Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive TTRPG Makes $1M In Under An Hour

Can it beat Avatar Legends' $10M record?


The highly anticipated Stormlight Archives TTRPG Kickstarter--now renamed the Cosmere RPG--broke the million dollar barrier in under an hour, joining the million dollar Kickstarter club.

Published by Brotherwise Games, the game encompasses Brandon Sanderson's entire universe of novels. It includes a world guide, a rulebook, and an adventure called Stormlight Stonewalkers. It's a new game system, based on a d20 mechanic with talent trees and skill-based magic.

The question now is whether it can beat the Avatar Legends TTRPG's almost $10M record? Avatar hit the million dollar mark after the first few hours, so--at least at this point--the Cosmere RPG is tracking ahead of it. Brandon Sanderson already holds the Kickstarter record for the most funded project ever--his novel series made over $40M on Kickstarter in 2023!


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Book-Friend, he/him
The world book for Stormlight is focused on the time period after book 5, so I guess spoilers are unavoidable for the books. But as a person who has read 1.5 of them currently, the images don’t mean enough to me to spoil things. If you know what the pictures are showing I am sure they stand out as key reveals. But, not knowing, they lack that immediate impact for me personally.
Recognizing many of these images, that was my thought too: they show stuff, but they don't spoil stuff.

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Haven't read any Sanderson yet, I guess Mistborn is the perfect entry point? Or go directly to the Stormlight Archives? I'm not too keen to read something not completed, I've been burn.


Stormlight Archives, the first era, completes this year—in about two months, I think. Sanderson has been extremely open about his work progress, and it's just about a polished final draft. (I don't remember the exact stage it's in based on his self-reporting on his YouTube channel, but that's the ballpark.)

In short, you won't get burned by Stormlight Archives.

I don't think it matters which you start with. I, personally, like Stormlight Archives much more, but I am much more into epic fantasy. with lots of characters and viewpoints. If you prefer a novel that is equally good, but with a narrower scope and smaller word count, go Mistborn.


Book-Friend, he/him
Stormlight Archives, the first era, completes this year—in about two months, I think. Sanderson has been extremely open about his work progress, and it's just about a polished final draft. (I don't remember the exact stage it's in based on his self-reporting on his YouTube channel, but that's the ballpark.)

In short, you won't get burned by Stormlight Archives.

I don't think it matters which you start with. I, personally, like Stormlight Archives much more, but I am much more into epic fantasy. with lots of characters and viewpoints. If you prefer a novel that is equally good, but with a narrower scope and smaller word count, go Mistborn.
I think this gets the point across:



Thanks, I'm a Malazan fan so I think Stormlight Archives makes more sense. But there's another variable in my case of non-ending series; translation. Just to give you an idea, the French book editor that was responsible of Red Rising decided to not translate the sixth and final book... wth :(


Book-Friend, he/him
I might be behind on the thread posts since this picture but looks like Wayne Reynolds…not a visual draw to me nowadays.
It is Wayne Reynolds, imitating old time Dragon magazine style: this was their informational magazine they were selling at Gen Con. Most of the rest of the art is not really Reynolds styled.

The joke is that Chasmfiends are basically crab-dragons.

Because on Roshar...everything is a crab.
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Dire Bare

Brandon Sanderson is primarily a fantasy author who tackles a wide variety of topics in his books, including but not limited to: mental illness, colonialism, trauma, oppression, religious fanaticism, and how power affects people. He is often praised for his in-depth world building and magic systems. The Stormlight Archive is an epic fantasy series taking place on an alien world thrown into chaos after the mysterious assassination of the king.*

*It is hard to say more than this without spoiling the books. IMO part of the magic of The Way of Kings is becoming immersed in the setting and slowly learning how it works. You do not need to read any of the rest of the Cosmere to understand or appreciate the Stormlight Archive. The same goes for Mistborn and all other Cosmere books and series. There are more connections and crossovers than say Stephen King’s books, but so long as you start with the first book in its series, you can read and appreciate it without reading the other Cosmere books.
Good comparison to King. King's stories (or series) are independent and you don't need to read his entire body of work to "get it". The connections between his stories are just an extra fun layer on top. I view the "Cosmere" in the same way. You don't need to read Mistborn to get Way of Kings.

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