D&D General Can you solve these D&D Riddles? (And write your own!)


He / Him
Here are some fun riddles I came up with this morning over my cup of coffee.

Each group has four words. Three have something in common: they can each be turned into a D&D-related compound word or two-word phrase by adding on another common word. One word, however, doesn't match the rule.

To solve each riddle, you must find the rule, and identify which word doesn't follow that rule.

For example, if I give you:

Spike, mage, flayer, master

The answer is "mind" and the outcast is "mage." Mind can be combined with the other three words to create Mind Spike (a spell), Mind Flayer, and Mastermind (a rogue subclass).

Got it?

Now try these, and then create your own! Please use spoiler tags to hide your answers.

1. Devil, spiked, mail, door

2. Orc, under, vision, elf

3. Slayer, manual, beast, rust

4. Great, bow, coast, short

5. Speech, gnome, water, cave

6. Failure, point, critical, dice

7. Book, mage, sword, open

8. Wild, history, detect, missile

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So, to add a couple more:

9. Cat, monstrous, swarm, sword​
10. Dragon, piece, raven, toad​
11. Bear, giant, serpentine, snake​
12. Fish, magic, thoughts, undead​
13. Walk, wall, whispering, sneaking​
14. Dark, lava, shape, warp​
15. Giant, skin, spear, tell​
16. Bear, guard, map, tentacles​



He / Him
So, to add a couple more:

9. Cat, monstrous, swarm, sword​
10. Dragon, piece, raven, toad​
11. Bear, giant, serpentine, snake​
12. Fish, magic, thoughts, undead​
13. Walk, wall, whispering, sneaking​
14. Dark, lava, shape, warp​
15. Giant, skin, spear, tell​
16. Bear, guard, map, tentacles​

9. Cat, monstrous, swarm, sword
Not sure about this one!

10. Dragon, piece, raven, toad
Silver? Silver dragon, silver piece, silver raven (figurine of wondrous power). Outlier: toad.

11. Bear, giant, serpentine, snake
No clue!

12. Fish, magic, thoughts, undead
Detect. Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts, Detect Undead. Outlier: fish. But a Detect Fish spell would be pretty great!

13. Walk, wall, whispering, sneaking
Is this Wind? Wind Walk and Wind Wall are 5e spells, I think Whispering Wind was a 3e spell. Outlier: sneaking

14. Dark, lava, shape, warp
My guess is Wood? Darkwood, Shape Wood, Warp Wood. Outlier: lava. I'm not too sure about this one.

15. Giant, skin, spear, tell
Lost on this one!

16. Bear, guard, map, tentacles
Black. Black Bear, Blackguard, Black Tentacles (Evard's). Outlier: map[/spoilers]


9 Cat, monstrous, swarm, sword
humanoid, humanoid cat (tabaxi), monstrous humanoid, humanoid swarm outlier sword
11. Bear, giant, serpentine, snake
Owl, Owlbear, Giant Owl, Serpentine Owl outlier snake

15. Giant, skin, spear, tell
Stone, Stone giant, Stoneskin (spell) Stone tell (spell) outlier Spear


Chryssis: Spot on with 11 and 15. Your answer to 9 is not at all what I had in mind, though. Without giving away my intended answer (in case anybody still wants to give it a shot), the three correct entries for #9 all match up with the same word to create three monsters, one of which is a Forgotten Realms specific creature and may not currently have 5E stats. (I honestly have no idea.)


Voidrunner's Codex

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