BrOp's Age of Worms Adventure Path (OOC)


The man with the probe
Ok, so far, we have a Warlock, a Wizard, an Artifacer (stats Pending), a Ranger (archer), and a Rogue.

We have another Rogue and a Cleric also proposed.

We need one more fighter type, preferably a frontliner. Especialy because we're missing any sort of frontliner at the moment.

BTW, since we're starting at first, I think it might be a good idea to post your vision of where you want to go. In case you plan on multi-classing at some point. Might help give a clearer vision.

Edit: I'll likely finagle a point into KN: Local. Probably tonight.

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I trying to tie a human psychic warrior in with the group and I am having trouble working on a background. Here are a couple of ideas and my thoughts.

Kerwyn Renegal:

Idea: an ex-Cyran who fought during the last war. lost everything an followed the rest of his ex-pats to Breland. with the tragedies of the war he is trying to get away from his memories and take up life in a small farming community. he hasnt been able to make a go of it because of post war trauma and falls in with the young adventurers as a grizzled depressing ex-soldier who is somewhat suicidal.
Thoughts: really depressing to play.

Idea: recently returned from a monastery in Adar where he trained with Kalashtar psychic warriors. Young, yet wise beyond his age, he has returned to his place of birth following prophetic visions of ...
Thoughts: more interesting character, but the idea hasnt really coalesced yet.

Idea: House Orien dragonmarked scion of the family, born in Diamond Lake to a distant and unknown branch of the house. Joins his friends on quests, yet has had little contact with the house. Perhaps encounters in the future will lead him to his extended family and his destiny.
Thoughts: ties directly to setting, just thought of this one :)

Any help is appreciated, as I would like to make this character more than just a fun line of stats to play, which he currently is in my head.

Erekose13 said:
I trying to tie a human psychic warrior in with the group and I am having trouble working on a background. Here are a couple of ideas and my thoughts.

Kerwyn Renegal:

Idea: an ex-Cyran who fought during the last war. lost everything an followed the rest of his ex-pats to Breland. with the tragedies of the war he is trying to get away from his memories and take up life in a small farming community. he hasnt been able to make a go of it because of post war trauma and falls in with the young adventurers as a grizzled depressing ex-soldier who is somewhat suicidal.
Thoughts: really depressing to play.

Idea: recently returned from a monastery in Adar where he trained with Kalashtar psychic warriors. Young, yet wise beyond his age, he has returned to his place of birth following prophetic visions of ...
Thoughts: more interesting character, but the idea hasnt really coalesced yet.

Idea: House Orien dragonmarked scion of the family, born in Diamond Lake to a distant and unknown branch of the house. Joins his friends on quests, yet has had little contact with the house. Perhaps encounters in the future will lead him to his extended family and his destiny.
Thoughts: ties directly to setting, just thought of this one :)

Any help is appreciated, as I would like to make this character more than just a fun line of stats to play, which he currently is in my head.
Well, you should play whomever you will have more fun developing as a character, but I like the House Orien concept :)


Hmmm... seems that warlocks have knowledge: the planes as class skill, but not knowledge: local. For them, it´s easier to know what´s going on in Shavarat than in the towm´s square. I´ll see what I can do.


Kerwin Renegal; human psychic warrior 1; HD 1d8+1, hp 9; Init +2; Speed 30'; AC 16 (+4 armor, +2 dex), flat-footed 14, touch 12; Bab +0, Grapple +3; Atk +3 melee (2d4+4, spiked chain) or +2 ranged (1d6, shortbow); Reach 10'; SA psionics; AL LG; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +5 (4), Knowledge (psionics) +2 (1), Search +3 (2), Ride +3 (1), Climb +3 (2), Swim +1 (2), Jump +3 (2), Knowledge (local) +2 (1cc); Stand Still, Exotic Proficiency (spiked chain), Least Dragonmark (Mark of Passage, dimensional leap 1/day).

Powers: 1pp
1st: Metaphysical Weapon.

Equipment: Spiked Chain, Chain Shirt, Short Bow, 20 arrows, backpack, map case, flint and steel, silk rope, 5 torches, waterskin, 5 rations, traveler's outfit, 2 belt pouches, 24gp, 4sp, 5cp.

