korik (and draw weapons), attack (standard action)
Neraw - Charge

Goblins - N 17+1 = 18
Gnoll 18+0 = 18
Korik 10+1 = 11
Goblins - S 9+1 = 10
Neraw 10-1 = 9

Korik 12/35
Neraw 23/34 (+2CON)
Grim 2/6

2 goblins (unwounded, left standing at the southern end of the clearing)
5 closing from the North


While Korik knows the damage he is taking could eventually be lethal, he is too proud to retreat now. Adjusting his grip on his father's faithful hammer, and with a renewed vigor, Korik begins his assault again, vowing that if he is going down, he's going to take every last one of these vile beasties with him.


Round Two:

Korik strikes out at the two remaining goblins but hits only air. Grim is on top of the goblin he killed earlier and shredding the dying corpse. The two goblins left standing swing at Korik, and either by fantastic coordination or brilliant luck both do so at exactly the same time leaving him unable to dodge effectively. The heads of the weapons slam into either side of his torso, nearly driving the breath from his body.
Neraw sees the ranger staggered and greviously wounded and channels Helm's power to staunch the bleeding.

The rest of the goblins are still running down from the northern end of the clearing, not about 120' away. The gnoll has jumped to the ground, snatched up a burning branch from around the tree is is also heading your way, behind the goblins, though they seem not to have noticed.

Korik hits air
Goiblins both crit, but only one confirms
Neraw casts CMW


Goblins - N 17+1 = 18
Gnoll 18+0 = 18
Korik 10+1 = 11
Goblins - S 9+1 = 10
Neraw 10-1 = 9

Korik 2/35
Neraw 23/34 (+2CON)
Grim 8/6



[sblock]It's a conspiracy! Geez... how much horrible luck can a guy have in a day? ;-)[/sblock]

Almost wishing he hadn't gotten into this mess, Korik realizes that it's too late to back out now, and goes for another swing.


Round Three:

Korik lashes out the goblins, his hammer again going wide but his sickle catches one of the vile creatures in the throat and it collapses desperatly trying to staunch the flow of blood from it's severed artery. Grim jumps at the other from behind but misses, the remaining goblin steps back, and to the side, out of immediate reach. Neraw takes the opportunity to cast another healing spell on Korik.

Round 4:

The goblins coming down from the far end of the clearing, now about 120' away, see that their comrade is out of melee and that they have a clear shot, accordingly they shoot again, only one arrow finds its mark in Korik, and that goblins cry of triumph is cut short as the gnoll comes up behind it and bull-rushes it into one of the pit traps.

There are now 4 standing with bows about 120' to the north, and one backed up against the bushes 20' away to the east.

Goblin withdraws and backs up to the side against the bushes, so as to leave it's fellows a clear shot.


Goblins N = 18
Gnoll = 18
Korik = 11
Goblins S = 10
Neraw = 9

Korik 10/35
Neraw 23/34 (+2CON)
Grim 2/6
(Got Korik and Grim's hit points rounf the wrong way just now)


Koriks rushes the last goblin, the goblin goes to parry his sickle, suceeds but barely has time to scream before his hammer pulverises it's skull. Neraw mutters a few words, the air around him fills with thick mist blocking the goblins view of you and you can see him scuttle from the southern edge of the cloud into the bushes, "I think we should get out of the open."

Round five:
There's a roar of flame and the sweet (to Korik anyway...) sound of a goblin screaming in prolonged agony to the north, the gnoll bursts through the barrier of mist and barely looks at the two of you before itself plunging into the bushes and heading south, "This way", it yells, in suprisingly unaccented common.



Korik -Charge and kill
Neraw - Cast Obscuring Mist [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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