CG's Dragon of Icespire Peak [IC]

Charwoman Gene

Bella, Fitz and Rorik:

You left the Triboar Trail behind a few hours ago, and you are currently following a cart trail through the forest. The woods open up just ahead, a sharp escarpment rises on either side of the road. There are two dead horses lying in the road. There are black-shafted arrows sticking out of both horses. What do you do?

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Bella whispers to the others, "Could be an ambush." She ducks into the bushes to hide but apparently there isn't nearly as much underbrush as she thought there was.

Stealth: 1d20+5 8


"Aye, an ambush it is," agreed Fitz, "Just like how me and my mate Calahan woulda done it, gods rest him."

Though after he said it he thought it looked cruder than he and Calahan would have set it up, not that they had ever been fancy about things. Still, it was almost certainly an ambush. The best way to deal with a trap, he always found, was to set it off. He nodded to Ulrik and gestured down the road, as if he expected the larger man to go strait toward it while he slipped off to the side.


Fitz stayed low while he tried to work his way around to flank the ambush site from the left side. He had chosen an animal trail through some brush to follow, which kept him pretty well out of sight, and he was being pretty quiet, but unfortunately he couldn't see a thing.

OOC: I have no idea how to cut and paste on my phone. My laptop will be out of the shop hopefully Mon or Tues and I will move Fitz to the RG then. Also, I can't post my rolls, but I got a 14 Stealth and a 6 Perception on Coyote (hence my description) but I can't copy it over so you'll have to take my word for it. I will get back to normal soon! I hope.

Charwoman Gene

OOC: I have no idea how to cut and paste on my phone. My laptop will be out of the shop hopefully Mon or Tues and I will move Fitz to the RG then. Also, I can't post my rolls, but I got a 14 Stealth and a 6 Perception on Coyote (hence my description) but I can't copy it over so you'll have to take my word for it. I will get back to normal soon! I hope.
No Problem.

OOC: FYI, [user], unlike the old [mention] does not send a notification.
EDIT: Or I turned it off by mistake. I hate notifications from apps. I'm turning that one back on.

Bella remains "hidden". She is ready to eldritch blast anyone she sees brandishing a weapon.

Charwoman Gene

Rorik moves forward towards the horses. Three goblins pop out of the brush, two on the east, one on the west. They fire their shortbows, one striking Rorik's chain, bruising him a little. They are now visible.

To your surprise, Rorik doesn't charge the hill, he instead gestures towards the goblin and a beam of blue white light shoots towards them, but misses.

Bella and Fitz, you up and the goblns do not appear to see you. There are two to the east and one to the west.


Voidrunner's Codex

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