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Anyone checking this series out? I honestly didn't expect to like it the previews didn't make it seem enticing to me. It seemed kind of twilight-y and geared towards the True Blood crowd (I didn't mind TB it just wasn't my thing. The g/f likes it and I'll half heartedly watch it w/ her). Honestly I didn't think the kid playing Arthur looked anywhere near kingly.

I watched the first 2 episodes and I'm really digging it. I don't think it will be GoT good, but it's equally as good as the Borgia's IMO. I liked the sword in the stone scenes quite a bit. Joesph Fiennes makes for a really cool Merlin. I like how the allude that magic has a price, and dig Morgan's scenes interacting with the dark powers. Purfoy as King Lot was a damn fine choice.

I guess it goes to show my don't judge a series by it's previews.

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Anyone checking this series out?

(. . .)

I don't think it will be GoT good, but it's equally as good as the Borgia's IMO.

I'm liking The Borgias slightly better but am enjoying both. I am also looking forward to GoT.

I liked the sword in the stone scenes quite a bit. Joesph Fiennes makes for a really cool Merlin. I like how the allude that magic has a price, and dig Morgan's scenes interacting with the dark powers. Purfoy as King Lot was a damn fine choice.

It's a good cast all around which is helping though Morgan's part is the best written so far. I like this Merlin, too, and it reminds me a little of the quirkiness that Nicol Williamson brought to the role without it being quite as comical (which is good, IMO). Fiennes is bringing a sinister/driven/strange edge t the part. It's an interesting side note that Helen Mirren who played Morgana in Excalibur is coincidentally having a career resurgence even as this Morgan(a) is doing so much good with the role. I think Camelot will grow even stronger as a show as more knights are brought on board, as the search for the grail becomes a focus (I hope), and as Mordred eventually arrives if the show goes that long into the legend. I like also how the setting and costuming are being handled as much grittier. The reinterpretations of earlier depictions of events are not bothering me, like the sword in the rock sequence, and it is making the whole legend somewhat fresh for me.


I'm liking The Borgias slightly better but am enjoying both. I am also looking forward to GoT.

It's a good cast all around which is helping though Morgan's part is the best written so far. I like this Merlin, too, and it reminds me a little of the quirkiness that Nicol Williamson brought to the role without it being quite as comical (which is good, IMO). Fiennes is bringing a sinister/driven/strange edge t the part. It's an interesting side note that Helen Mirren who played Morgana in Excalibur is coincidentally having a career resurgence even as this Morgan(a) is doing so much good with the role. I think Camelot will grow even stronger as a show as more knights are brought on board, as the search for the grail becomes a focus (I hope), and as Mordred eventually arrives if the show goes that long into the legend. I like also how the setting and costuming are being handled as much grittier. The reinterpretations of earlier depictions of events are not bothering me, like the sword in the rock sequence, and it is making the whole legend somewhat fresh for me.

I picked up Excalibur a few weeks ago out of a $5 bargin bin. I hadn't seen it since I was a teen and had forgotten Helen Mirren, Patrick Stewart, and Liam Neeson were in it. All my memories of it were how dark and violent it was it may not be b/c I still haven't popped it in the dvd to rewatch it.

The sinister/driven/strange edge is why I'm really digging Merlin. He always seemed less the kindly mentor that I remember from childhood and more of a manipulative not sure if you can trust him sort that I pictured him as I grew, and Fiennes is pulling that off brilliantly.

I'm also liking the reinterpretations for the same reasons. When I was younger I devoured anything Arthur related for years and then I hit that saturation point and couldn't stand anything remotely connected to Arthur. This is bringing back my love for the Arthur tales with their fresh take on them.

Fast Learner

First Post
I'm also quite enjoying it, also much to my surprise, and for all the same reasons.

And, of course, because the female leads are very easy on the eyes.

Hand of Evil

Just catching up on it, having missed the pilot. Been surprised also on how much I have liked it, most of the characters have been great but not sure about their choice for Arthur but see where that goes, everyone else is fantastic.

Stars has been kicking ass with these shows and rather looking forward to more...Robin Hood could be cool, but would love to see them take on a heavy Sword & Sorcery (other than Game of Thrones) show.


First Post
I like Merlin a lot (which is quite a thing for to me say considering I have never liked Fiennes in anything else), and I like how they portray magic, but I can't get into the show because of some major writing hiccups (at least imo).


Like in the first episode, when arthur takes a piss and some random dude jumps out and attacks him for no reason, then arthur kills him. Then we find out random dude was King Lot's son and some other hidden dude just happened to witness it all. WTF?

Or his meeting guenivere (or however you spell it). He's on a beach mourning, and his future queen just walks up out of the ocean.

I can suspend disbelief for things like arthur climbing a vertical waterfall even though he is 90 pounds soaking wet, But I draw the line at a show with this kind of budget and resources using such contrived tricks to introduce characters or plot points.

The sword in the stone backstory was wicked cool though, so if I hear that the writing straitens out by the end of the first season I will catch up.
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