BrOp's Age of Worms Adventure Path (OOC)

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First Post
A former player in my group played Warforged Fighter. He was THE tank. Adamantine Body, etc. He wielded a Bastard Sword and a shield. But First round of combat, he would charge the closest enemy. Second round, drop the shield and charge another enemy. He would go back and forth doing this type of thing. It was odd.

And combat? what combat? Pak will just smooth things over with aggressors.


Hi all,

As soon as I get home from work tonight, and sort out the kids dinner etc, I'll set about sorting Fixit's stats. I'll post them as soon as I'm done.

Looking forward to this, we have quite an interesting party forming.



Bront said:
So we have 2 Rogues (one leaning towards Egoist as a second class), a Warlock, a Wizard, an Artifacer (Stats Pending), A Ranger (Archer), A Cleric, and A Barb. We're sort of lacking a tank (thought the Cleric should be good, it's a dwarf). If you're willing to take 9, the Psi Warrior would give us another frontliner.
OK, fine, twist my arm, 9 it is (I am such a pushover). I'll probably regret having this many folks in the group, but at least it won't be dull! ;)

BTW, I have no problem with two rogues in the group. You get such a wide skill selection that they are the most diverse class by definition.

Erekose13, still interested?


The man with the probe
Candide, you might find this class interesting. It's from Races of Desitny, but everything in on the site. Changelings are able to enter the class too. It fits well with the testing your limits of changing, and gives you all sorts of interesting flexibilty.

The Chamelion


First Post
I've thought about that class. A lot actually. I have the book. I'm on the fence about it really. I know it would be cool, but I'm not sure I guess. Can't wait for this game to start.


Candide said:
I've thought about that class. A lot actually. I have the book. I'm on the fence about it really. I know it would be cool, but I'm not sure I guess. Can't wait for this game to start.

well, considering we have another rogue, maybe that's just the nudge you need to give it a try. sounds pretty cool to me.

and we certainly do have an eclectic bunch forming.


The man with the probe
It fits the concept, it gives us some extra combat capabilities, cleric capabilities, and even arcane abilities, and still augments your regular abilties.

You'd have to take Able Learner at 1st level (I think), but no big deal.

It's up to you though.

I am creating a Rogue's Gallery thread so that everyone can post their completed characters. I'd like to make my first IC post this weekend, so would it be too much to ask everyone to finish their characters (with all the tees crossed and the eyes dotted) by Friday? Let me know.

I can also let you know that I will be doing most of my posting in the evening EDT, and on weekends. I am pretty busy weekends, and generally only have time to shoot off the occasional short post.

Here are also a few notes for the posted characters:

Someone: Your BAB and Grap should both be +0, as far as I can see.
Bront: Just curious why you chose Extend Spell as a feat. Plan on casting double-duration cantrips?
Ranger Rick: I know your character is just a rough outline, but you're Fort save should be +3.

Voidrunner's Codex

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