Knight Otu
First Post
What I have so far. I guess there'll be changes to improve the character.
Meldain, Chaotic Neutral Human
Medium Humanoid (Human), Rogue 1
Age: 17 years
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 152 lb
Speed: 35 ft.
HD: 1d6+1 (Rogue)
HP: 7 hp
Str: 11 [3] (+0)
Dex: 17 [13] (+3)
Con: 12 [4] (+1)
Int: 15 [8] (+2)
Wis: 8 [0] (-1)
Cha: 12 [4] (+1)
Base Attack: +0 (+0 Rogue)
Grapple: +0 (+0 BAB, +0 Str)
AC: 14/15 (+3 Dex, +1 armor/+1 dodge)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Fort +1 [+0 Rogue, +1 Con]
Ref +5 [+2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Will -1 [+0 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Action Points: 5
Patron Deity: Would be Olladra, if he cared enough to learn more about the gods.
Club +0 melee; 1d6 bludgeoning; x2
Club +3 ranged; 1d6 bludgeoning; x2
Dagger +0 melee; 1d4 piercing or slashing; 19-20/x2; Range Increment 10 ft.
Dagger +3 ranged; 1d4 piercing or slashing; 19-20/x2; Range Increment 10 ft.
Skills: 44 [Rogue]
Balance +5 [2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Bluff +5 [4 Rogue, +1 Cha]
Climb +4 [4 Rogue, +0 Str]
Disguise +2 [1 Rogue, +1 Cha]
Escape Artist +4 [1 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Gather Information +2 [1 Rogue, +1 Cha]
Hide +7 [4 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Jump +4 [4 Rogue, +0 Str]
Knowledge (local) +4 [2 Rogue, +2 Int]
Listen +1 [2 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Move Silently +7 [4 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Open Lock +5 [2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Search +6 [4 Rogue, +2 Int]
Sense Motive +1 [2 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Sleight of Hand +5 [2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Spot +1 [2 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Swim +1 [1 Rogue, +0 Str]
Tumble +5 [1 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Use Rope +5 [1 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Feats: Dash, Dodge
Special Abilities: Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding
Equipment: Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb), bedroll (1 sp, 5 lb), 6 daggers (12 gp, 6 lb.), club (0 gp, 3 lb), padded armor (5 gp, 10 lb.), peasant's outfit (-, -), waterskin (1 gp, 4 lb), trail rations x2 (1 gp, 2 lb), common lamp (1 sp, 1 lb), 1 pint of oil (1 sp, 1 lb),
Load: 34 lb.
Carrying Capacity: 38/76/115 lb.
178 gp 8 sp in coins.
Languages known: Common, Dwarven, Elven
Description: A tall and thin young man, Meldain, has long black hair and blue eyes. While he usually wears the common local clothing, he also obtained a padded armor he sometimes wears when he anticipates more trouble than usual. His eyes twinkle with hunger for action.
Background: Meldain has a reputation as a local troublemaker – a reputation that is well deserved. He is overconfident, and likes to play tricks on people, sometimes showing up where he shouldn't. As a result, Meldain has learned to rely on his speed and swiftness when he is being chased once again.
He considers himself a charming guy, and believes he could win anyone over after playing a trick on them. He is also quite certain the girls in town love him, despite plenty of evidence against it.
Meldain, being the only child in his family, and losing his father to the Last War at a young age, formed closer bonds to his friends than to his mother, especially to the changeling Pak and the dwarf Mulch.
As his thrillseeking has sometimes led him outside of Diamond Lake, Meldain has learned the value of being armed, but he sees no value in getting any of the more martial weapons, such as crossbows, and keeps to daggers and a club.
Meldain, Chaotic Neutral Human
Medium Humanoid (Human), Rogue 1
Age: 17 years
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 152 lb
Speed: 35 ft.
HD: 1d6+1 (Rogue)
HP: 7 hp
Str: 11 [3] (+0)
Dex: 17 [13] (+3)
Con: 12 [4] (+1)
Int: 15 [8] (+2)
Wis: 8 [0] (-1)
Cha: 12 [4] (+1)
Base Attack: +0 (+0 Rogue)
Grapple: +0 (+0 BAB, +0 Str)
AC: 14/15 (+3 Dex, +1 armor/+1 dodge)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Fort +1 [+0 Rogue, +1 Con]
Ref +5 [+2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Will -1 [+0 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Action Points: 5
Patron Deity: Would be Olladra, if he cared enough to learn more about the gods.
Club +0 melee; 1d6 bludgeoning; x2
Club +3 ranged; 1d6 bludgeoning; x2
Dagger +0 melee; 1d4 piercing or slashing; 19-20/x2; Range Increment 10 ft.
Dagger +3 ranged; 1d4 piercing or slashing; 19-20/x2; Range Increment 10 ft.
Skills: 44 [Rogue]
Balance +5 [2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Bluff +5 [4 Rogue, +1 Cha]
Climb +4 [4 Rogue, +0 Str]
Disguise +2 [1 Rogue, +1 Cha]
Escape Artist +4 [1 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Gather Information +2 [1 Rogue, +1 Cha]
Hide +7 [4 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Jump +4 [4 Rogue, +0 Str]
Knowledge (local) +4 [2 Rogue, +2 Int]
Listen +1 [2 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Move Silently +7 [4 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Open Lock +5 [2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Search +6 [4 Rogue, +2 Int]
Sense Motive +1 [2 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Sleight of Hand +5 [2 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Spot +1 [2 Rogue, -1 Wis]
Swim +1 [1 Rogue, +0 Str]
Tumble +5 [1 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Use Rope +5 [1 Rogue, +3 Dex]
Feats: Dash, Dodge
Special Abilities: Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding
Equipment: Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb), bedroll (1 sp, 5 lb), 6 daggers (12 gp, 6 lb.), club (0 gp, 3 lb), padded armor (5 gp, 10 lb.), peasant's outfit (-, -), waterskin (1 gp, 4 lb), trail rations x2 (1 gp, 2 lb), common lamp (1 sp, 1 lb), 1 pint of oil (1 sp, 1 lb),
Load: 34 lb.
Carrying Capacity: 38/76/115 lb.
178 gp 8 sp in coins.
Languages known: Common, Dwarven, Elven
Description: A tall and thin young man, Meldain, has long black hair and blue eyes. While he usually wears the common local clothing, he also obtained a padded armor he sometimes wears when he anticipates more trouble than usual. His eyes twinkle with hunger for action.
Background: Meldain has a reputation as a local troublemaker – a reputation that is well deserved. He is overconfident, and likes to play tricks on people, sometimes showing up where he shouldn't. As a result, Meldain has learned to rely on his speed and swiftness when he is being chased once again.
He considers himself a charming guy, and believes he could win anyone over after playing a trick on them. He is also quite certain the girls in town love him, despite plenty of evidence against it.
Meldain, being the only child in his family, and losing his father to the Last War at a young age, formed closer bonds to his friends than to his mother, especially to the changeling Pak and the dwarf Mulch.
As his thrillseeking has sometimes led him outside of Diamond Lake, Meldain has learned the value of being armed, but he sees no value in getting any of the more martial weapons, such as crossbows, and keeps to daggers and a club.