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Bother Around Beregost


Korik picks a suitible spot and settles down under a clump of bushes by a small pond. You might not be able to stand up, but it is dry and the bushes should discourge any unwanted guests. Unless your unwanted guests are tasloi, koblods, goblins or others of similar stature of course. But even they would make enough noise pushing aside branches and trampling dry leaves and twigs in the process of getting to Korik to wake him up.

The night passes quietly, there isn't any uneartly screaming, random predator or mysterious mist. The next day looks to be fine and sunny, with maybe a little rain due in the afternoon. Moving on?

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Breakfast first; perhaps a little fishing in the pond, then they'll be moving on. I suppose Grim and Korik will continue this course of action; moving, resting, and eating; until we have either gone as far as they need to go or until they find something of interest that merits investigation.


You reckon you might make the Stone Circle Thalantyr mentioned by the end of the day if you push on. Then again, all kinds of things may interfere with that schedule...

Fishing yields a few small perch before the Korik and Grim press on their scouting mission. Once again there aren't that many animals around, and those they do see are generally moving southwards with purpose. Their tracks are all around and cannot be considered out of the ordinary.

Shortly before the warm late morning sun reaches its zenith, the half-orcs keen eye spies a new set of tracks. To the untrained eye they look like trampled folliage and scuffed dirt, such as a large group might make. Korik's eye however is far from untrained, he knows that this trail was laid by a group of humanoids walking with a slow, shuffling gait. Generally speaking only zombies walk like that, and the odd piece of decaying flesh and rotting clothing found about their path only confirms that. Grim's reaction to their lingering unnatural scent confirms it.

So, there are about a dozen or so zombies ahead of Korik, it looks like they walked down as far as this spot, then turned around and headed back in a northerly direction. They are fairly fresh, probably made during the night.


Korik suddenly wishes he hadn't lost his cleric somewhere along the way. Regardless, if there are zombies about, it is probably better to encounter them during the day and in full light, so he presses on, on full alert and weapons at the ready.


The trail carries on for a mile or so with no sign anything out of the ordinary except the shambling dead walking the forest floor during the hours of darkness. At this point however the trail gets a little disturbed, it's a little difficult to work out what happened but Korik's keen eye notes a few broken branches at the side of the trail that can't have been caused by zombies and a thick foot long hair that looks like nothing from any mammal.

Unfortunatly his mind is quite putting the pieces together fast enough and something large is coming at him from the bushes very quickly.



Korik hopes his hands are quicker than his mind at this point, and swings his hammer wildly at the thing coming at him. "Grim!" he yells, putting his friend on alert.


The bushes part as a spider the size of a carthorse bursts through them and out on to the path. It's grey spindly legs sprout foot long hairs like the one on the ground and it's many, many eyes look at Grim while something that might or might not be salivia drips from its mandibles.

Finding that Korik is between it and Grim it's eyes then swivel upwards to regard the halforc with an emotionless unintelligence as it turns and faces him, then rushes him. It's sharp proboscis punches through the armour on his upper thigh, pumping a does of noxious venom into his bloodstrem. Unfazed the half-orc swings wildly but the hammers head fails to connect with the arachnids carapace. Grim snaps at its equivalent of ankles, bit fails to do any damage to the thing.

Suprise round:
Spider moves through undergrowth too thick to charge through

Round one:
Spider charges Korik and bites for 5 damage
Korik resists poison
Korik and Grims attacks miss

Spider 8
Korik 6

Spider 22
Korik 34/39
Grim 14



Suprised, and angered, by the bite, Korik unleashes a gutteral roar with the swing of his hammer, followed by another deadly swing with his sickle.

(full attack, please remember that I added vermin as a favored enemy at 5th level.)


The Spider lunges foward at Korik again, time catching him on the arm and pumping venom deep into his bicep. The halforc's head swims as this time the venom takes effect but this doesn't stop his roar of anger and triumph as the hammer catches the hideous creature firmly in it's thorax. Grim again snaps at the thing but fails to connect.


Spider 14/22
Korik 28/39 + 2 points STR
Grim 14


Voidrunner's Codex

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