Description: tba

Personality: tba

History: tba

House Orien it is :)
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well, thanks to the encouragement, here's my dwarf. one note. i've never played in eberron before, so i only know the basics. i hope that won't be a problem. assuming i am part of the group, i will head out and get the eberron campaign setting as soon as we get started. but to start, my original concept is based on being a cleric of kord. what's the eberron equivilant?

in any case, i think i've created a background that will fit in nicely with some of the other characters. of course my concept is begging for someone to step up and play a gnome.

Mulch Longbeard
Male Dwarf
Domain: Luck Strength
Chaotic Good
Age: 43
4'4, 178
Brown Eyes, Black Hair

STR 15 +2
DEX 10 0
CON 16 +3
INT 10 0
WIS 16 +3
CHA 10 +0

HP 11
AC 14 T 10 FF 14

Speed 20'

Languages: Dwarf, Gnome, Common

Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greatsword)

Skills (Ability/Ranks/Other)
Craft-Alchemy +2 (0/2/0)
Disable Device +1 (0/1/0)
Speak Language (gnome) +1 (0/1/0)
Use Magical Device +1 (0/1/0))

Saves: (Base/Ability/Other)
FORT +5 (+2/+3/0)
REF 0 (+0/0/0)
WILL +5 (+2/+3/0)


Greatsword +2/ 2d6+3/ 19-20/x2
Dart(Thrown) +0/ 1d4+2/ 20/x2

Scale Mail
Great Sword
Artisan's Outfit
Torches (10)
Alchemist's Fire (2 flasks)
Darts (5)
Spell Component Pouch

Total Weight Carried: 68 lbs
Gold: 17.3

Domain abilities:
Luck: You have good fortune, useable once per day. When you use this ability, you may reroll any one roll that you have just made. You must abide by the new roll.

Strength: You can perform a feat of strength once per day, adding +1 to your Strength score for one round as a free action.

Spells prepared:

Obscuring Mist
Shield of Faith
Enlarge Person

Turns Attempts per day: 3

Mulch has been banished from his clan, because even at an early age, he could never conform to the strict laws of his brethren. His chaotic ways brought him into constant conflict with those around him. He strongly believes that goodness and mercy must always outweight any consideration for the law. He considers himself a champion of the weak and unfortunate, and is always ready to do battle for the less fortunate. --(He found his religious calling early in life, and was immediately drawn to Kord as his diety.)--

After being exiled while still a youth, he travelled the countryside until finding a home among a group of gnomes living in Diamond Lake, whose temperment better fit his own believes. He spent several years among them, and was trained in Alchemy. He adopted many gnome customs, learned their language, and was even given his name by them, having been stripped of his birth name. Although among the gnomes he is known as Longbeard, his facial hair is actually quite thin for his race. People who meet him always comment that for a dwarf, he is actually quite personable. His short presence is a formidible one, though in truth he is quite gentle unless roused to a fight.

Mulch can be quite mischievous, despite having reached young adulthood. Many people comment that he often is more of a gnome than most gnomes. He even shares their thirst for all things mechanical and chemical. In fact, the only thing that can keep his short attention span are mechanical gadgets and the like. Otherwise, he is always goofing off, playing practical jokes and making fun with his friends. He is especially popular with the young people of Diamond Lake, as he's always setting off fireworks and willing to play games.

Knight Otu

First Post
Well, Kord does not exist in Eberron. A deity that fits the idea would be Dol Dorn, who has the Chaos, Good, Strength and War domains, favored weapon longsword. Another idea would be following the whole Sovereign Host pantheon (granting access to most domains), of which Dol Dorn is a part of.

Knight Otu

First Post
A quick question: Did the Last War ever touch Diamond Lake in "our" time? IIRC Sharn wasn't really openly touched except by an attack by sea, and Diamond Lake is somewhat close. Of course, that's no guaranty.


First Post
I was thinking of multiclassing Pak with Psion(egoist). He has an interest in psionics, and the idea of changing the body goes rather well with my concept too. Other than that, I'm not sure. I'd to see how the group does for a few adventures before setting anything into stone.

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