D&D General Can you solve these D&D Riddles? (And write your own!)


And, in case anybody still wants to play, here are several more:

17. Dire, moon, sun, swarm​
18. Bug, dragon, piece, wood​
19. Assassin, bear, gold, tiger​
20. Dragon, eagle, giant, kill​
21. Change, coin, shifter, wild​
22. Arcane, bite, tree, tyrant​
23. Bane, shadow, turtle, willow​
24. Berry, detect, feast, smite​
25. Claw, fire, gem, water​
26. Breathing, living, silent, turning​
27. Assassin, abishai, dragon, steel​
28. Air, dark, spirit, water​

I'm closing down for the night, though - I'll check back in the morning. Later!


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Voadam: Wow, you've been busy!

You are absolutely correct with your answers to 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, and 28. However, you came up with something different for 17 and 27 than I had in mind.

17: I'm not aware of "moon bear" or "sun bear" being D&D terms. If they are (and I'm just not aware of it), then congratulations on finding an alternate answer.​
27: Likewise, I'm not aware of "green steel" being a D&D term. But you're very much on the right track with this one!​



Voadam: Wow, you've been busy!

You are absolutely correct with your answers to 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, and 28. However, you came up with something different for 17 and 27 than I had in mind.

17: I'm not aware of "moon bear" or "sun bear" being D&D terms. If they are (and I'm just not aware of it), then congratulations on finding an alternate answer.​
Yeah I forgot about it being D&D related, the bears came to mind and worked. It sort of works as D&D often uses categories like "brown bear" to represent multiple real world species but I am also not aware of specific D&D entries or mentions for those specific species.
27: Likewise, I'm not aware of "green steel" being a D&D term. But you're very much on the right track with this one!​

Baatorian Green Steel.

Otherwise it will be Assassin, Red Abishai, Red Dragon, Red Steel . . Go Mystara!
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Voidrunner's Codex

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