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Break of Dawn [Manzanita judging] COMPLETED

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion sits and politely eats Graven's meal, even daring to enjoy himself a little. He asks their host, "Milord, I would like to know exactly what it is we are after and what kind of dangers will present themselves."

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Eanos, human monk

Rystil Arden said:
as she does this, she hasn't quite put away her mirror yet--in fact, she presents it as a standard action to see if he recoils and is unable to get within five feet of her. If he doesn't, her mind is finally set at ease.

Eanos wrinkles his nose as he wonders after his new companion's apparent vanity. Given her previous warnings, however, he does take the chance to study his new employer as they sit down to eat. As Quarion seems to have opened the questioning, Eanos contents himself to eat, listen, and observe.

[sblock=OOC]Eanos hasn't encountered any undead and has no ranks in Know: Religion, so there's no way he'd be able to make a check to identify a vampire, let alone know any of its weaknesses.

He does, however, have a nice +11 in Sense Motive, so let's put that to use over dinner to see if we catch our employer seeming insincere / holding things back.[/sblock]


Graven adresses Mordik in reply to his question: "Offcourse master dwarf. I am sorry my servant Dunbar could not disclose too much information to you. I am very wary of other... collectors trying to add this item to thier collection before i can. The object i hire you to retrieve is an part of an ancient treasure, the amulet of dawn. It is an very old relic and will fit perfectly in my collection. The amulet is said to have been used to rid an ancient evil once threatening land far away. It is supposed to be some kind of protective device. I am not sure these tale bare any truth concerning the amulet's powers but it's story alone makes it a valuable price. As for the dangers, i know little of them. I have read that there is supposed to some great power guarding the item. This power is not to be underestimated. It is written that it is to keep the two halves from joining, probably to keep anybody from using it against a force of evil. I assume it is hidden in some type of ancient.. temple.. shrine.. or something like that. What other dangers may lay in your path to it don't know. This.. shrine is said to be hidden in a forest near the town of Dawn. It's name cannot be of coincidence. I will supply you with directions to reach it. I suspect it will take you no more than a week to reach it on horseback. I am sure you will be resourcefull enough to find it form there. I would appreciate it if you embark on your mission tomorrow morning, for it is still quite a journey."

After that he adresses Odno: "I am sure there will be time for that after you return. Unfortunately i have some business to attend to after dinner. By the way. Should you be in need of any supplies, my assistant Dunbar may be of service. The manor holds many stocks, some of which i had brought in for your journey."

[sblock=Eanos]You get the feeling he is not telling you all he knows or that he is not telling his tale completely truthfully.[/sblock]


Odno Hibas, male human psion. AC 14, HP 10/10, pp 2/3

Odno reclines on his chair and meditates on the Amulet of dawn for some time, trying to recall anything he may have heard.

[sblock=crunch details]
I'm rolling a Knowledge check, Arcana or History for Odno and his Psicrystal. Both have the same bonus, so you choose which one is the relevant roll.

The first roll isn't very good (13 for both) so I'm using Call to mind and sharing the power with the psicrystal. This time Odno manages a 24.[/sblock]
Last edited:


[sblock=Odno]You recall some things about the amulet of Dawn. It was crafted by a sect of druids to contain a threat of some demonic force. It was hidden by the sect after the threat was dissolved. It was broken in two peices which where both hidden in different locations. The sect was a group of powerfull druids who comitted themselves to fight otherworldy evil."[/sblock]


First Post
B4cchus said:
[sblock=Eanos]You get the feeling he is not telling you all he knows or that he is not telling his tale completely truthfully.[/sblock]

Eanos stops eating, furrowing his brow as he takes a drink from his cup.

"It's hardly a good sign when a business relationship begins with one party withholding from the other," he says coldly, eyes locked in study of their potential benefactor. "Nor does it bode well for our own success if we enter into this quest ill- or misinformed."

"I notice you mentioned someone joining halves of this amulet? I assume, then, that we are only seeking out a piece of it. Would you have the rest of it in your possession already?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Any response to Aletheia?)

'Hmm...I bet that the amulet contains the evil in such a way that bringing the halves together can release it. The classic scam, but if that is his dream, then it is not my place to discourage it. That reminds me of Aggy. Her most recent idea is a lot like that one, actually--I wonder how she's doing with it? I'll ask her next time I see her. Sis...she's always been the talented and beautiful one.'


ooc: no particular response to Aletheia. Graven probably thinks he responded to her question with his answer to Mordik. I assume you refer to "A pleasure to meet you sir. My name is Aletheia. My companions and I would like to hear more about this item you wish us to retrieve,".

Graven answers Eanos' stare with a determined look in his eyes "I assure you i do am not sending you off without any information i am sure you need to succeed. How would it be in my best ineterest that you should not succeed? I assure you our goals are the same you. Your succes is also mine."

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: That and the mirror thing. If he doesn't recoil and shakes her hand, she's content)

"I assure you, good sir, that it is our intention in helping you fulfill your dreams, whatever they may be. I am a priestess, and Ulura is the goddess of secrets, so I keep all secrets in the closest confidence, so if there is something that you do not wish to say in front of everyone, you can feel comfortable telling me in private. I promise to keep your confidence while using the information to increase our chances of success. I also promise that no matter what you tell me, it will not affect our resolve to continue."


B4cchus said:
ooc: Lord Graven apears normally in any mirror you would try to reflect his image.
I thought this covered the mirror part. Graven doesn't react in any -special- way to the mirror.

To Aletheia he responds "Thank you for your offer but i feel no desire to share any secrets that i may or may not have."

Voidrunner's Codex

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