BrOp's Age of Worms Adventure Path (OOC)


The man with the probe
Erekose13 said:
Looks to me like there are two interpretations:
1. Artificer makes Artificer only scrolls, which he doesnt need to use UMD to activate, but no one else can use them.


2. Artificer makes Arcane or Divine scrolls, which he needs to use UMD to activate, the appropriate type of caster can use them freely.

Personally I always read it as 2 and would keep it that way in my games. Either way its up to you. I think 1 tends to favor the way that Fixit is created at the moment.
I agree that either of these two ways works better. I think that #2 is more appropriate given he is simulating the spells, but #1 might be better for the artifacer, and keep in the spirit of scrolls and not give easy access to us wizards for spells.

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Erekose13 said:
That one seems to be really nerfing the Artificer because it would apply to their wands and staves too, making the wand master a really bad direction for the Artificer to take.
This is true, I hadn't thought about this. Although an artificer who qualifies for the Cannith Wand Adeptprestige class would have a sufficienty high UMD score. Still, it would be a problem.


First Post
I've been having some righteous computer troubles lately. I'm taking the machine in on monday to have it wiped, I guess. Anyhow, I need you NPC my character for a few days. Maybe less, maybe more. This goes for you to Bront, in your Hanable's Hunters game.


lotusetaer said:
Mulch has the lamp in his backpack, and insists on keeping it. People are going to have to reason with him to get him to pull it back out again. And he doesn't want to keep pushing the coffin. Mulch is a person who has a hard time sticking to something, except for a couple of things that can hold his attention for a long time. So first he was interested in the sarcophagus, then the chamber that popped up, and now the circles on the floor.

I understand that you want to play your character, but this is a large party, and pbp is slow. The lamps have obviously something to do with the room, maybe they are needed to avoid a trap or to move further, and others could want to to something other than watch your character do things.


Branding Opportunity said:
I noticed that a few of you don't have your action points notated on your character sheets. Don't forget you have them!

also, mulch follows the luck domain, so he can get a reroll once per day. so if it's something pretty important, you should probably check if i want to use a roll before posting a result. in general, i will try and let you know if there is a situation where i might want to use a reroll before i take the action, but obviously with some saves and surprises, i wouldn't have the chance to let you know before hand.


Someone said:
I understand that you want to play your character, but this is a large party, and pbp is slow. The lamps have obviously something to do with the room, maybe they are needed to avoid a trap or to move further, and others could want to to something other than watch your character do things.

well, i certainly have the good fortune of mostly working out of my home, which means i have pretty regular access to posting. so i'm certainly not trying to monopolize all the action. i just have the ability to respond quickly to posts.

in any case, someone, if your character thinks the lantern is important for some kind of mechanism or to avoid a trap, then he should say so directly to mulch. the ironic part is that when he picked up the lamp, i figured it was worthless, and could be something innocuous for him to latch onto as an object of his interest. i think it's pretty funny that it may now turn out to be something important.

and so everyone knows, to me the most interesting part of pbp is the interaction among characters. if you are just waiting to jump from one encounter to the next, then it can drive you crazy. this one's been fun so far because we have so many different characters who all have a background together, and yet everyone has a pretty clear personality to react to. i love it when people take the time to give their characters some backstory and personality.

Ranger Rick

First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
I noticed that a few of you don't have your action points notated on your character sheets. Don't forget you have them!

Lacking the books to read, and never having used them before, how many do I have?

I have never understood the concept of action points.

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