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Broken Paladin's Code Help


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Re: Feeling sick.

ekibismuth said:
I think that the paladin should suffer some physical illness as a result of breaking his codes. This could be real(divine) or psychosomatic.

With the Paladin's special resistances, that'd be a real wake-up call!

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A spiritual dimension

I don't know if you permit evil PCs. (I don't, so this would potentially be a trip to NPC villaindom in my campaign).

The premise:
-The character is already being tempted by evil. Why else would he abandon his code for a few paltry hunks of metal? Why would he deny the barony the equipment it could use to defend its people? Why would he steal from the widows and orphans of his companions?
-So, since he's already begun to give in to temptation, why would it end there?

The Beginning:
The character finds that he's lost some of his powers (he's really lost all of them but how does he know he's not immune to fear anymore or that he doesn't have divine grace or divine health?). This much is a necessity. The character has violated about half of the explicitly stated minimum levels of the paladin's code in the PHB. As the player of several paladins, I wouldn't expect them to keep their powers after this. The next time he stops into his church or his order, he finds a priest preaching on honesty or a holy book open to the words "Thou shalt not steal" or something like that.

If the character immidiately repents and seeks out atonement fine. Otherwise, proceed to act 1.

Act 1.
The paladin is presented another chance to lie and steal. Walking throught the street, he finds a heavy purse with a lot of gold and a sigil embroidered on it. If he identifies the sigil and gives the purse and its contents back, he escapes. Otherwise, continue: a young woman wearing a signet ring with the same sigil as the purse approaches him or his companions. She seems very distraught and is asking everywhere about her purse. She should seem sympathetic but not so sympathetic that the ex-paladin would think he'd be starving 10 children and sentencing her father to debtor's prison by keeping the purse. No need to give his conscience too much ammo. (The woman is actually a demon/devil/evil cleric with trickery domain who left the purse deliberately to tempt him. He'd know if he were still a paladin but now his detect evil isn't working--not that you tell him that. He just concentrates and doesn't see any evil auras).

Act 2.
A merchant, prince, or superior (actually the same demon or a different one) approaches the ex-paladin to guard a shipment of goods or a chest of gold for a time while he negotiates. It should be clear that the individual is somewhat shady (if the paladin assumes that the gains are ill-gotten, let him). If the paladin takes some of the money (the chest isn't locked or secured), proceed further.

Act. 3.
Now that the ex-paladin has demonstrated a reliable weakness for wealth, have the shady individual approach him again. This time, he's asked to do something slightly against the law and slightly evil for good profit. (Maybe breaking some kneecaps to "encourage" someone to engage in a "business" deal or something like that). Maybe it's twisting an oath or agreement he's made in order to pervert its intent and pervert justice. If he accepts, his paladin status may no longer be gained by atonement. Proceed further.

Act 4.
At this point, it should become clear that his deity has abandoned him completely. Maybe he develops a disease. Maybe healing spells no longer work properly on him. He's approached by someone who offers to cure the disease/heal him (again, the demon/devil/evil cleric (with trickery domain) mentioned earlier). During or after the healing, the tempter mentions how he's been treated unjustly by his god. He didn't do anything wrong after all. If the character mentions the theft, the tempter assures him that it's not a big deal--anyone would've done the same. The tempter should offer justifications for his actions--the baron was just going to keep the money for himself; the girl was rich and didn't deserve the money; the dwarf would do much more good for more people with the money, etc.

Act 5.
The tempter should develop a more open relationship with the dwarf, encouraging bitterness and justifying the dwarfs actions. When the time is right, the tempter offers the character some of his powers back. ("here's a chance to get back at that deity who treated you so unjustly, etc.") If the dwarf accepts, he's an ex-paladin blackguard. Otherwise, he may be an evil fighter of some stripe. Or maybe, he'd be on the road to redemption (although not the regaining of his powers. . . .)

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I haven't read all the other comments, but I'll give you my brief take:

If the Paladin in the game I run is in danger of making a decision which is against his code, I play the part of his conscience - and remind him of the relevant part of the code, or perhaps just mention "something in you doesn't think this is a good idea".

Most of the time he modifies his action, on one occasion he went through with his action and displeased his god... he didn't lose his paladinhood, but he did lose all access to divine magic and smite evil until he had atoned for his wrong actions.

