[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Past DM: FourMonos. Judge: Peer Committee

[sblock=changed post]
The steady bombardment of rays blasts from the giant orb is beginning to take its toll on the cleric. I've...never...felt this...magic before! Hurt, confused and unable to move quickly, the cleric can't channel the healing powers she would like to to use on her comrades. Shaking her head to regain her bearings she reaches into her belt and pulls out a potion, pops the top off the potion and slowly brings it to her mouth, then drinks all of it. A surge of healing moves through her body. She looks up knowing this fight is long from over: Hang in there all. I will be able to apply aide to you soon...very soon. Closing her eyes to focus, Lerrick concentrates on the multiple magics that binds her and manages to dispel one of them.

movement: halved from being slowed
minor: grab healing potion
minor: drink healing potion

hp gained from drinking potion: _______

save vs slowed 17 Lerrick saves!

save vs immobilized 4 Nope :(

[sblock=Lerrick Stats]
AC: 22 Fort: 20 Reflex: 19 Will: 24
HP: 37/63 Surges: 10/10 Surge Value: 15
CURSED: none
STATUS: Immobilized (save ends)


  • Ritual Caster: Lerrick can preform and master rituals my level or lower
  • Pacifist's Reward: Lerrick, if her attack doesn't do damage, receives +2 temp hitpoints at the end of her turn.
  • Healer's Implement: +1 to healing power when ally uses a healing surge as a result of a power used by Lerrick
  • Pacifist Healer: an additional 1d6+5 to hp for each heal word Lerrick uses
  • Improved Defenses: +1 feat bonus: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
  • Group Vigor: Everyone within 10 feet of Lerrick receives 1 extra hit point when they spend a healing surge

Astral Seal
Sacred Flame

Knack for Success:

Channel Divinity: favor of the Gods
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Noble Presence
Healing Word (2)

Hymn of Resurgence
Bastion of Health

Life transference
Moment of Glory:

Iron to Glass:

Medic's Dagger: (Power)
Potion Bandoleer: Currently stocked with 6 healing potions
Healer's Broach: (Power)
Gleaming Diamond Bracers: (Power)
River of Life Gloves: (Power)
Armor Power:
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Drew stops as the terror spell dissipates and turns back toward the beholder, murder in his eyes. He charges back, slashing in a wide arc across the body of the orb and follows up immediately with a terrible round kick, slamming the orb back into the pavement harsh whisper again coming from the boy.

"The dragon lands with a tail sweep"[/sblock]

The beholder is left laying on the side, bleeding from the wide cut the monk made.

"You are so not going up, slimeball!"

Standard: Charge 1d20+16+2+1 = 29 (10d20+ 16 + 2 + 1)
1d8+8+1d6 = 14 (5d8+ 8 + 1d6)
- Drew gets +1 AC and Ref TENT, Beholder takes 7 ongoing damage (save ends) - each failed save gives Drew 5thp
Fallen Needle
Cranes Wings
Five Storms

Drunken Monkey
Swift Flight
Eternal Mountain
Iron Wolf Charge
Echoing Thunder
Mountain Fall Stomp

Second Wind

Masterful Spiral
Water Gives Way


GM: [MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION] Just a poke to see if you're ready. I'll post for Fhangrim unless someone else wants to... He is immobilized so range attack is necessary.

Vermitrax moves so he stands behind the defenders, but in front of the beast. He focuses his two eyes on central eye of the beholder and after a moment of concentration, his will overcomes the will of the monster which promptly bites down on its own eye waving around. Instinct saves the eye as the tongue pushes out, but it in turn gets nearly severed by savage bite.

OOC: I don't know if it attacks itself with CA, but it definitely gets +4 from the power :) Bite away [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION] :)


Move: I 28
Standard: Hypnotism vs Will (Beholder) (1d20+11+2=27) -
On hit: Beholder uses a free action to make a melee basic attack against itself, with a +4 power bonus to the attack roll.

Minor: sustain grabbing hand (Hand sustain damage (1d8+7=12))

Save: Saving throw vs ongoing (1d20+1=12) - saved

HP: 31/58 (after Raiyek healing him for 14 and taking 10 ongoing)

The steady bombardment of rays blasts from the giant orb is beginning to take its toll on the cleric. I've...never...felt this...magic before! Hurt, confused and unable to move quickly, the cleric can't channel the healing powers she would like to to use on her comrades. Shaking her head to regain her bearings she looks to those who need healing, specifically Vermitrax after taking a viscous blow from the paladin. Raiyek, I'll take care of his wounds!. Lerrick then closes her eyes she mumbles a prayer. As she does so wisps of silver mist form around the injured spell caster, then move towards the injured parts of his body healing all of his wounds. Satisfied with her work, she channels her powers on herself as well.

minor: healing word on Veritrax: 3d6+5 and Vermitrax spends a HS: total: 16 +14 (V's HS) = 30 hp with Vermitrax using one healing surge
action: second wind (encounter): Lerrick spends surge, healing for 15

save vs slowed 17 Lerrick saves!
save vs immobilized 4 Nope

[sblock=Lerrick Stats]
AC: 22 Fort: 20 Reflex: 19 Will: 24
HP: 52/63 Surges: 9/10 Surge Value: 15
CURSED: none
STATUS: Immobilized (save ends)

Ritual Caster: Lerrick can preform and master rituals my level or lower
Pacifist's Reward: Lerrick, if her attack doesn't do damage, receives +2 temp hitpoints at the end of her turn.
Healer's Implement: +1 to healing power when ally uses a healing surge as a result of a power used by Lerrick
Pacifist Healer: an additional 1d6+5 to hp for each heal word Lerrick uses
Improved Defenses: +1 feat bonus: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Group Vigor: Everyone within 10 feet of Lerrick receives 1 extra hit point when they spend a healing surge

Astral Seal
Sacred Flame

Knack for Success:
Channel Divinity: favor of the Gods
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Noble Presence
Healing Word (1)
Hymn of Resurgence
Bastion of Health
Second Wind:

Life transference
Moment of Glory:
Iron to Glass:

Medic's Dagger: (Power)
Potion Bandoleer: Currently stocked with 6 healing potions
Healer's Broach: (Power)
Gleaming Diamond Bracers: (Power)
River of Life Gloves: (Power)
Armor Power:


OOC: Raiyek doesn't spend his healing power
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Fhangrims beasts surge forward, adding even more bodies to melee.

Spirit blocks the path forward, little pigmy bear threatens with its claws while the big one tries to tear the beholder from behind. Of course, given the number of eyes, the try is not very successful. But the aberration is now completely surrounded.

Move: spirit (Ursa Maximus) to M27 - Drew gets +2 to defenses
fey companion (Ursa Minor) to M28 - everyone gets +2 to damage vs beholder
beastmaster companion (Ursa Major) to P29

Standard: 1d20+13+2 = 18 (3d20+ 13+2)
1d12+9+2 = 15 (4d12+ 9 + 2)

NOTE: everyone who spends a surge within 5 of Fhangrim heals extra 3 hp!

Adventure Dauntons Dead Past DM FourMonos Judge Peer Committee

it is and it wasnt that long ago 1910, when they got back they were sent to France as the 1st world war had started.....how can we moan today?

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