Can Dextyr Keep All These Strikers Alive? (DM: JoeNotCharles, Ozymandias79 Judging)

"Twenty-eight thousand, nine-hundred and eighty-four gold?!"

Tonk grabs his chest, right above the heart, and swoons.

"And five hundred for resurrection?!"


"See? See?! This is problem with capitalism! Wheel of capitalism juggernaut is grease with blood of adventurer! And adventurer is me!"

"I no think is legally bind, yes? I no make agreement for quid pro quo. If church take action without legal agreement with me, church act gratis, yes? YES!"


"Hey! Hey! Look! Watch me! Look, I pull number out of poophole, too! I share wisdom of socialism, which is priceless. So, you OWE me money, now! But since I good socialist and not greedy church person, I call it even!"

Tonk's rant devolves into a tirade in giantish.

And he starts breaking things...

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Blade simply stands, gathers his meager possessions, and begins walking towards the door. He turns back to the others, "It was good to meet you punch-brothers, and sister, but this is not the path for me, these criminals hold no sway over Maros and he will bring me back, if he so desires. I will be no slave to these men who claim to have now placed a life-debt on us. I wish you well." the deva says, as he pushes through any of the remaining acolytes and exits the room, leaving the half-orc in his destructive rage.

And so ends the tale of Blade, the deva avenger... I will retire him now. Thanks for the fun guys!

As Blade begins walking out Dextyr hops off his bed and runs over to him.
"It was a pleasure fighting at your side Blade" Dextyr says and then shakes the Devas hand. "If you don't mind, may I please have your bill from the church - I have an idea to take care of this whole mess".
He takes the bill from Blade and gives the Deva a warriors salute as he leaves.

[sblock=Blades bill to Lauto]
We will need this to claim the bounty and then pay the church

Tonk stops in mid-rampage as Blade begins to leave. "Wait! No! No!"

He runs up and hugs Blade. "I miss you, Punch Brother. You be good, okay?"

Tristan gets up, walks over to Blade, and clasps his arm. "It was an honor, Blade. You have done your god honor while we were together. May Dayna and Maros both smile on you."

Turning to Mikara, he asks, "Weren't you saying something about these bills," he waves his in the air, "making us rich? Are ... we going to claim the bounty on our own heads?" Finally Tristan's solemnity breaks, a brilliant grin splitting his face. "Ha! Hahaha! Devious! Oh, and to be free of all this mess ..." he stares off into space for a moment, smiling, savouring the idea.
[sblock=Up and Coming]Well, I'm up for anything after this. It seems like we probably won't be killing the lawyers, unless we want to become wanted criminals (again), but I think it'd be fun to stick with you guys. Though maybe we should pick up a defender now :p[/sblock]

For each milestone Dextyr kept you alive to reach, you'll gain minor quest XP equal to the highest level encounter you beat. Also, the "double XP" proposal passed during the encounter with the drakes, so all XP awarded after that is doubled.

Since I last awarded XP, you successfully survived the following encounters:

Skill challenge: Chasing the Bandit (L1, complexity 3) = 300 XP
L2 encounter: 2 Hafling Slingers (L1), 2 Human Bandits (L2), 1 Deadfall Trap (L1) = 650 XP
Milestone! L2 minor quest = 125 XP
L1 encounter: Warforged Soldier (L5), 4 Rot Hounds (L1 minion), 2 Fell Taint Lashers (L1) = 500 XP
L2 encounter: Hobgoblin Subcommander (L3), Warhorse (L1), Spitting Drake (L3), Guard Drake (L2), Needlefang Drakes (L2) = 650 XP x2 = 1300 XP
Milestone! L2 minor quest = 125 XP x2 = 250 XP
L4 encounter: Crazed Necromancer (L4), Mad Wraith (L4), Specter (L4), Wraith (L5), 4 Wisp Wraiths (L1) = 825 XP x2 = 1650 XP
Skill challenge: Running Away (L2, complexity 4) = 500 XP x2 = 1000 XP
Milestone! L4 minor quest = 175 XP x2 = 350 XP
L6 encounter: Stone Elemental (L6 solo, half XP for bloodying) = 625 XP x2 = 1250 XP

Since you're all level 1, you get equal time XP: 4 months (July 26-Nov 26) x 83 XP x 5 characters = 1660 XP

Total: 8385 XP (1677 XP each)

No wonder the difficulties seemed kind of wonky. I could have sworn I set it up to go L1, L2, L3, L4, L6, but it actually goes L2, L1, L2, L4, L6. I must have totally miscounted the XP when setting up some of the encounters.

Luckblade +1
Boots of Stealth
Cloak of Distortion
Vanguard Mace +1
60 gp taken from dead hobgoblin
-28984 gp total debt to Temple of Lauto

I approve

Turning to Mikara, he asks, "Weren't you saying something about these bills," he waves his in the air, "making us rich? Are ... we going to claim the bounty on our own heads?" Finally Tristan's solemnity breaks, a brilliant grin splitting his face. "Ha! Hahaha! Devious! Oh, and to be free of all this mess ..." he stares off into space for a moment, smiling, savouring the idea.

Although Tristan was talking ot Mikara, Dextyr walks up with both his and Blades bills in hand, and a grin that nearly touches both ears.

"Well I'm not sure what Mikara mentioned before I got here, but that is precisely what I was thinking. See," Dextyr holds out the note, "It states right here that we were indeed dead, and if I can remember correctly all the bounty required was 'proof of our death'. Well, this is proof enough as far as I am concerned. And of course I expect that we all go. I just didn't want Blade walking off with the missing peice of the puzzel."

"By my math that should cover what we owe the temple here and leave us enough to do some shopping and celebrate our soon-to-be unwantedness"

Well if Joe does not have a follow up to this adventure then I would be up for any oother adventure with you guys. Not sure who is in the tavern right now, but defenately a defender would be great. Perhaps one of those Wardnes with the "life" flavor to them (to help out with the healing / lessen the damage taken) if there are any around. That or a Paladin would fit nicely with the group. Perhaps Tonk will be able to better achive flanking if we had a nice controlling type defender. Guess we will have to wait and see what comes along.

I'd love to run a continuation, but I need a break from DM'ing for a while.

On the other hand, if you feel like trying to get away with the entire 50,000 and renege on your debtpersuade the priests you don't owe them anything... I just thought of a great scene for that. It's be like a heist movie, where you've got the 50,000 and now you're trying to keep it.

(Now I can't remember whether it was 50,000 or 150,000... At that level it doesn't matter, though, obviously you're not going to end up keeping all of it as spending cash, but if you go on another series of adventures centering around it maybe you'll end up being able to keep a large fraction; or use it to bail somebody out and end up part owner of the Hanged Man or a merchant ship or something.)

Mikara hops down off of her stone table and shakes her legs,

"Though I agree with Tonk, on legal grounds,
that Lauto cannot charge for quid pro quo,
I feel that moral debt to them abounds
for watching us and staying death's cold blow.

I say we take heart,
claim our sum, and pay our debts.
Then, to the Hanged Man!

There we can drink what remains of our reward!"

[sblock=OOC]Sounds like a good hook, Joe, but I'm just as likely to take the 516 that's left over after the debt is settled. Mikara's been running long enough. I want her to be the hunter now.

All: It's been a blast playing this adventure out with you. If you guys want to go back to the Hanged Man, I would love to keep going with you, but I'm in the mood for a more diverse party (we're a bit skewed to the striker side of things).[/sblock]

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