I want to help people playing Paladins to do what is right, and to play the character appropriately rather than cane them for getting it wrong.

After all, in real life we have consciences too, eh?

(most of us :))


First Post
"(but how does the priest find out?) "

If you're going to make the Paladin's Paladin powers fail and fizzle and such, you could have one of the party members tell a priest about it and he'd know what to do.


Registered User
Don21584 said:
"(but how does the priest find out?) "

It's probably not unknown for the Paladin's deity to bring word of a troubled paladin to the local clergy.

Priest: Hello?
Deity: Whazzup?
Priest: Nothing, G.
Deity: Yeah, look, there's gonna be a slapped-up homie coming in tomorrow.
Priest: Got it, G. You want I should do the old atonement and stay in school speak?
Deity: Sounds fly, check you later

Paladin: Ex-paladin, servant of Evil, how may I help you?
Deity: Hey, it's me, Santa Clause. If you want your presents this year, go see Churchy P for the Word.
Paladin: 's cool.
Deity: Did I mention the eternal damnation?
Paladin: I'm so there.


First Post
Elder Bask, I really like your temptation idea. It's chock full of interesting twists. The aforementioned baron has been noticebly single and his people are getting concerned. They don't want the barony to pass into someone else's hands.

Conveniently enough, Baron Algar has been seen recently with a certain noblewoman. She's living in exile from an empire in the north (recent military coup) and would make a fine Lady Algar. Of course, she's the succubus the PCs accidentally freed in an earlier adventure. (She's really enjoying her time out and about the mortal realms again.) She would make an excellent temptress if I choose to go that route.

If it helps anyone with the suggestions, the PCs will most likely be investigating the old Temple of Elemental Evil (RttToEE) in the near future.

Of course, enrious has had the most original response. I think I may have the dope priest and the whack succubus vie for control of the poor PCs soul. He won't know who to trust by the time it's over. If he gave in to the temptation, it would be NPCdom for him, but thems the breaks.

Thanks again.


First Post
Yeah, I think he should shortly discover that his powers are gone or at least seriously dampened. Then he should have the vision or the talk, but it doesn't have to be a "You better get your act together speech." Maybe, the vision/priest can suggest that the road that a paladin must follow is very difficult and full of temptation, and that maybe it would be easier for the character if he gave up trying to follow this code and gave up being a paladin. He can be a fighter and that is still cool. However, if he makes amends and is determined to be a paladin and lead his life in a noble way then I would slowly return his powers as he began to prove his determination. There is no disgrace in becoming a normal fighter, either, though.


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andrew said:
If it helps anyone with the suggestions, the PCs will most likely be investigating the old Temple of Elemental Evil (RttToEE) in the near future.

Ooh! Tie this into the story! I only know RttToEE from the Knight of the Silver Quill story hour, but if I remember correctly, there's a lot of subverting of existing religions going on? Maybe your paladin can be one of the first to fall for it.

You could send in a fellow "paladin" (really blackguard) of the Eye of Kord or Eye of Heironeous to guide him further along the path. Dunno how much that would mess up the module, though...


First Post
Thanks for the compliment. I think that the Enrious's response is very good too. Combining the ideas would be excellent--the ex-paladin's god won't take the subversion of his servant lying down, after all. Of course, the paladin might not like being "preached to" or "bossed around" particularly if his deity chose someone he thought he was better than to do the correcting. That would give the fiends a chance to work on the paladin's pride as well which would make it even more interesting.

andrew said:
Elder Bask, I really like your temptation idea. It's chock full of interesting twists. The aforementioned baron has been noticebly single and his people are getting concerned. They don't want the barony to pass into someone else's hands.

Conveniently enough, Baron Algar has been seen recently with a certain noblewoman. She's living in exile from an empire in the north (recent military coup) and would make a fine Lady Algar. Of course, she's the succubus the PCs accidentally freed in an earlier adventure. (She's really enjoying her time out and about the mortal realms again.) She would make an excellent temptress if I choose to go that route.

If it helps anyone with the suggestions, the PCs will most likely be investigating the old Temple of Elemental Evil (RttToEE) in the near future.

Of course, enrious has had the most original response. I think I may have the dope priest and the whack succubus vie for control of the poor PCs soul. He won't know who to trust by the time it's over. If he gave in to the temptation, it would be NPCdom for him, but thems the breaks.

Thanks again.

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